Thursday, June 09, 2005

Alumni Choir!

ok, I know this is my third post in an hour. shut up! yesterday, I called Sean three times in an hour just to hear him say his own name in the voicemail introduction, then leave a retarded message. I seem to have backslided into a new degree of patheticness.

OK. I have a proposition for everyone, and anyone who is, or has ever been in the Wellington Choir. For those of you who have been part of an amazingly awesome year (read: last year), then had to lower your standards for a new group of annoying grade eights (read: this year), you obviously understand how much Mrs. Sinclair hates it! So, we have been throwing about the idea all year of an alumni choir.

No one is quite sure how this would work, and in fact, it's not *officially* even happening yet. But I'm sure with a good response, Mrs. Sinclair would do it. After all, look at the people she's lost to Grad in the past five years! Some ideas about how it would be, is that it would be a separate choir, not affiliated with Wellington (although, I hope we keep the name). We would practice probably at night, and arrange our own performances. Nobodys said anything, but I'm almost positive that for the first few years, we'd all have to pay something--a membership fee or something. And I'm pretty sure Mrs. Sinclair intends on making it audition only. At least she should. There is a tiny miniscule chance that has been brought up, but not discussed, that she would make it interschool. So anyone graduated who wants to join. But the basic idea is those who have been in choir with Mrs. Sinclair for a number of years.

So, I'm not going to say that this is definitely happening. But I think that with a good response, it has a super good chance. So, Kevin, Geoff, Niki, Amanda, twins, twins' sister Sarah, this year's grads, anybody who has graduated in like the past five years (because I'm positive Mrs. Sinclair would LOVE people like Mike Olsen, and Wilson Pascoe to come back) you should ALL make multiple repeated HARRASSING phone calls to Mrs. Sinclair urging her to do this! Because the only way it'll succeed is with a large number of past students, and a tonne of commitment. Now I am going to die if I never have Mrs. Sinclair again, because honestly, I am just not ready to let go of her choral apron strings. So, all should come and talk to her about it! Spread the word!



K said...

Sounds like somebody needs to take matters into her own hands.

I'm in for alumni choir. *thumbs up*

The question is, what about basses? I would prefer not to work with Drew if at all possible.

VivaLaPinto said...

Drew is NOT invited. Like I said, audition only.

barbara_mary said...

Oooh!! Oooh!! Can I join please??

VivaLaPinto said...

I'm sure you could, Barba-ra-ra-ra. I doubt she'd deliberately exclude you! :)