Monday, March 20, 2006

I'm gonna bend you over and make you see rainbows!

Ok, I have to pontificate, for the benefit of certain Libratorbs, about the rules inherent with fucking around with theatres. Yes. There are rules.

You see, when a normal first attends a theatre party, most likely they will be surprised at the apparent amount of promiscuity that we indulge in. But, woe on the poor uncool sap who thinks that that means we are easy lays. Because with certain exceptions, we aren't. We have rules, and they are understood by all, and shall be learned by those who want to tap that. Rule number one, there is such a thing as party monogamy. Seems silly, but once you dick around with somebody at a party, there can be NO ONE ELSE. They are yours for the night, and that's all there is to it. Even if you never see them again after that night, it is still acceptAble, as long as the rule of party monogamy is observed. You start fucking around, they're your party spouse, and that's that. Rule number two: gossip is bad, but unless you intend to be a bad friend, pay attention to what your friends do at parties. This also happens to be part of the Girls' Code, so the fact that I have to repeat it is just sad. (Barbara, this isn't aimed at you, I *heart* you) It's like stealing a bag of oranges from somebody's grocery cart. Or being adulterous with a party spouse. youhave to ask yourself, "who is this person affiliated with? have I already seen them going at it with somebody else?" and never ever EVER, under absolutely NO circumstances is one friend allowed to tap that which has already been tapped by another.

Now I feel impelled to point out (ha! impelled by Laura) that all of this pertains to Second base and beyond. What makes a theatre party a theatre party, as opposed to a particularly slutty normal party, is the fact that we allow our people to make out with as many of each other as they wish. But the minute the bikini rule is broken, party monogamy is in effect, bitch. For those of you who have no idea what I am talking about, touching above clothes is classified as second base.

This is kind of like rule number oneA: don't fucking hit on everyone, you big sluts out there. Theatre people are randy, we are not loose. Or at least we shouldn't be. Ok, as much as theatres adore their sexual intercourse, we understand that emotion is involved. And nobody wants to feel like a peice of meat. We at least, if nothing else, want to know that you want us for our particular awesemity, NOT because we are the first person, or drunkest person you see. Nobody will will tap that for you, if you just macked on the BFF. (I am the grandest of grand; sorry, had to insert that in there.)

Certain Collective feels the need to add to the list not having sex while the BFF is asleep beside you on the bed. But she has been overruled two to one, so we are going to ignore her.

Collectively Written,
Yours Collectively

The Collective


Anonymous said...

i will agree

very entertaining... with the truth all up front


MattyRob said...

God Bless Nanaimo Theatre parties...

the fact that you have rules to this, just blows my mind...

barbara_mary said...

hahaha, oh what a good point... the fact that we have to have rules for this is AWESOME. And by awesome I mean we're all going to Hell.

Pineapple Princess! said...

I figure hell must be underrated...

Akiyhrah said...

The world must know that theatre people are NOT out to have sex with everyone they see!!

Brianna said...

I love being in the collective, cause we are the grandest of grand

Joe Guitar said...

Yah the make out with many people is OK thing had to be established. I brought Matt to Donna's and he was kinda shocked when I told him the girl he was making out with had made out with like 3 other guys. Come on man...THEATRE PARTY!!

VivaLaPinto said...

i'M SURPRISED bEN aFFLECK THOUGHT THAT WAS (oops, caps lock) odd, seeing as how he seems to be out to make out with every girl in sight at every single party ever... :D

Anonymous said...

eh dude... jordan...

thats not fair to say "c'mon theatre party" because... she isnt in theatre... she has probably never been in theatre... she just lives in dorms

and this my friends is why i dont go to dorm parties O.O

VivaLaPinto said...

whos she,Amber? wht are you talking about?

Anonymous said...

um.. the girl from Kaitlyn's party...

the one that made out with three guys (including jordan and matt) and also the friend she brought...

she lives in Morden House... the first one when you drive into the dorms....

Akiyhrah said...

See Jordan, there's a differance though. The thing about "Theatre Party" is that we all make out with other theatres cuz we are comfortable around each other and know it's all in good fun. When the normals come in, they think we'll go for any random person who shows the slightest interest in us.
Come on,
We're horny, not despirate.

Joe Guitar said...

Agreed, but it's pretty hard to get desperate, if you're constantly going to theatre parties :P

VivaLaPinto said...

NOT TRUE! Me and Becky and Pam all go to the theatre p-tays and we're not exactly desperate, but I don't find myself drowning in guys wanting to do me!

Akiyhrah said...

Same here! I'm not desperate at all, and I haven't hooked up with anyone at a party, BECAUSE I'm not. And I've been to nearly every theatre party. Theatre student doesn't equal slutty ho-bag.

Anonymous said...

jordan i think you should give up

i think they won

Joe Guitar said...


I'm just saying if you want to you can. The opportunities are there. I'm not saying because one goes to theatre parties one must slut it up, I'm just saying theatre parties provide ample opportunities.

Anonymous said...

hmmm this post was very controversial

Akiyhrah said...

Well if you want to think that way, then ANY party would provide ample oppertunities. There will be easy people at any party, not just the theatre ones.

Anonymous said...

yah good point

coz you know whats worse than theatre parties...

dorm parties...

and again... that is why i dont go to them... people are constantly hooking up.... ARGH I HATE THE DORMS!!!!!!!!!!!

VivaLaPinto said...

I think what makes Jordan think those things about theatre parties as opposed to the normals' parties s that we are blatantly obviously sexual and we advertise that times a lot. So people who like to go arond slutting, see this blatant sexual advertisement and try to take advantage of it. But what the don't realize is that it's really a minefield of etiquette, and one wrong step will blow your chances with anybody else to SMITHEREENS.

Laura said...

holy. comment number 24.
well...i'm gunna say that our theatre parties are a lot different, i think.
most everyone has a boyfriend or a girlfriend. we are still very outwardly sexual, and enjoy playing trivia to win a jello shooter off the person of your choice, niki's choice of where on the body...(woo! saturday!). innocent kisses are allowed. making out isn't. people leave with another if they want to hook up with that person, and it's very on the downlow.

VivaLaPinto said...


(sorry, I started out to comment seriously, and the when I looked at the screen, and realized had CAPS locked all of that by accident, I had to leave it. come on, just shout that out loud: THAT'S MUCH MORE MATURE!!!!!!!)

Pineapple Princess! said...

I dont think I'm going to drink If I go to the bonfire, just cuz I can. This is still to be decided, but I'd like to just watch drunkies every once in a while