Wednesday, April 19, 2006

"awww...Alleah has the best naked"

"I don't wanna have the best naked..."

lol! The day before yesterday, me and Barbara, and Brianna, and later Geoff had our big facilitated sex talk with the big bro, with ended up being a full-blown drunken strip poker bonanza! Brianna got to my house around six, andwe had some girl talk. Barbara called us at eight or so, and we ended up walking down Bruce to meet her. When we got back to my house we decided how to solve our alchohol issues for the night (no boot). I had some Galiano left from a couple weeks ago, so we started with a shot of my big bro's Ballantine's scotch whisky (shhh!), and then made ourselves a Galiano-coke mix. Tastes like Vanilla Coke! mmmmm.

However, we WANTED margaritas, as this was a bit of a girl's night, so we called around until we got a hold of Geoff (I'd invited Biff, but he couldn't come), and he drove down. We were already a little flushed, so Barbara gave him some money, and I went with him to go buy tequila. The place we went only had the good, EXPENSIVE kind so we only had enough to buy a mickey. We bought our hooch, and returned home to find Barbara had broken out her blender, and then we discovered we had no ICE! So Geoff and Barbara went out to go get ice, and me and Brianna chilled while the bro arrived home from wherever he was at. They got back, and we began making margaritas!

They were le YUMMY! So at first, we were all hanging out, dancing like crazies to music, and talking about sex (facilitated sex talk). Then, I was all like, "I wanna get naked" so we busted out the card deck, and Quinn taught us how to play poker!

"I have two pair"
"Yeah well, I have three of a kind biz-nitch!"
"two pair beats three of a kind"

"I want two--FUCK! I mean--I'm wearing my poker face"

lol! Anyways, I kept losing hardcore, and Quinn went to bed when it came time for the first bit of underwear to come off, lol! Geoff kept his clothes on, like a prude, so we kept having to give him dares. Brianna walked down the street with nothing but panties on!

After strip poker, us girls were down to nothing but panties, so what do we do? Take barely-there pics! cause we just can't get enough of being naked! They were so excellent, and then me like a dumbass, tried to delete one picture, and ended up erasing the whole memory! Quinn was le pissed at me. *cringe*

It was getting late-ish, so after a couple of heavenly massages, we all went to bed. Brianna slept with Quinn (I think she likes that more than sleeping with me! does anyone else find that a little odd...?)/ Barbara volunteered for the couch, and Geoff and I slept in my bed. Cuddly, and warm, with random me talking in my sleep, but no sex! go, me! I must be getting over my gross! w00t.

The next morning,w e all got up, and showered, and whatnot, and then we had a plan to go to choir, so we headed up to Geoff's, so he could have a shower too. (mine isn't good enough for him.) :P Me and Brianna ate samosa, and zoodles, and checked horoscopes, and I straightened my hair with a clothes iron, while Geoff was takin care of business.

Then, because I was supposed to hang out with Biff that day, but hadn't been able to get ahold of him (I blame Brianna for drying her hair, and making me miss the call), we headed to his house, to find him. When we got there, Carolyn was knocking on his door with no success! We walked around back, and found Biff weedwacking his back yard. Therein we had a conendrum, because me and Biff were supposed to chill together, but Carolyn wanted to hang out with him too. So I just said, we'd go to choir,a dn pick him up afterwards, and he seemd cool with that.

So we went to Brianna's bank, and me and Geoff pretended to be secret service men. lol, "ten-four, Charlie-Alpha, Bravo!" "I just said, I understand, CAB!" Then we went to chjoir, and rocked the socks off of everyone present that day! We learned a bunch of awesome stuff, and got to sing Seasons of Love agauin (I only like it cause I'm an alto; I still hate RENT!). I think Mrs. Sinclair is happy having us again, cause with us there, the choir picks stuff up way quicker. That was her main beef, as I heard it. We ran into Devin while we were there, and had some nice flamer hang out time, lol!

After choir we headed back to Biff's, and he needed time to get ready and wait for his bro to come home, so we went and picked up Gator, and dropped off Monkey while he got ready. Then we met them at Departure Bay Beach. We stood around, talking, and throwing rocks into the water, which was fun. They decided my camping name (if I'd been there) would have been Slick Chipmunk. *eye rolling* Then we made plans to meet at the gay bar, later that night, and since me and Brianna and Gaotr were starving, we headed to Gator's for din-dins.

Geoff cooked Thai Kitchen, and I dunno what Gator, and Beebur ate, but I ravaged a broccoli salad (broccoli casualties were high) and devoured some curried rice, and shrimp. I *heart* Gator's house, lol! I was lying on the counters (I'm not sure why), but when her mom got home, I was afriad of getting in trouble so I jumped off, and as soon as Sharon walked in the room, Laura finked on me! Sharon just laughed.

After that we picked up Amber, and went to the gay bar. And for the FIRST TIME EVER, we got IDed! Of course Geoff was the only legal one, and ironically, he actually did forget his ID in the car! So we gracefully left, and then went rollin to Geoff's place where we ate grilled cheese sandwiches and played Tekken 5. I HATE VIDEO GAMES, but at least I discovered a grab that made me pwn like three people hardcore. Barbara came and hung out with us at Geoff's, and then at eleven thirty (cause it's Geoff's) we had to go home. We never did end up getting ahold of Biff or Carolyn. :(

Courtney was at my place when I got home, and apparently, she'd left like six messages on my phone. It was upstairs charging, while we were downstairs in the den, so I hadn't gotten any of her calls. So I chilled with her and Quinn for a bit. One of the songs that was played at Mom's funeral came on the radio, and me and Quinn both just broke down. We had a bit of a cry on Courtney's shoulder, and then went to bed.

And now it's now. *shrug* I am happy to report progress on the crying more, and no random drunken sex parts of Operation Grow-Up, Pinto. Other than that, *french accent* 'smoke up, darling; life is shit, you will get to know this!' I *heart* Robin Williams Live on Broadway!


Anonymous said...

awww and here i was hoping to hear about some scandalous sex story with you and geoff hee hee

im proud of you alleah!
you need to cry every now and then!

and i had so much FUN hanging out with you guys!!!! We MUST do it again before i have to go to Qualicum

barbara_mary said...

I call bullshit on something, and you know what it is. But I'm proud of you for knowing what it was and for just being super lately :)

Brianna said...


also, for all those confused otu there, I ditn SLEEEEEP with Quinn, it was actual, literal, sleep.

Pineapple Princess! said...

I wanna know the bullshit!


YOu left out the part where you called and left a message on my machine about very personal subjects :P HAHAHAHA I had the best laugh in weeks listening to that message :) youre lucky its not a home-phone :P

Anonymous said...

aww now im curious as to what the BS is all about!!! i hate being left out on things... but i wont pry

or will i?

Anonymous said...

and alleah... i still cant believe you stuck the controllers down your pants o.O

Laura said...

hey alleah.
sounds like you guys had a good time.
this is regarding a past blog. wondering if i can be part of that whole girls-night-rejuvination-new-you-thing!
i'd love to be!
anyways, i come home in 6 days. EEP

VivaLaPinto said...

ABSOLUTELY, Laura! I'll have to talk to other people about which day is best for them, but we shall have our spa night ASAP!!!! I promise!

Anonymous said...

Geoff: controllers down pants = not cool. Also, you had to leave at 11:30 because I had an exam in the morning. Also, you were having a hell of a time playing video games once you actually got playing. So don't complain that you hate video games! :P

VivaLaPinto said...

*snicker* boo, video games

I only enjoy pwning people in any way I can. Doesn't mean anything about enjoying video games.