Monday, April 24, 2006

bah and a half; I'm hormonal and crampy

my life is utterly boring right now. The most exciting thing that's happened since I talked to you last is, Brianna was stayuing ovwer one weekend, and we ended up the last ones awake with my bro's friends Donnie, and Ryan. They werr going to go four-bying, and they wanted to know if we wanted to come along. I was like, "I dunno," and looked at Brianna, and she was luike, "why the hell not?" I was like, holy crap! Brianna, more adventurous than me? What the duece??? So we went four-bying with two strange boys at one'o'clock in the morning!

Ryan goes and picks up his Explorer, and we head out. He explains that the transmission is pretty much shot, but it'll still go forward when pursuaded, so we start four-bying. We go over one mud pit, and it's so much freakin fun! Then we go farther and farther up the mountain, when all of a sudden--the truck won't go forward! *cringe* So Ryan's like, "Well, she's probably just over-heated, so we'll just turn her off, and wait for her to cool down." So we do. Ten minutes later, he turns the ignition--nothing happens! Donnie, adn Ryan are just like, "fuck"!!! They get out, and look under the hood, and apparently the starter has frozen itself in engaged! So what do we do? We build a brush fire!

Donnie and Ryan are both drunk, plus they don't know what the hell they're doing! Donnie would put a bunch of tinder on the flame, and it would catch a little bit--and than he would step on it, and the whole fucking thing would go out, lol! So finally, I take some of the fir they brought with them, and say "get away from the fire Donnie! If you want the fire to get going, you let the tinder catch," here I paused, and let the tinder catch, "and then you place wood on top!" And lo and behold within fifteen minutes we had urselves a respectable blaze! Stupid drunk rednecks!

A little while later, Donnie, in his drunken wisdom, tells Ryan to go bang the starter with a rock, cause it might disengage it. So he does! He tries to start it again, and VROOOM!!! Me and Brianna just start laughing, and we all pile in, and continue living dangerously! Finally, we get back to the mud pit we went through the first time, and Donnie and Ryan get out to lock in the four-wheel drive. They get back in--and nothing. She won't go! Ryan starts revving the engine, and BANG! Uh-oh. They get out and look under the hood again, and the tranny is totally shot. Smoking, and dying!

So Ryan called his friend Curtis out and he towed us back to Timberlands Pub. We caught a ride with him to Donnie's place, and Donnie gave us a ride back to my place. By this time, it's like four in the morning! I put on a pot of coffee, and we start to watch Zoolander. By the time my coffee is steaming in front of me, I'm passed out in an armchair. Brianna goes to bed at fivethirty. We wake up the next morning, and my brother never even knew we were gone! lol!
Donnie stops by the next morning, and him, Quinn, Courtney, Brianna, and I are all chillin in my living room,. Donnie confesses to Quinn that he knocked down Quinn's tarp set-up, and gouged some of our driveway. Me and Brianna look and each other, and are just like, "You know what else Donnie 'didn't do'? took us four-bying at one in the morning last night!!!" Quinn just gave Donnie a look that could kill! It was excellent, haha!

So yeah, that's about the extent of it. Today I am medicated intensely, and gross. :P I have nothing else to blog about--I am uninteresting. ttyl, toots!


Anonymous said...

A now a message from the President of The United States of America Mr George W Bush.

Well hello there. It sure is funny the crazy and potentially dangerous things we do when we're bored. I remember the last time I went for a drive with two strange men I ended up being tied up and spanked with a leather padle until my buttocks were pink and rosey.
Yesterday when I had finished emailing naked pictures of myself to president Putin of Russia, I went outside for a smoke. Smoking is banned in the Whitehouse, so I had to go to the bike sheds out back. I found Donald Rumsfeld there and we had a smoke together. I can't remember how it came up, but I told him how before I was Preesident, i once guest-directed an episode of ER. It was series 45,5342 episode 965 in which George Clooney transplants a man's testicles to his forehead so that he can get a part as an alien in Star Trek - medically unethical and the drama arose from George wrestling with the moral conundrum. When he heard I had directed Donald Rumsfeld asked me to direct a film he and his wife were going to make. A sex education video for their daughter with an Avril Lavigne soundtrack.
At first I though he was joking but when i got round to his house they were both warming up masturbating over an issue of Hello Magazine (we've all done it, its just so glossy). Soon Mrs Rumsfelds Breasts were bouncing up and down to the rythm of Skather boy, her nipples purple and hard like two angry missiles heading for the middle east and I was getting some great footage. Then Mrs R tied up Don and was about to commit an act of gross indecency upon him when something wierd happened. Donald started crying ! This isnt what I want , he said, I want warmth love I want my innosence back, I want affectionate and unselfish sex, I want intellligent conversation about life death and love Converstaion bout the good things and the bad things, the idiots and the heroes.
Then Mrs r said
Do you wnat our daughter to get pregnant at 13 so that we have to throw her out and she has to go and live in a trailer aprk and give pre-op trans-sexuals blow jobs for a dollar a time just to get by ? Well then, on you knees fat boy its time to take it like a man.
And that was that.The film Rumsfelds in Rumpoland is available form the White House $9.99.

God bless the rumsfeld God bless you and God bless America.


VivaLaPinto said...

overwhelming adoration for you, my good friend, George W.!