Sunday, April 16, 2006

I wanna give you up/ but I'm addicted

yeah, I know, I broke my own rule, and posted a song lyric as the title of this post. But seriously, the other options were '*blank stare*', 'drool' and 'nothing eventful happened this weekend' I think the one I went for works best. ;)

I just came back for Easter weekend with the folks. It was...well, it was Easter weekend with the folks. *shrug* Played a lot of cards, ate some real meals (you kn0w, cooked. in a real live oven! I was livin in the lap of luxury this weekend!), and went to the beach. I collected lots of pretty stones at the beach and slipped on a rock, and gashed my palm on a barnacle. Quinn got a lovely shot of my ass covered in sea slime! *eye rolling*

I bought Quinn Easter goodies, cause I figured he probably hadn't gotten a basket in a long time, being you know-- a PARENT-- way out in Ontario all these years. He enjoyed that. I think my grandparents figure I'm too old for a basket now, cause come Easter morning there were no choclates for me. bummer. What a gip! I could have been at Brianna's, and gotten chocolate,m and a f***in good time for Easter instead of being at that stultifying family function, being driven nutters by those devilspawn of children my sister grew. Yeah that's right. They werre GROWN. Like weeds. :P

Other than that, I did a whole lot of nuthin. On the way out, Quinn and I visited Mom's grave. There's a pretty headstone, with her name, and dates carved on a releif of a book! You guys know how much Mom read...I'm sure she would have loved that.

ok, so what else...ummmm...Ace called me on the way home...the reception cut out...yeah, that's pretty much it. bah! le boring. Ok, well, my fingers are frozen solid, and there's coffee, and Courtney waiting for me upstairs, so I shall be off. I bid you adieu! VIVA LA PINTO!!!


barbara_mary said...

haha, I was totally going to be pissed off that you didn't blog about our phone convo untill I realized you posted before you called me. Whoops!

VivaLaPinto said...
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VivaLaPinto said...

sorry, Barbara! *salutes* updates are, ^^^ and I had a two-hour long phone convo about all the most recent events in our life..TRES important, and enjoyable. She's coming over tomorrow night to mediate a sex talk between me and my bro! haha!

In other news, a fishbowl fell into my bath today (with me in it) (in the bath, not the fishbowl) and shattered, exploding many tiny slivers of painful glass into my extremities. Am now bandaged intensely. :(

Anonymous said...

And now a message from the President of the United States Mr George W Bush.

Well hello again Alleah its George w here. I see you have broken your soung lyric rule - but you know breaking rules isn't so bad - its transgression that makes life fun. I was having lunch with my friend Collin Powell the other day, I was trying to tell him about my partner swapping with Prime minister Tony Blair and his wife Cherie and how he had gotten jealous and the whole thing had ended an ugly mess. Well i could tell Collin wasn't really listening because he had something to say himself - He said George Oral sex can be a minefield can't it. and I said what have you got to say collin get it off your chest. He said He didn't mind going down on mrs Collin Powell in fact he enjoyed it, but she wouldn't go down on him unless he shaved his pubic area as she was tired of coming back up with a mouth full of short a curlies. Now I don't know if you've ever tried to shave a scrotum Alleah, but believ me its a mighty tricky business. So I broke one of my own rules then and there to help a friend. Straight after that dinner I personally shaved Collin's balls and pubic area and now his wife sucks his cock like she's playing a recorder. Good luck to them both i say.

VivaLaPinto said...

HAHAHAHAHAHA! no, actually, I wouldn't know about ball shaving. but I can imagine that it's a tricky business...all that extra skin, and all! lol!