Tuesday, May 30, 2006

2nd Gregless day in a row! w00t!

It was *sigh* sublime.

However, it was a stressful day, as Steve, the general manager who's way more of a hardass than Greg was there today during the morning, and just beofre morning shift ended he was like, "Alleah, you're on drive thru until two." And I was like, WTF??? I've barely learned how the drive thru til works!

But he was all hardassy and, "then you'll learn the hard way" so I bumbled my way through two orders before I got the hang of it.

Then, it got SUPER SUPER busy. Well, for me anyway, and I was panicking and Geoff, who was also on headset had to take over for me...it was nutz.

The thing about fast food as opposed to Concession, that consession rushes get so crazy busy, (up to like two hundred people at least wanting food all at the same time on some nights) that you MUST have two or three, or preferably more tills open. In fast food, there's one, maybe two front counter tills, and drive thru and your biggest rushes (at that particular A&W, anyways) will be around twenty people. So you have point ppl, getting food for you. And for me, that's kind of weird. I;m used to having to get everything for my own customers because every other person working that night had their own till. But there, you're either on a til, or not. And it's weird to me...I never know what's been taken care of, what I still need to worry about. But whatever, it's still my second week. oh...well, actually beginning of my third. but fuck everybody! I think I'll do fine.

Anyways enough shop talk. I'm hungry. I want food. Gotta enjoy it while it lasts before I start The Cleanse!!!

1 comment:

VivaLaPinto said...

btw, by Geoff, I mean Jeff...it's like that second way of spelling it just doesn't exist for me anymore, lol!