Tuesday, May 02, 2006

OMIGODFranzFerdinandwasAMAZING!!!! (oh, and Vancouver was cool, too)


I went to Vancouver on Tuesday night, had dinner at Congee noodle house, then slept in my buddy's dorm at UBC, then the next day, I went to Stanley Park, and climbed up a gigantic tree, and then met my friend from Van whom I've never met before, and we went adventuring in downtown Van, and stole three ten-dollar elevator rides up this elevator that has glass walls so that you can see all of Vancouver, and then I went back to said dorm room, and then the next day, we went back to Stanley Park, and me and Brianna went to the aquarium, where we got pictures taken, and then we went to Tinseltown, where we explored a gigantic mall, and had dinner at this cute cafe off of Water Street where there's a Steam Clock, which is sweet, and then we went to see American Dreamz at Tinseltown, which frickin hilarious! And then we went to this UBC party at Rec beach where we sat around this bonfire, and sang songs with this cute boy from Montreal named Connely, and I sang Lord I Know I Been Changed by myself, and everybody who was around cheered a lot for me! Which was superduper! And then I went back to my friend Llowyn's house where I slept and the next morning, we got up and picked up Brianna who almost got laid, but didn't, and then me and Llowyn went to Science World, where I fit into this tiny foot and a half square box, and then we went on this ferry ride for free (because Llowyn works for them) and went to Granville Island, where we explored this Kid's Market, and then caught a bus all by ourselves to the PACIFIC COLISEUM WHERE WE SAW FRANZ FERDINAND LIVE IN CONCERT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I WILL MARRY THEM ALL!!!!!

This was my Vancouver trip. It was small, and emo, but still good. Ya. Still good. (lol, Brianna!)

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