Monday, May 01, 2006

guess who!

this looks like fun. I shall play too. :)

1) I wish you saw things more the way I do. Then we could probably be happy. I miss you so much.

2) When you grow up, we will do amazing things. Until then, we have some great memories.

3) Where did you go? You helped me discover and become the person I am; you were there for me at all the worst moments in my life, despite any hardships it created for you. And you helped create most of the very best memories I'm blessed to have. Why then have you been sucked out of my life so completely? I miss you more than anyone, possibly including even my mother.

4) GO AWAY GO AWAY GO AWAY! YOU ARE NOT WELCOME! leave, and never come back.

5)I love you so much! We have the best times ever, and I'm so happy that we've grown even closer than we were before. I'm going to enjoy watching you become an amazing woman.

6) I hope we grow closer to each other. I've always admired you and found you to be a great friend. You're one of my favorite people and I want us to be really good friends.

7) I wish I could say that I love you the way you are, but really I only kind of enjoy you the way you are. If I was a person-maker, I would change a lot of things about you. But I still like you. *hugs*

8) I'm glad you don't hate me anymore.

9) I admire you so much. I aspire to become you, except an actress. And even more successful.

10) I wish things had worked out between us. You will make such an incredible partner for someone. I'm sad it wasn't me. But at the same time, I've lost a romantic interest, and gained an amazingly funny, talented, forgiving friend. If I had to classify our relationship in one word, it would be bittersweet.

11) I like you a LOT! I want us to become good friends, because you are funny, and adorable, and a super-good cuddler! ;D

12) I want you to be honest with me. I want us to be more than just friends. If you don't, that's fine, but don't you dare play me. That's the way to ruin our already-valued friendship.

13) Will you five marry me?

14) I think you are talented, but your ego is unbelievably inflated. Get rid of that, realize what your actual talents are, stop stepping on toes, and you will have an amazing career. I will see you at the Oscars, but not for acting, so stop thinking you're better than me.

15) I miss you. No matter what happens, darling, you are always welcome among us, and I will give you anything you need. I would give anything to see you grow up well-adjusted. Never think that any siblings you end up with replace you in our eyes, because it's not true. You will always have a place among this gigantic, ridiculous, dysfunctional family that is us. Your grandmother, your aunts and uncles, your great grandparents, your cousins, and especially your father, and (maybe) step-mother all love you so much, and pray that you will be able to know us as you grow up.


Dat was fun. :)