Friday, June 02, 2006

I feel like an ass

I accidentally double booked myself last night and when I tried to fit both things in, Brianna and Barbara's get-together at their new place unfortunately got cut...I just didn't want to want from Ace's to their place in the rain! :( I feel really bad. When Brianna hung up after she called me, I was just like, "yep. she's mad."

in other news, last night was fun. I met Ace at Harewood and we went on a bus adventure! :) I saw African Daisies on my way their and was obsessed with making a chain of them, so before we caught the bus, I made him wait until I was done. I wanted to make a lei, but I didn't have enough. :( So I made him a crown. He of course thought it made him look like gay so I put it on his purse instead (does anyone see a slight dichotomoy here??? :P)

He is apparently doing quite quite well. He got a promotion at the Port and has lots of work lined up. Ace is easily the most successful of last year's class of Mal theatres. He gave me this pep talk last night about how I had to stop working so hard for stuff that I didn't love, and go "screw it; I'd rather put this energy towards working hard towards doing what I love--acting" So, with this in mind, as soon as I get my paycheck I'm going to fuck off to Vancouver for a weekend, and go on some auditions. I mean, it's not like it'll screw with my bills-last time I went to Vancouver with 8 bucks in my pocket and that was for a week! If I go while I'm on the cleanse, I WON'T need food, and I WON'T need smokes, and Llowyn will probably let me stay with him. I'll be totally cool. And I'll get used to going to Vancouver and using the scary buses all by myself.

I have to say, out of all the people who have told me "fuck your fright--you're gonna make it", Ace's tends to stick with me, because he IS doing it. I would say Laura McNaught and Ace are the two people in my varied groups of friends who are already on their way to making a living in this industry and I admire them both a lot.

Oddly enough, does anyone else notice how weird it is that is costs a lot LESS to go to Vancouver, then it does to go to Victoria...which is ON the island with us??? weird.

hmmm...I had something I wanted to say, what was it...Oh yeah, the reason I wanted to post in the first place! lol! I've decided that "hot donna" should be a term that describes any female, like "sheila" in Australia. why? because I stole a HAWT picture of Kaitlin off her myspace, and I named it Hot Donna...and the phrase stuck with me. Yet another example of genius from your old reliable Pinto! :D hahahaha! (makes me sound like a Chevy! lol)

So. As soon as I shower, and get out of my pajamas, I am going to be one HOT DONNA!!! lol!

PS: kids cramp my hot-donna style. That they do.

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