Saturday, June 03, 2006

oh so very confused

so...I don';t have a lotta time, but I want to post before I go to work today at my NEW JOB!

I hung out with Sean last night and we went to see Over the Hedge. AWESOME movie! lol *I found my nuts!* I also got to see all the AWESOME people I used to work with and it made me so sad...I miss them all so much! I miss the Avalon in a weird way. I miss working with people who I really enjoy being around, and only dealing with mean supervisors once in a while. I got to see MATT!!!! He was so happy to see me, lol! He gave me a big hug and picked me up, and my little Pinto heart filled with joy! lol!

Anyways...Sean and I went home, and he stayed the night. *shrug*...

This morning, we were lying in bed, cause we were lazy and didn't wanna get up yet. And the ohone rings, and I was like, "I bet that's for me" and a second later there was a knock on my door, lol! And it was this dude from Food Country, at Southgate, and he was like "come in for an interview! today!" so I did. :)

Needless to say I rocked the socks off him, and he hired me on the spot. (:D that's twice in a row! lol!) So I start today at four thirty! woo-hoo! A&W is being a whore about my shifts though, cause I already have a conflict. BAH. Well, they're paying me eight fifty, and if I can squish my schedule around, NCO will pay me nine, so I can KICK fucking Assholes & Whores right out the fuckin window. :) woohoo!

My other news, pertaining to my title, is a certian proposition from a certain male who I've certainly been involved with before, lol. I'm very confused, I dunno what to do. I mean, one part of me is like, "whoo, boy!" And the other part of me is like, "you've been down that road before, though," and the third part of me is like, (Amber you'll be so proud, lol!) "I kinda...LIKE being single??? weird." I just don't know what to do. I;'m jsut gonna give it some time. I guess. That's all I really can do. I have enough on my plate with mys tupid schedule. How will I fit in boy in there, too?


Anonymous said...


If you could only see the grin on my face... the pride I am gleaming for you!

Richard said...

w00t saw you yesterday!!

<>< mantrain