Sunday, June 25, 2006

I have exchanged my life of giddiness and joy for one of endless profitable drudgery.

BAH. Ok, I'm over this whole goody-I'm-working-again thing. I'm tired. very very tired. Yesterday, I pulled another double and this week is going to be brutal!

For the next three days, I'm working six-to-two at Tim Horton's. The next two days after that, I'm working four-thirty-to-nine-thirty at the deli. Then over the weekend, I'm working doubles each day! :( And I'm MOVING next week, too!!! :( I have to do it on Thursday and Friday, cause I don't have any time the other days. my life is wasted.

At least they LOVE me at Timmies. even if they do take out their stress on me when it gets busy. today...every single person in Nanaimo bought an Ice Cappacino. every single one. if YOU didn't....that means you have defied the Space Time Continuum, and Karma now has YOU on it's hitlist. and I'd be willing to bet money on more than half of Nanaimo having bought those Ice Capps at MY Timmies.

Anyways, my point was, because so many people were buying Ice Capps, and the Ice Capp machine can't handle more than thirty every two hours or something super lame like that, it meant that the Ice Capp machines were being big whores all day, which meant that customers were getting substandard Ice Capps which meant that customers were also being big whores all day. Which in turn, meant that my supervisors and trainers were ALSO being big whores all day. And guess who got it taken out on them? yeah. that's correct. me.

However, Jackie said that our boss gave her a bonus for having recommended me! :) They LOVE me! They're putting me on drive thru shifts all next week, and according to Jackie, that's crazy awesome. Apparently it took most people there months to get on drive thru. The new girl before me, Desiree (big whore, but she's one all the time) has been there three weeks longer than I have, and she JUST got on drive thru. And they haven't given her the six-to-two shift yet. Apparently that's a really really awesome shift to have. I'm not exactly sure why, because I'll have to get up at FIVE IN THE FRICKIN MORNING! but, if they say it's awesome, I'm willing to believe them! :P

And Food Country is plain old Food Country. it's nice and relaxing, cause it's dead most of the time when I'm working there, and I have no supervisors or managers there EVER while I'm working, so I can basically do whatever I want. :) And I do. For instance, if I don't feel like scrubbing the grease catcher quite as well one night--I won't! It'll blow, though because the next night when I close again, I'll have to scrub it TWICE as hard to make up for it. But it's kinda nice because I can make my own decisions about things. And no one's gonna take it out on me when it gets busy, either.

Ok. That's all. No seriously, I actually have no other news. I am moving out of my house and may have found a place. That's all I can tell you right now. I'm going to look at it with Sean tomorrow after work. It's a one bedroom basement in a four-plex. It's close to bad areas but the actual neighborhood is nice and respectable, and it's close to two different bus routes, so I can get to school, AND to work. :)

I'm going to book off some time in August. I want a vacation. I kinda wanna go on a roadtrip. To Tofino. Who's coming? (more importantly, who's going to drive me??? :P)

OH! I know what's awesome! I had my meeting with Burton Lancaster from TheatreOne on Friday and I got the job!!!! So July 5th and 6th, I'm reading for a workshop of the Frank J Ney play! eighty bucks a day! I am now officially working! Now I just need ANOTHER acting gig, and I'll be a working actress. lol! :D :P

w00t w00t, go me.

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