Tuesday, July 25, 2006

nothing turns me on like a good thought process.... *EDITED*

Alleah's a bitch, she's a big fat bitch, she's the biggest bitch in the whole damn world!

^^^ my theme song. Ace *stole it from South Park* for me! So supportive, don't you think?

I am tired. And sore. And itchy. And slightly depressed. And by slightly, I mean very, but I'm not going to get into that because no one wants to hear about it.

Instead...JULY 28TH! ...is HOT DONNA DAY!!!! We are going to go to the river! Whee!!!! I work a double that day, but I am going to try and switch both shifts around so I work tomorrow at Timmies, and Thursday at the deli, instead. Basically, I shall pull doubles Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday. I make too much money. It's stupid. Even my supervisors at Timmies are like, WHy do you work so much? What's the point? All you're doing is making yourself sick. And I'm kinda like...You're right. But when it comes right down to it, I like Timmies cause it's better hours, and the shifts are so chock full of work, like there's NEVER any standing around time. But I like the deli, cause I'd have more time for a life if I worked there, plus I'm paid more there.

That paragraph totally morphed it's way around to bitching which is what I was trying to avoid, so here goes again...!

I'm SO excited to see Kaitlyn again! We talked for a long time the other day on the phone...just bitching about how much it sucks to work for a Tim Horton's. I can't wait for the shindig at the river! I'm trying to convince Ace to come, and I'm going to kick Biff in the ass until he promises me he's gonna come. Oh and all y'all in-towners, I'm DEFINITELY going to need a ride, so if someone could call me in the next little while, that would be STUPENDOUS! Not really, I just wanted to say stupendous, and then felt that it must be capitalized. But it would be pretty sweet. :)

Anyways, my tattoo is all raised and puffy...you can't see the scabs yet, but it's just beginning to itch, so it's healing very nicely. :) It means I won't be able to swim on Friday, but I shall come and wear a bathing suit to show it off anyway...:) I'll just have to sit in the shade. I know I promised you all a pic, before but my bro's camera is a whoreface. It's batteries won't recharge. And Quinn won't try to fix it.

OH! Sunday was THE shittiest day EVER! I was supposed to work a double that day, but I was totally sick the day before...like throwing up CRAZY ill, so I went home from work. The next day I got up for work, but then I was like, no...can't do it. Gotta stay home. So I called in, both places, and just vegged all day.

However a nice relaxing day of movies and eats was not was in store for me! Around eleven-ish, my brother's buddies Donnie and Ryan come stumbling in, in Ryan's crunched-up truck (you may remember them from the midnight 4-bying expedition--you know--back when my life was fun), and Donnie's all banged up, and Ryan's stumbling around and holding his head. Apparently they got into a car accident up in the mountains after drinking and 4-bying all night! *eyes rolling* Donnie was speeding ahead at seventy miles an hour, and Ryan was backing up at thirty clicks an hour, and they were stupid and ploughed RIGHT into one another!!!! Ryan had a concussion, and Donnie needed twenty stitches in his knee. So my bro took them to the hospital. And I went with to keep Ryan from falling asleep.

Afterwards, we all went back to our palce and sat around in the sun (except for me :( bummer) talking. Quinn ended up getting heatstroke like a fucker, so Jackie and Courtney nursed him while I made him food. They ran out to the Food Country to buy popsickles and shit, so I had to go in there. I didn't even know what I was supposed to do! I mean, you get heat stroke, you get headaches and nausea...They already covered him in cold wet towels and frozen veggies, so all that was left for me to do was force him to drink water every couple of minutes. It was so pointless.

Then he starts feeling better around nine-ishm, so we all head to the river. Quinn, of course, like a frickin retard keeps cliff diving, giving me and Court and Jackie heart attacks...and what happens?

He fuckin dives wrong, and practically sprains his neck! I was so irritated at him. We were only there for a half hour! I hadn't even finished one beer! I was like, you JUST got heat stroke, you KNOW you should pace yourself with diving because of your stupid bad back, OF COURSE you're gonna get hurt, you tard! SO we go home. *eye rolling AGAIN*

Lamest day ever. So the next day I got up and went to work. Halfway through my shift Marty fuckin calls and asks me to work that night at the deli, so I ended up doing another doubkle yesterday. Jesus Christ. I mean really. Hopwever the good thing about it was, I got a ride home with Tom, and didn't have to call a cab, or walk in the sun in a sweater or anything. :)

So I think that's all I have to babble about. I'm off to wash clothes and myself, and then go get Ace a tattoo, too! :)


Queen of Hearts said...

dude whats wrong with making loads of money... besides the wroking crazy ass ness... sure you are busting your but but you will have the cash left over right? you will have money for the school year and stuff.

Akiyhrah said...

Hot Donna day? I love it!! I'm so excited to see everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

i agree with lisa

think of all the money you will have once school starts back up.

barbara_mary said...

He wasn't very original.

"Kyle's mom's a bitch, she's a big fat bitch,
She's the biggest bitch in the whole wide world"

It's a song from the South Park movie.


Joe Guitar said...

yeah I was gonna point that out too^^^

Ky said...

i thought it was painfully obvious....meh

VivaLaPinto said...

I know..I was supposed to edit it. I had a good excuse before but I forgot what it was.

Pineapple Princess! said...

I wanna see your tattoo!!! arent they fun? Its strange that you, me, jordan and tasha ballantyne all got tattoos in the same week?

VivaLaPinto said...


there, ya happy, fuckers?