Saturday, February 17, 2007

ambers a meanie

she changed the song from my beloved Killers to some silly thing! How cruel is that?

So I'm going to hell. Just so you know.

I kinda wish something exciting would happen. I'm having trouble focusing, lately. I feel robotic, as if I'm going through the motions of life, but there's really no reason to. I hate it when I feel that way. When it gets to the point, where I go, "what's the frickin point anymore?" I hate feeling ambivalent.

I need something to make me feel alive again. I want to have a puppy to take care of, or to get a call from Bard, or to get the Urinetown DVD's. I want to drive. I want to have a BIG success, that makes me feel fantastimically amazing about myself. I'm so bored with the routine. Go to school, do some work, go to rehearsal, go to work, eat, sleep, smoke, where is all this going? Am I on the right path? Am I doing what I'm supposed to be doing the right way? I feel like there's too much time in the day, and at the same time, not enough.

RAWR. Alleah needs something to really sink her teeth into.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you need something to sink your teeth into???

**takes out huge fat cake**

I wanted to say cock... can you see me fighting myself from typing cock?