Friday, February 02, 2007

my contacts hurt

omg, blarg and a half...

I feel--icky...this may not be the best time to be posting on the old blogeroo, but I feel the need to talk about myself. yuck. anyways...k, I'm tired from Urinetown, unhappy and lonely, and a tad bit drunk from going out with a few Urinetowners tonight...

I don't even know what to say that won't be misconstrued or taken a little too seriously...I'm just feeling so much right now, with no discernable answer. I mean, I'm pretty confident about my future professionally. I'm just so...lonely right now. Urgfh. It's not that I'm jealous of the people who are happily attached, it's just that I'm so NOT right now that it's just sad...

Amber mentioned that everytime I think I'm interested in some guy, I get distracted by someone who I think I'm MORE interested in...that may have some validity to it, but also maybe not...

All I know is that there is someone I think I'm pretty interested in, who doesn't seem to be interested for the same reason that I usually use (ironic, much?), who I would surprisingly love to be involved with right now. With no cons...I mean, I usually have some pros and some cons, but this specific person seems to have no reason why I shouldn't be attracted to him...and apparently people other than the few I have confided in know this, and I'm incredibly confused as to how THAT happened...

I don't know...I am just one confused, lonely Pinto. bah. that sucks.


Richard said...

I've called off relations and am just staying single. for as long as I see fit haha! hopefully not longer then 10 years. after that i'll activly look for someone.

<>< mantrain

Anonymous said...

Keep your head up there Ms. Pinto. You're a great girl, fun and full of energy.

Find someone you like and get to know 'em. Worst case is they will say they aren't interested. Good case is you'll make a friend. Best case is you'll have found Prince Charming.

If the fellow you're interested in isn't into you "that way", then be a friend. Who know's what may come of that. Just don't sit and wait for someone to "come around". You may miss Mr. Right. while waiting for Mr. Want.

Keep your head above water and your stick on the ice.