Tuesday, February 06, 2007

steely eyed stare

ok. I got a question for y'all. I want an honest answer on this. Do not hold back, I value your opinions, and want honest feedback. Offense will not be taken because I am asking for you to lay it all bare.

Am I annoying? Well, obviously I have my regular annoying moments, but when am I REALLY annoying, and you just want to belt me into next week? I'm sure I have those moments, and I know it's hard to stomach, but I genuinely want you guys to tell me when I need to pull back a little. I don't want to be walking around in a cloud of my own arrogance, pissing you all off and have no idea the whole time. I was just talking about this, because lately, I FEEL annoying. You know what I mean? That feeling where all of a sudden everything you say comes out sounding ridiculous to yourself, and you can't seem to act like a normal person.

Also, with Urinetown having just ended, I've been asking the people I respect about their opinions...you know, where I need improvement, that sort of stuff. And the feedback I've been getting is a little disturbing. Things like, hard to work with, presence-eater, good at making myself look good as opposed to making everyone onstage look good, diva-ish. I REALLY don't want to slide into the arrogance pit of doom. It's scary, thinking you just finished this amazing show, and hearing a lot of negative things from the people you respect the most. I know they told me because I asked, and they wouldn't have put it so bluntly if they didn't think I could fix it. But it has put me into this really terrible balance in my head, and now I feel pretty unconfident when it comes to Power. Let alone my audition weekend. urg...

So, what about it? Is this something I can fix? Or am I inherently arrogant, and irritating, and is it going to be my downfall? to borrow something from Jordan...

current mood: a little terrified...


Kahloke said...

I think this kind of self examinatinon is altogether healthy in your case... And well timed (re: auditions).

You're a formidable presence, to say the least. People *know* when you're in a room, because you make it known, just as you make it known when you're onstage. I'm genuinely of the belief that one cannot suppress one's 'presence' onstage; to attempt do so would result in a patently dishonest performance, and that's a big no-no, in any field.

Making your presence known in an ensemble of any stripe yet still maintaining an equal balance is very tricky. My suggestion (and I use this technique often when working in quartet) is to visualize not only how you want your personal performance to be percieved, but the show itself. Because, at the end of the day, there is no greater star than the text itself.

I hope that was at least slightly coherent.



Misha said...

you are no more annoying then any other person in this program...everyone has there moments and i can honeslty say...you were one of the least annoying people to work with on Urinetown

Queen of Hearts said...

for the most part, like everydy you are not annoying. however i find it annoying when you are convinced that you are right and there is no possibly way of reasoning with you. i guess when you are being stuborn. but i mean trying to reason with someone so wil have non of it is annoyin. and i mean. there have only been afew of those cases from my point of view so.. meh...

*waves* don;t feel bad. like m said everyone is annoying sometimes. i feel annoying lots

barbara_mary said...

this may be a little dated, since I haven't worked with you in a show for awhile, but working with you on This is a Play, you had a very set way of how you wanted things to go. If it wasn't followed you lost your patience really quickly.

I think working on patience would deffinatley help. Because if you can stop and take the time to breathe before reacting to stuff, you pretty much going to be able to controll your reaction better.

Richard said...

I was curious about this with myself once and convinced myself to be less annoying albeit I am still working on myself. it's good to really look at yourself from time to time and fix it! Now i havn't been around you enough to judge and seeing as my main point of info about you is this blog I can't say I am recieving an unbiased opinion ;) Anywho annoying or not the fact you want constructive criticism on yourself and trying to think of ways of making yourself a better person is step in the right direct as everyone could do this from time to time! anywhom good luck with settling yourself and shoot straight

<>< mantrain

Ps shoot straight had nothing to do with anything I just wanted to say it ^^

Anonymous said...

Alleah, since you now can pinpoint the issue, you will be aware of it. And be able to work on it.
As for you being annoying, I get annoyed with you only because of our sister-like relationship.... really i have no problem with things you do or say. And I never hear people moaning about how annoying you are (that's usually what they talk about when Sarah leaves a room)

I am here for you m'dear and I know you can overcome your new acting obstacles

VivaLaPinto said...

thanks all...I guess on one hand I wanted to be reassured that you all don't consider me *gargly gargle* sometimes. I know I have problems with patience and with being stubborn. I just REALLY want to know if it's coming out in my work. Honestly, this whole thing came about because of talking to someone I respect having heard things about me in Urinetown from someone THEY respect, and that sent an icy feeling of fear into my poor Pinto heart. Of all the places to be annoying, at work is the LAST place I'd want to be.

Time to tame the flaming ego. *sigh*

Brianna said...

I dont think you are annoying, although the one problem I would have is that sometime sI think you are inconsiderate. Generally you just dont think to how other people will feel or react when you say/do something, and will do it regardless.

Akiyhrah said...

Actually, i'd have to agree with Brianna. I've noticed that you act/speak often without thinking about how other people may feel (or you just don't care, but I dobt that's it)

VivaLaPinto said...

Kaitlyn and Brianna, when is this worst? Like when do I really need to think about that? What kind of instances?

I'm sure this is a problem, but if I do certain things without thinking of others, I need to know when that happens to be able to fix it right? :)

Joe Guitar said...

Sometimes. I wouldn't say annoying as much as I would immature. Which is understandable considering how young you are compared to some of us. I would say your biggest flaw when it comes to your professional life is knowing who you can trash talk about and who not to. Some people and subjects are off limits. I also have had problems with this due to being very opinionated on how certain technical aspects should be handled. But know that as an actor your job is to take care of your own performance and that is all. The jobs of the technical crew, stage manager, and director are really none of your business and as such you should hold your opinions of said people to yourself or those uninvolved in the project. Just my two cents.


VivaLaPinto said...

Thank you, Jordan. You have a very strong point. :)