Wednesday, February 14, 2007

thinkie thinkie

let's start off with a nice round of judgements! woo-hooo!

1) Well, you're pretty, you're funny, you seem to be happy and you make someone I care deeply about happy, you seem like someone I would have a lot of fun why I don't I know you very well? And it's not just you either, it's most of your ilk. You seem like so much fun, so why havent I gotten very close to you at all? Let's hang out and change that, k?

2) Promise me that no matter what happens, you'll forgive me my jackassery...I'm not the easiest person to spend most of your time with, and I know that. I don't like the tension between us lately, and am scared that the whole cliche roommate-situation-destroys-friendship thing will happen to us. You're so cool, I love hanging out with you, and I think we get along famously most of the time. Please don't let my petty bitchiness, or yours get in the way of that.

3) I wonder why you're nice to me when we're hanging out by ourselves..and then you're back to the normal patterns of pretending you don't like me the minute someone else shows up. I know how you really feel about me deep down under the meanie days, and the silly playfighting...but it gets pretty exhausting, you know? I mean, how am I supposed to react, when I know what I know, but you act the way you do?

4) Of the Malaspina program, you will be the ten percent that succeeds. Your professionalism, and easy-going personality, sheer likeability, are all traits I envy in you. You are amazing...cheers and I hope to be working with you in five and ten and fifteen years!

5) You still intimidate me right down to my core...I mean, don't get me wrong, I think you're great, and I understand you a lot better underneath all that cool than I did a year ago. But it's like standing in the presence of live electricity when I'm around you...I'm scared that if I move, you'll pounce on me and eat up all my cool, like a cool lion...a cool cat you might even say! (I can just imagine the look you'd give em at that, and it's a courage-withering stare) I wish I could stop being so intimidated by you, long enough to really get to know you...I envy my roommate the friendship she has with you.

6) Wow, is this show going to be interesting...I never thought in the two years we've been in this program, we'd EVER get casted the way we have. Don't get me wrong, I don't hate it! Who would? But it's so bizarre, and if someone had told me in high school what I'd be doing in this show and with who, I would have asked them who's crack they'd been smoking. I think you're a fantastic actor, such a watchable person, and I think if you really really want it, you'll go far with this. It's such a joy to work with you, absolutely.

7) Damn, you're so fine! I *heart* working with you! Another one who truly deserves to succeed! So much fun to work with, and hopefully, working closely on this, we'll become closer too! If you weren't so damn HAWT, I'd ask you to be my wing girl for real and not just in the show...but as it is, you'd steal all the boys!

8) hmmmm...what about you...I don't know nearly enough about what I really feel for you to be able to write this...but I'll try anyways. You are--attractive. Exceedingly so, you might even say. A LOT of fun, and that is the most important matter what happens lets always be able to hang out and just chill, cause that's the most important thing, right? You are unsuitable in so many many ways, it's just ridiculous, and honestly, I am so confused about how I feel for you, and about how you feel for me, that I sincerely doubt anything could ever happen because it'd be so damn awkward. I don't know, I guess what I'm saying is, it's your move. It'll always be your move, because I won't risk it, taking matters into my own hands...way too much to lose.

9) I really really miss you. You're so out of reach even though I see you everyday...even when I can get you away from the rest for a few minutes, something always comes up. You're too busy for me anymore...have you forgotten what it used to be like? Do you remember the sleepovers, the harmony, the pure confidence in the knowledge that we had a place in this world with each other, and how that place was perfect in its way for each of us? What happened to that? I suppose I always knew on some level we'd grow up, and grow away, and start leading our own lives. But why now? Honestly, does anything you have now compare to the way it used to be with us? We were fun, and innocent, and talented, and had something amazing. And it was allowed to just slip away like so many tarnished memories. How can you look back and not regret that?

10) OMG I WANT TO HAVE YOUR BABIES. Ok, maybe I'm not that serious, but you are the only person I can think seriously about dating for more than thirty seconds. You're talented and driven so I respect you, and funny and interesting so you aren't boring, and you're inexperienced so I wouldn't get burned. You're perfect for me and that's all there is to it. Too bad you're married to your career. *sigh*


Bean said...

Hmmm, am I on here? I have an idea of which number I could be, but I am not sure.
Oh yes, you will be huggled muchly today, thanks so so soooo much for that email, it means a lot =)

Anonymous said...


I need to work on becoming a better Amber

Akiyhrah said...

Am I on there?

Martha said...

i dont think i'm on there, but if i am i have an idea of who i am

although its just an idea, other than that i have no idea

Queen of Hearts said...

am i number 5 ???
if so how do i keep intimidating people? i don;t get it?


VivaLaPinto said...

yes, you're all on there exept for Martha. I intended to do one for you but then I forgot! *blush*

and no one should worry, all of these come with BIG BIG HUGS!

Lisa, I think your intimidating think is mostly a break in communication. It's all a question of self-esteem. To myself, particularly, I always feel nervous around people who are cool and calm and collected and what they must think of me in my ridiculous spurts of craziness... and I know that you're not quiet because you're judging me, but sometimes it doesn't feel like that. You know what I mean?

I love hanging out with you and Ky and Lee but I think everyone has moments like that, when they feel like a loser despite knowing better.

Anonymous said...

Am I on there? lol. Alleah ur so crafty at these things! If I am, I have no clue which one, I adore hints ;)

Joe Guitar said...

I don't know if I'm on here. But it really doesn't matter. I think your tons of fun Alleah.

VivaLaPinto said...

devin and davies, you guys aren't on here, but I love you two anyhoo! :D I tried to write them mostly about girls. I love all my boys, so there isn't really a whole lot to say other than YOU BOYS ARE FANTASTIC!

Biff.B said...

Well fluffy muffin i ain't to sure if i am on this but it was an intresting read "they say jump you say how high!"