Monday, November 29, 2004

all I want for Christmas is...

you wanna know how fucking poor I am? get Christmas gift from my grandparents? hot water. not fucking kidding.

allow me to explain: when Mom and I first moved into this house, Mom made sure to ask if the water was heated off the oil tank, because if she didn't have to, she would prefer not not use the oil tank, because oil is too expensive, and we cannot afford expensive things. Moni, our infamous bitch-landlord reassured us that, "oh yes, don't worry, the water is heated electrically." ok. wonderful.

seven months later, we seem to run into yet ANOTHER snag with our infamous house of crappiness. One day our heat just TURNS OFF. No specific reason. Mom had saved the oil that was in the tank from before we moved in to use come winter time, and now that wintertime is here, we have been burning the oil. So all of a sudden our heat just cuts out. Now, we're not that worried, to be honest, we just figured that we'd be using the fireplace a lot more now. Then--our HOT WATER goes AWOL. wtf??? So we inquire as to why this might be, seeing as how hot water happens to be, you know, IMPERATIVE TO LIVING, at least if you like to live having bathed once a day. And Moni informs us haughtily of the fact that, "oh the hot water is heated off of the oil tank. You have to buy more oil for the tank before you get hot water back again."


So I get home from school today, and I have had quite the stressful day. The Dentist happens to suck a lot, and I am irked at the way Tinnion is blocking it. I have already blown up at a couple people for just assuming that I'll give them chips, when it happens to be my dinner. In roughly an hour, I have to be at Dover for a five hour dress rehearsal that I didn't know I had, and it means that I have to miss Sean's sister Tuula's school play which I had looked forward to. And what do I find out? That for Christmas, Gramma and Grampa had planned on giving me and my sister a hudnred dollars. A hundred dollars? I have never gotten a hundred dollars for ANYTHING before! Fucking sweet! Then I find out, that because we are poor, it has to go towards oil. For hot water. So that I can shower in the morning.

Happy FUCKING Christmas.

Now, might I remind you all, that this is a woman who runs a retirement home for a living. There are LIVES in her responsibility, and I may point out that she does not take that responsibility into account when dealing with others. In fact, this summer alone there was an ambulance at the lodge almost every single week. Now people dying, or becoming hospitalized at that rate? There is something seriously wrong with that picture.

Now I am truly sick of being owned by a woman who thinks no more of the lives she affects than you would think of the cockroach you just squashed. I am TRULY OFFENDED that my Christmas gift is going to be a necessity of life. Now to be considered poor in this country, you have to spend over half of your monthly income on living expenses and necessities of life. We're spending practically half of my grandparents income and ALL of ours on our living expenses. And the last thing that we need is some lying bitch of a landlord making life even harder for us than it already is.

That shit-face just pissed off the wrong midget.


Brianna said...
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