Sunday, November 28, 2004

fine, Amay, I'll POST! jeex...

sorry about the silence, I was busy taking that prolongued period of time with mah boy that I spoke about last post. And boy was that wonderful! He came over to my house on Saturday morning, and we drank coffee whilst watching children frolicking. I discovered that my clothes were not dry when they were supposed to be, and I was furious. Then we just hung out in my room, and talked and listened to Less Than Jake. I got pissy at my bedding, and flung no less than three pillows across the room. LOL!

Later on, my mum asked me and Sean to walk the dogs with her, so we all put Sensei and Ahrodie on leashes and took them down to the park for a romp. The dogs ran and jumped foolishly and cutely, and then we went home to drop off the dogs. Sean and I waited til his Mom got there to pick us up, and then we all went up town to drop in on a little gathering at his grandparent's room in the old folk's home they live at. That was interesting, I met more extended family of Sean's. After that, we went to DQ's, and then Wendy's. Sean and I ate until we thirsted for Coke, and Sean spent his own money on two Cokes instead of using the five that his mum found in her purse, and that impressed her greatly. Apparently Sean is acting quite mature lately, and all are impressed with it.

After that, we went to Amanda's and hung out in her bedroom. I almost fell asleep on Sean. Actually I think I DID fall asleep on Sean. Which was pleasant in the extreme. Finally though his grandparents came and picked us up and dropped us off at Subway, to walk to his dad's house.

have you ever been on the verge of the greatest moment of your life, and then did something so retarded, so insanely unforgivable that you wanted to die for it?

The next morning, I missed TWO DIFFERENT BUSES to panto, so, being in a frustrated mood, merely went to Tim Horton's and drank yummy cappacino with Sean. I love that boy with all my heart! We hung out until almost three when I had to catch a bus uptown to go practice w/ the girls in preparation for our X-mas concerts coming up. I got there, adn it turned out to be a non-Ross Road bus (BAH!) which meant that I had to walk all the way from Uplands over to Ross, and then up a BIIIIIG hill to Brianna's place which was urgfh-worthy. Only to find out that--I WAS SUPER EARLY, and the girls didn't know that we were practicing at three, and not five. ROAR! Thaaaaaat's NICE. (lol, Sean and Devin!)

So I walked all the way to Gator's place which was about four minutes away from the place that I had gotten off the bus at in the FIRST PLACE. bah. Walked to Gator's house to find that she was with yound Timothy and there was no Collective for Pinto to practice with. CRAZY TALK! So I called Gator at Tim-Tims and played telephone tag w/ her for a while until it was decided that I was to go home, because there was no point if I had to leave so early anyways (because the last bus was at six).

So I came home, and here I am. *sigh* I want Sean, and blogs, and chocolate galore. That spells joy for me.


K said...

Is that regarding greatest moments & death a rhetorical question pertaining to missing panto x a lot or does it actually want responses?

VivaLaPinto said...

no, it is not meritous of comment.

VivaLaPinto said...

Also, if you'll look at your own blog, you'll see I took the liberty of making you some really rocking, good-looking links.

barbara_mary said...

Likin' the new sidebar

VivaLaPinto said...

holy wowzers, Batman, I just got truly freaked out when I saw that comment from "myself" and didn't recognize it! But then I realized that it was merely awesome Kevin still signed into my blogger account. blogger the peice of crap.

Kahloke said...

The lights! The colours! The glamour!

I come for the layout, but I stay for the content.