Monday, November 01, 2004

hmmm, I wonder if this'll post.

I don't have much to say today. woke up quite late, I couldn't tell what time i was, because it was so dark where I was sleeping. I thought it was like six or seven, but actually it was eight, or nine.

I am wearing Sean's shirt. that gives me ENORMOUS amounts of amusement. and his socks, too, actually. oh, crap, that reminds me, I have laundry to do. crapdammit, fuckshitters. actually, I take that back. the actual problem is not meritous of that amount of profanity. though I refuse to backspace it. so there.

my poor boy! he is so sad about living in his new house! I feel bad about it, because he is just not happy at all. I guess it is really unpleasant going from a nice, ordered house, to a chaotic, just moved-in living space. And it is very different from the way he used to live. His room is ridiculously tiny compared to his old room. There's not enough space for ME to feel comfortable even, and I am a smurf. I feel sorry for my hulk of a boyfriend shut up in that tiny place. Also, he has no piano to play, and no Alleah on the same bus route. sad sad sad serseph. I want to do something really nice for him, but I am not sure exactly what. After all, he was crazy sweet to me today, so he deserves something special. Updates on that project are forthcoming...

So I have nothing else to say. This better post, or I am going to go mental. I am sick of my stupid computer acting like the retarded peice of tin foil and spark plugs that it is. talk to y'all laterz.


VivaLaPinto said...

oh look at posted. :D

K said...

Just checking, but our Canadian english teacher thought that November 1st is "All Hallow's Day" but I insisted that it's "All Saints Day," and all the hallows only get an eve to themselves. ? <-- that is a question somehow...

anyway, glad to hear you're sleeping in all fun-like but is there no school or something? also, the word "laterz" with a z mildly irks me. grr

In other news, this girl gave me two burned punk CDs today, so I can appreciate more North American music while I am in Taiwan. yay! :p

amyleigh said...

hello. awww, that is one of my favorite parts of relationships....wearing the other's clothes.

Tim Banky said...

The Hallow hallow gets its own eve.

Plebea just isn't going to school. I pass no judgement, but wish she would. I worry.

You should make Sean a pie. That is one of the sweetest things to do. Something like an apple pie (not meant to imply anything dirty, although that always works) or a cherry pie.

Just a thought.

Brianna said...

Tim is sooo weird.

VivaLaPinto said...

Me, bake a pie? I am sorry, but I am just not that domestic. Instant mashed potatoes, and salad from a bag is about the height of my cooking abilities. I hope Sean doesn't expect to eat ever, because if we live together I prolly won't cook at all. mmm, welcome to the world of canned pineapple.

Anonymous said...

Can you bake cookies? Those are just as good as pie, and a ton easier. Heck, cookie dough can be sold (Pilsbury anyone?) and all that's needed is cut and put in the oven for required time.

Unless you totally insist on not cooking at all still. In which case, let me be the first to congratulate you on your journey through life with take-out and canned foods.

- Angie Hovestad

Anonymous said...


If you have the money and the time to look around, there are pies that can be store-bought as well.

- Angie Hovestad (again...)

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