Wednesday, November 24, 2004

I am your WIFE, I am the greatest good you've got!

Tonight, Sean surprised me by being at my locker when the bell rang! I was so happy to see him! I missed my bus which was crappy, but then, Sean and I took a bus by ourselves which was enjoyable. When we got to Dover, I stuck a slice of processed cheese on a teacher's car at Sean's behest! We laughed many many times!

As I thought, I was needed onstage as soon as I walked in the door, and we began our run. Things are getting better. There are quite a few things that need polishing, but as soon as that happens we'll be ready for opening night. I am not worried about Bye Bye Birdie. Ack! We open next week!!! It's almost done! I am not sure if that is a good thing or a bad thing.

After the run, Sean and I walked to Woodgrove where we looked at furniture in the Bay, and in other stores. I also dragged him into Mariposa, and Bryan's, cause I am a goob. I love dresses!!! with a passion. At Mariposa, someone Sean knew from high school was working there, so they talked while I drooled on the merchandise. Eventually I made my way over there, and I met her. Don't remember her name though, unfortunately.

After that we went to see the Incredibles and saw the twins working at the concession. I became Sean's pack donkey while he spoke with Amay and Bethany and bought Sour Patch Kids at Amay's urging. Jeez, Amay! Shameless plug! You'd think she was paid with commission the way she pushed those candies on that poor boy. Or maybe I'm biased!!! lol! anyways, the movie was awesome, I laughed like a fool especially at the end when (*blah blah blah, can't ruin the moment for all y'all who haven't seen it*)! That was hysterical! Plus the music was sweet. Always a bonus.

After that, I whined until Sean bought me dinner at McDonald's, because he had neglected to feed me earlier. For shame! I scarfed a McChicken burger, large fries, and a large coke until I felt stuffed with grease and gross. ARGLE-BART-FWUB. I have the most tension in the world right now. There is one gigantic lump of tension knot right in between my spine and my right shoulder blade and it is causing me so much trouble. Plus my left shoulder tendon thing is being strangled by malicious tension chords of doom, and it pains me so. Pity me. Pity me greatly. I need a massage-therapist. That would be heaven. Two years ago, during panto, Nick Murphy was once giving me a massage, and he told em that I was the tensest person he'd ever met. And that was just with panto, and school. Slacktron, easy-ass grade ten classes, no less. This year, it's no surprise that I am wound up. I actually think that I'm doing really well this year, considering the sheer volume of all the stuff I've been doing. I suppose to some extent I have slightly less stress at home than other years (yes Sean, unbelievably, I am LESS stressed about my family life than I usually am! how pathetic), which is prolly contributing to my overall relaxedness compared to other years. BAH! I hate stress.

Ok, I am tired. Goodnight.


amyleigh said...

that's a lie! I actually had to stop sean from getting TWO. it was all I could do, too--he was going crazay, jumping on things and such.

VivaLaPinto said...

jumping on things???

VivaLaPinto said...

you remind me of Dash. but my favorite was Elastigirl! aka, Helen.