Tuesday, November 09, 2004

I miss my boy!!!

I didn't talk to him at all yesterday, and I just called him, but he was at the church!!! I want to organize tomorrow with him!!! (I mean, I am assuming we are doing something, it is our two month after all...) anyways, I told his dad to tell him to call me when he gets home, so hopefully I'll talk to him today.

So I made a very interesting trip today. To a very interesting place. And yes, I saw someone I knew and was very cliche-ily embarrassed. However, they wouldn't take anymore walk-ins, so Gator and I had to make appointments! bugger. I hate hassle. but it's ok, cause when it's all over and done with, it'll have been worth it. Unfortunately, though, the appointment is with bastardly place that charges twelve dollars a month, not five dollars a month. I blame Mel. I wanted to take the number three and go to the place by the hospital, but she wanted to take the 44, and go to the one on Fitzwilliam. But whatever. I'll just get next month's at cheap place.

brb, dog walking. I'll continure this post later


barbara_mary said...

Silly girl, that Mel is! The place by the hospital is waaay cheaper. And it's new, so yeah... if that makes any difference. Although the place you went to is more widely known and accepted...

Tim Banky said...

Yeah... I didn't get there 'til they had already found out they couldn't do it, so it was a waste of a day. But I was glad for any excuse to see my Laura. She is so cool.

As a side note, I am a total mooch. I owe that girl big time.

VivaLaPinto said...

yeah, Tim, me too! I try t repay her with my love until I can find a more tangible way of fulfilling my debts! lol!

barbara_mary said...

Sexual favourr work just fine if you guys are trying to repay any debts with me! Just kidding!!

VivaLaPinto said...

I'll remember that, Barb!