Wednesday, November 17, 2004

Jock McThick and Big Mama Square ARE THE SAME PERSON!!!

I suppose it must be time for another post. *sigh.* I wish I had my boy. He said any number of wonderfuly sweet things to me on msn today. sweet, and...a LITTLE spicy! ;D boy oh boy oh boy do I ever love him.

in other news I have added a great many people today. like five. and there will prolly be more tomorrow. I am curious exactly how many people I have on my contact list now. I know it is close to a hundred, if not more.

speaking of a hundred, that's how many will be coming to my b-day bash in December, as long as super-bitch Moni doesn't evict us by then. yes, she's trying again. she says that the "dogs are too noisy." I'll show her a dog that is too noisy. look in the fucking mirror, bitch. so at this point, I could either have a KICKASS b-day with tons of friends, food and presents times a million, and Chasing Chester playing LIVE; or I could be homeless. I think it's time to cry. Renting sucks.

Grad Survey just came back, and I got shortest grad, AND most likely to become an actress!!! go me! But Mr. Mandziuk is a dickhead so I was only allowed to pick one, so I picked actress. Everybody already knows that I am LITERALLY the shortest grad, and like the fifth youngest, too, so I didn't feel the need to put in that. Devin got totally bitchy because he got best dressed AND most likely to become an actor, and he wanted both but could only pick one. What a PMSer he is. jeez. (jk, love ya babe!)

my fingers are COLD. I miss my boy. and I just wish everything was OVER. I want free time again. OH FUCK. I just realized, I promised my guy that I'd come over tomorrow, but I forgot I have panto tomorrow night. FUCK ASS DICKLICKER SHITZOID BITCH HOLE! I get no love or joy or dignity. just a poke in the bum. *sigh*

and I knew just what I was going to wear, too. fuckTARD.

1 comment:

barbara_mary said...

You'd better be going to panto rehearsal, missy.