Wednesday, November 03, 2004

morning voice...blech!

oh my god. Why did we ever agree to do this? Collective minus Brianna (due to illness) have a performance at seven thirty this very morning, and I am so gross, it is not even funny. I've just been warming up, and I sound like a damn foghorn on scales! How the freaking hell am I going to pull off What a Wonderful World??? Whatever, Rotary is stupid anyways. They're paying the choir fivehundred dollars for doing the shittiest performance of our entire life from way back two years ago. My grade ten year. Seriously, I had a solo, and I goddamn forgot the melody. And they're paying us five hundred dollars. So if they are retarded enough to do that, then they are silly enough to enjoy me and Laura bleating like seasick goats at them at seven thirty in the morning.

So the plan is this morning is that sometime in the next five minutes, Devin is going to come pick me up, and take me up to the Swiss Chalet where the Rotary Club will feed me a free breakfast, then listen to me and Gator sing a song that we arranged, and learned LAST NIGHT. Then they are going to present Mrs. Sinclair, and the representatives of Wellington Choir (me, Laura, and Devin) with a big ole check for five hundred dollars, and we will all get our picture in the paper. Woo-hoo.

I want to go back to bed.


K said...

That's so Rotary... in every way. Surprisingly well put Alleah *thumbs up*.

I mean, the giving people money, posing for photographs, PERFORMANCES (did I mention we have to perform the Gong Fu--a lot less gay than the dance I'll admit--tomorrow?) and the likes. And ridiculously early mornings.

I'm not sure what you mean about morning voice though... after a warmup, I can sing pretty nicely for hours on a Saturday morning choir practise. but whatever. I'm not a soprano, or good at pop/folk/jazz/anything we managed to do in the Wellington choir, so maybe there's something I'm missing out on. But I'm kind of glad to be missing out on sounding like "blech"


PS - did you get a postcard? Ama' got hers, but yours had the picture of me with Taiwanese girls... I *did* send them all at exactly the same time, after all.

Tim Banky said...

Sigh... Plebea, I am sure you were fine. At least you have talent.