Sunday, November 14, 2004

my face is...uck

I am SO incredibly sick right now!!! I hate it! And it's all Brianna's fault, too. Lump of coal is all she's getting in her Christmas stocking. gee whisikers, I mean really.

So this post is pretty pointless, I'm really just posting it to cover up that crapdammit link post below. I tried to delete that P.O.S. but would it listen to me? I think not. At any rate, I have been blogsurfing, and harassing people I may or may not know with shameless plugs to visit Fun With Pinto, so I am really doing a little light cleanup in preparation for their visits. Kind of like housecleaning in preparation for actual visitors. Wow, do I ever need a life.

Panto rehearsal today at one. I have to leave in a bit. Do not do not do NOT want to go. I am having a lazy day, and in fact, a lazy long weekend as well. That is a relief. I have not had one in ever so long, what with panto rehearsal, and MuTh rehearsal, and Mime rehearsal, and choir, and Sean and what little Collective rehearsing we've been doing of late. The evil gods of sickness seem to have struck down Collective and our attempts at making music lately. First, Gator was sick, and we could practice, but only a little. She got Brianna sick, and then practice was ENTIRELY off because Brianna couldn't get a note out of a tin bucket, let alone practice soem good serious harmony. Now I'm sick, and I've even missed crazy singing day practice for MuTh, so it is unlikely that I'll be doing much Collective practicing.

oh, remind me. toda I have to speak to the panto producers to secure The Collective's spot on the preshow bill. remind remind remind.

k, I am done with this blogging business now. I shall go harass some more hapless victims. bwa-ha-ha.

way too sick for this shit. blech.

1 comment:

VivaLaPinto said...

WHAT??? no COMMENTS??? we shall remedy THIS situation, quick enough.

(*k, now, officially a loser*)