Monday, November 01, 2004

*snicker wink SEIZE!*

so last night was pretty awesome. Sean and I were hours and hours late for Amanda's Halloween p-tay, because his Mom wanted to take us to a Halloween get-together with her sister Melida, and sister-in-law Penny up in the north end of town. I met about twelve people who are like Sean's cousins, and second cousin, and aunts and uncles. Then we went to Amanda's and got lost-ish looking for the house. Retard Devin and his incorrect directions...Amanda yelled at me the minute I walked in the door. Still feeling the remnants of hangover badness, I just bitched right back at her, and told her that if she yelled at me I was going home. So, having reached an accord, we went upstairs, and watched Napolean Dynamite. Or at least the last half of it. It was hysterical! I really want to watch the whole thing from start to finish with no one around so that I can see the whole thing.

After that, Devin gave me MY copy of The Mantta DVD, and I was thrilled!!! We ended up watching it, with Amanda's Mom, and I was very very proud of my boy, and my Devin. Sean was kind of sick of it, but that's his own fault for watching it a hundred and eight times when he first got it! so there.

Around eleven, everybody left (everybody being Chris Ruiz, and April Wreggit) Devin and Sean and I went to Devin's gramma's place, and we set off fireworks. There was one that was totally faulty, and fell over, and shot flares in all directions. It was scaray. So we set off a bunch of fireworks, and Sean and I ate candy from hs grandparents house. mmm, chiclets.

Then I "went home." Nobody gets to know what I mean by that. hmmm...the only other bit of information I have is, that Mel, Barbara, Gareth, and Tim: we have gained another. If you don't know what I mean by that, well you're gonna have to spend some time with me, aren't you? BURN!

k, bye. I'm wearing Sean's shirt that he gave to me. *snicker*


barbara_mary said...


VivaLaPinto said...