Wednesday, November 24, 2004

What have YOU done??? *dirty eye brow waggle*

Highlight the things youve done.

Climbed a mountain
Taken a Ferrari for a test drive
Held a tarantula.
Taken a candlelit bath with someone<-- I wish!!!
Said 'I love you' and meant it
Hugged a tree
Done a striptease
Bungee jumped
Visited Paris
Watched a lightning storm at sea
Stayed up all night long, and watched the sun rise
Seen the Northern Lights
Gone to a huge sports game
Grown and eaten your own vegetables
Slept under the stars
Changed a baby's diaper
Taken a trip in a hot air balloon
Watched a meteor shower
Looked up at the night sky through a telescope
Had an uncontrollable giggling fit at the worst possible moment
Had a food fight
Taken a sick day when you're not ill
Had a snowball fight
Screamed as loudly as you possibly can
Held a lamb
Organized and planned a surprise party for a loved one
Taken a midnight skinny dip
Taken an ice cold bath
Had a meaningful conversation with a beggar
Seen a total eclipse
Ridden a roller coaster
Hit a home run
Danced like a fool and not cared who was looking
Adopted an accent for an entire day
Visited the birthplace of your ancestors
Actually felt happy about your life, even for just a moment
Had two hard drives for your computer
Visited all 50 states
Loved your job for all accounts
Taken care of someone who was really sick
Had enough money to be truly satisfied
Had amazing friends
Stolen a sign
Taken a road-trip
Rock climbing
Been heartbroken longer then you were actually in love
Bench pressed your own weight
Milked a cow
Alphabetized your records
pretended to be a superhero
Sung karaoke
Lounged around in bed all day
Protested something you feel strongly against
Got it on to "Let's Get It On" by Marvin Gaye
Kissed in the rain
Played in the mud
Played in the rain
Gone to a drive-in theater
Done something you should regret, but don't regret it
Discovered that someone who's not supposed to have known about your blog has discovered your blog
Dropped Windows in favor of something better
Taken a martial arts class
Played D&D for more than 6 hours straight
Crashed a party
Loved someone you shouldn't have
Gone without food for 5 days
Made cookies from scratch
Won first prize in a costume contest
Gotten a tattoo
Got flowers for no reason
Made out in a public place
Got so drunk you don't remember anything
Been addicted to some form of illegal drug
Performed on stage
Been to Las Vegas
Drank an entire 6 pack by yourself
Buried one/both of your parents
Shaved all of your hair off
Been on a cruise ship
Spoken more than one language fluently
Gotten into a fight while attempting to defend someone
Bounced a check
Performed in theatre
Found out something significant that your ancestors did
Called or written your MP
Sang loudly in the car, and didn't stop when you knew someone was looking
Wrote articles for a large publication
Lost over 100 pounds
Held someone while they were having a flashback
Broken someone's heart
Helped an animal give birth
Been fired or laid off from a job
Broken a bone
Driven any land vehicle at a speed of greater than 100mph
Had a body part of yours below the neck pierced
Fired a rifle, shotgun, or pistol
Ridden a horse
Had major surgery
Ridden on a passenger train
Had a snake as a pet
Hiked to the bottom of the Grand Canyon
Slept through an entire flight: takeoff, flight, and landing
Slept for more than 30 hours over the course of 48 hours
Been a sperm or egg donor
Eaten sushi
Had your picture in the newspaper
Changed someone's mind about something you care deeply about
Gotten someone fired for their actions
Changed your name
Eaten fried green tomatoes
Read The Iliad
Selected one "important" author who you missed in school, and read their works
Dined in a restaurant and stolen silverware, plates, cups because your apartment needed them
Taught yourself an art from scratch
Killed and prepared an animal for eating
Apologized to someone years after inflicting the hurt
Communicated with someone without sharing a common spoken language
Written your own computer language
Thought to yourself that you're living your dream
Had to put someone you love into hospice care
Built your own PC from parts
Sold your own artwork to someone who didn't know you
Had a booth at a street fair
Dyed your hair Blue
Been a DJ
Found out someone was going to dump you via LiveJournal
Written your own role playing game
Been arrested

(stories of these things I have done are forthcoming should any of you choose to ask about them)


K said...

been arrested? I missed that one

VivaLaPinto said...

many many years ago, during my petty shoplifting stage. I was eleven. How pathetic.

VivaLaPinto said...

I dunno, bunches of things in Grade Eight and Nine. For some reason, there was like two walk-outs a year back then for something or other. I always made sure to show my support.

Petur said...

Vá hvað þú hlýtur að vera ógeðslega leiðinlega manneskja! Rosalega týpískur kani og bara allt saman brjálað hérna ha!! Farsælda frón, og hagsælda hrimhvíta móðir! Hvar er þín fornaldarfrægð? Frelsið og manndáðin best? Landið er fagurt og frítt, og fannhvítir jöklanna tindar, himinninn heiður og blár, hafið er skínandi bjart!

Petur said...

Nei, ókei... þú ert kandadísk. Allt í lagi. Ég afsaka. Kanda er mjög feitt land.

K said...

Wow, you have fans that write in languages unintelligible to me... as for people that went to Thailand, I do recall a certain guy named Tidey whose sister is now on exchange. He showed himself up by misreading his school's name on a sign, in Thai which I am pretty sure is a phonetic language. The Thai exchange student in the room corrected him to his dismay.

As for Chinese names, the family name comes first (most common 陳 Chen followed by 林 Lin) and then a two-character given name). The most frequent English names (like David, Mary, Amy, John) have ready-made Chinese equivalents... you can make a last name that sounds like yours or just pick a random one / famous person's last name. First names, it's possible to either spell the sound of your name with common characters, or look for ones with cool meanings to make a new one.

I hate typing Chinese with bopomo keyboards... I can't practise it so I'm slow because I've pinyin at home (as fast as typing English).

Also, when did you hit a home run? I played T-ball and baseball in school & I never hit a home run. :( / :p

bradfurd said...

sweet entry alleah. i'm gonna fill that out for my blog in due time.

Pineapple Princess! said...

well I'm not very objective as per the comments etc on the second post down on geoffs blog... barbaras kinna makes me laugh! but yeah, its tough to be objective when im that involved in everything thats commented upon etc.

Petur said...

Ókei, þú ert samt leiðinleg, þó þú sért kanadísk, og svo eru vinir þínir ógeðslega leiðinlegir og heimskir. Nauðgaðu mömmu þinni ógeðslega hóran þín.

VivaLaPinto said...

AAAUUUGHGGHG!!! I speak ONE language!! ONE language ONLY!!!!! *brain anurism* anyways, thanks for dropping by, Russian Petur! (you are Russian, correct?) And Kevin I played soft ball from the time I was five to ten. During that time I hit a few home runs. Though not in my last year on the Expos. We had many people far better than me that year. Such as Steven Godfrey, and Taylor Culpepper, for those people in Grade Twelve at Welly. Also, Kourtenay Paugh was on my team! Isn't that hysterical? She has a picture of me in which I strongly resemble a chipmunk.

VivaLaPinto said...

aww, Ange!