Tuesday, November 16, 2004

"You are my life; for now, forever."

*happy contented love*

i feel bad for being so lucky in love, when poor Bethany's Chip is moving so far away. She has been pretty upset about it, as well she should be, as close as they seemed to be. My heart goes out to her.

today was a pretty good day. Mum woke me up by yelling mean things at me. She told asked if I was up, and I said yes (even though I wasn't) but she didn't hear me, so she asked again, and I replied again in the affirmative (even though it was still a lie), and again, she didn't hear me, and she ended up screaming at me to get up, and I felt bad, and screamed back that I WAS up (even though, it was most definitely a bitter lie) and then had to explain that my voice was sore-throat-stricken, and could not be heard very well across a closed bedroom door. That was unpleasant.

Then I went to school. luckily I caught my bus, and got to school on time, which is to say about five minutes late. Better five, than FORTY-five, I say. Math was ok, I understand some concepts now that I didn't before, however he did not have coffee abrewed for us, and I was entirely sad and neglected. I think he felt bad for me because I was trying to answer questions in my pathetic, high voice of squeaky sickness. Socials was super boring, I worked like a shoe elf for an hour and a half, and as a result have NO homework! woo-hoo!

just before jazz choir, Sean found me at my locker fending off Jake and Ashley who were drunk at school. Jake more so than Ashley. Ashley wasn't even flushed, and her eyes were only a little red. But Jake...oh, Jake. Jake was almost passed out in front of my locker, reeking of alchohol, and had drunken himself stupid. As well he should be, because according to Ashley, he drank an entire forty of Colt 45 to himself. Poor Jake. I actually bonked him on the head with my locker twice, plus I dropped tape on his head! I felt bad about that, but he was drunk and didn't notice, so I saw no harm in it.

anyways, back to the important stuff, Sean was there, and very sweetly and thoughtfully he brought me my VERY OWN XTRA LARGE CAFE MOCCHA from Tim Hortons! Apparently he didn't have work, and decided to spend his time being unbearabley sweet to me! Oh how I don't deserve that boy!

jazz choir, unfortunately was brutal. I wasn't going to sing, but then, no other sopranos even showed up, so I had to sing. It blew monkey chunks. After jazz choir was peer tutoring, which was accompanied by the usual disorder of Sean being in class. Mrs. Tinnion even gave us a stern rat-headed talking to about being professional. All I could think while she was doing that was how good his laundry smelled! I am a goob.

Oh, yeah, i almost forgot. I have to talk some smack about the kids in my peer tutoring class, cause...I told them I was going to. HOO-HAW! um, Jordan...smells like...crabs. Sarah and Melissa--um---ah...*RUNS AWAY!*

k, so that doesn't work when you're trying. whatever, my bile will come out one day. be prepared, little grade eights! (oh man, how ironic is THAT statement?)

after peer tutoring was drama, in which I nazi-ized after a very enjoyable un-silent reading, because there are seventeen days in which Rat-Demon expects us to create a production. stupid retard rodent lady. I hate her so.

after school, instead of MuTh, I went to the mall with Sean and read interior design magazines, and talked about what we want our future to be like. Stop making fun of me, Brianna and Laura, I DON'T CARE WHAT YOU THINK!!!! cause I have boy. and he loves me so. oh-whoa-whoa-whoa-oh.... later we scraped our pathetic bits of change together, and bought a couple of meatball subs, and felt embarrassed cause we were five cents short. So we ran away with our tails tucked btween our legs, and ate our subs in the mall. There was an enormous spider which Sean squashed for me, but not nearly at the level of enthusiasm and keen-ness I would expect from a handsome prince protecting his princess. but that's ok. it is one dead spidey-widey and that's all that matters.

After that, we caught a bus at an enormously convenient time to his house, and ate more food. And I half watched The Perfect Storm while Sean fell asleep beside me. I love having boys asleep with you. It gives me so much joy! Eventually I had to go home, wherein, my computer decided to be a fucktard of magnificent proportions and have over 800 virus-ridden files on it. fucking bitch shit-ass fuck nut cock hole.





honestly, unless somebody does something soon, she's going to block blogger, and I won't be able to post AT ALL!!! please, readers! your futures as faithful Fun With Pinto readers is at stake unless you flood my sisters email with protest mail telling her exactly why blogs do NOT give computers viruses, and that Pintoisfun.blogspot.com CANNOT go offline under any circumstances! this is her email: goddess_of_the_seas_4@hotmail.com
now if you are a faithful reader, a newcomer to Fun With Pinto, or a passing internet expert, please tell my sister that blogs don't give computers viruses, and that to take Alleah away from her blogging is like disowning her completely. now beware, family. I am already close to being lost to you. This computer, and it's ability to blog, and blog-surf are one of the main reasons I come home. why else would I bother coming home to a big messy hassle, when all my friends, all of my business is uptown, and my boy isn't even here? think about what cutting me out from blogging would do! just you think about it. *steely glare*

...wow, it's like the Winnipeg general strike of 1919. except with one lonely Pinto.


amyleigh said...

uh oh...if Sean's a good boy and does what he should, he should also be going on a mish, so i wouldn't feel TOO luckay. although there is the possibility that he might not go...

Megan said...

No more skippy of the Muth. We only have 4 rehearsals left before tech then dress rehearsals (which are like performances in Mr. A's mind) then OPENING NIGHT! No more skippy for you!!

Anonymous said...

HAH! thats terrible Smack! and Jordan smells worse than crabs, eugh. What's wrong with me and Melisa? pfft.. Oh well, I laughed pretty damn hard at your Rat Demon comments, always enjoyable. But enough said, I still love you even though you are trying to think of something bad to say about me :(. Yes, this is from Sarah I didn't feel like signing up.

VivaLaPinto said...

yeah, I thought it was you. hey, do YOU have a blog? (*omigawd, do you have a blog?* lol, Barba!)

barbara_mary said...

She does have a blog. Check Devin's blog for comments, which she commented on. <- I = weird for knowing that. Alleah is HERSELF!!

VivaLaPinto said...

REALLY??? wowzers! yeah, that is crazy that I didn't know that. well, it's off to Devin's blog. but first...Sean's. *sigh!*

Kahloke said...

*looks around nervously*

Whoa. SO... VERY... OUT... OF... THE... LOOP. *runs away in terror*

VivaLaPinto said...

INSANELY OUT FO THE LOOP, you non-Brianna's-bday-bash-attending bum face!!