Friday, December 31, 2004

super dictionarian

today's gonna suck...I have to be up at Brianna's by one to practice for tonight's pre show. then I have call for the first show at four, showtime is at fivethirty, and it ends at eight. we have a half an hour until call at eight thirty for the next show, show time is at nine, we have the preshow, which Collective is on first for, and we are singing two songs. The show goes after that until about midnight, we'll do the countdown to the New Year onstage. Then the banquet-shmoozie-thing at the Bailey goes until about twelve thirty or one. After that is Barbara's drunken cast party of awesemity. And prolly about five or six a clock that morning is when I will die. As in completely cease the living. Beathing, heart rate, all systems failure. I am gonna be SO tired!

But yesterday was a success! At two, a small number of my close friends showed up to Fast Eddies, and we ordered and ate. Laura, Tim, Devin, and Sean were there. I ordered a frickin three course meal cause I felt like splurging. (hey, it was only seventeen dollars with tax! I could afford it!) I ate most of it, and then started throwing the remainder at panto people who showed up after Phantom of the Opera at four. AAt four, Vanessa, Will, Jen Smythe, Nicole, Sasja, Brianna, Rosie, Mel, Niki, and Jen Schaper showed up, and we occupied this little corner of Fast Eddies that was filled with rowdy theatre kids singing, and throwing comestibles at each other! A grand ole time was had by all!

In other news I totally kicked Sean into the ground at Boggle! I think yhe ended up with something like twelve points after four games, and I had thirty! It was awesome-possum!!! He was embarrassed and tried to keep me from showing Mom his score...but I stil;l told her about it! lol!

After Fast Eddies, the people with cars went up to Woodgrove to go underwear shopping. I didn't buy anything, although I was tempted. Hey, I only had five dollars left!

After that, we drove to Panto, and we had a really awesome warm-up. The show started on time, and it was......... o k. It was NOT fabulous, although the audience started to give us a standing o at the end. The audience was really weird! They were a completely dead audience, just sitting in their seats, expressionless, while a few in front did the audience participation parts, and yet the worst expressionless ones were the ones that gave us the standing o at the end! It was carazay! Dean said, at intermission, they were just standing around as if they were at a wake! It was wierd. But Chapel of Love (the curtain call number) went really well, and Dancing in the Streets (the finale) went the best we've ever done it! In my opinion. We all had fabulous energy, and I dunno about anyone else (possibly with the exception of Nicole; her voice died halfway through that song) but I just belted that song out with all I had! It was TRES fabou, in the words of Mel.

Now it's ten, and Sean is coming at eleven, I think...*sigh*, that boy. I need to shower, and blow dry my hair, and hopefully straighten it. bigger, I don't wanna do that right now! I wish I had more time in between now and practice/show time...this is gonna suck times a lot.

well, anyways, off to the showers I go. Goodbye all. Oh yeah, and if I added you on msn, and you think that's creepy, it was only for the purposes of telling the entirety of Nanaimo about my b-day p-tay. most of you may delete me if you want, cause I'm really not on very much anyways. ttyl!

Wednesday, December 29, 2004

it's mah birthday!!!!

what's that rap with 'something something something, it's your birthday' in it...? on second thought, never mind. in fact, forget I ever said that.

so it's my b-day, and I am spending it w/ Sean and my family. also known family. I am wearing a pretty red t-shirt that is sadly NOT birthday new, and skanky summertime shorts, cause everything I own is dirty, plus my pink frog slippers. I'm also cooking Sean food, while burping, so suffice it to say today is a strange day. but it's gotta be! it's the anniversary of the day I was born!!!

this morning, I got up later than I should have and walked to Tim Horton's where Sean met me after running to my house and back looking for me cause he'd had a dream I was getting beaten up by random males...what a crazy ninja. we drank coffee, and talked, and then ran for a bus, while I snippily asked Sean to take his coffee...*blush*

we got to my house, and spent some time on the computer while Mom and Sherayna were wrapping my b-day gifts upstairs. then Ken arrived, and him, Mom, Sherayna, and Sean watched me open my birthday gifts. I got five bucks from Ken, twenty bucks from Gramma and Grampa, shampoo, conditioner, deep conditioner and a chocolate orange from Sherayna, a makeup bag, socks, pink fishnets, gray leg warmers, a purse (w/ a loonie in it for good luck!), a SpongeBob SquarePants calendar, two belts, and the game Boggle from my Mom. Oh yeah, plus a BEDSIDE TABLE! I was so happy, I've been needing one. But now I need an extension cord, and some trimming for the inside of my room that I can hide this extension cord in, that is removable so Moni won't refuse us our damage deposit if I put it in...or I could just leave my alarm clock where it is.

It's been a pretty good birthday so far. For those who want to know, my first birthday p-tay is tomorrow at 2pm to 6pm at Fast Eddies on Bowen Rd. Any who want to come are invited, gifts optional cause it was just X-mas, and the rest of Panto will be there, too, so if you don't really like me, but you like others who are in the pantomime, you should come anyways...but if that's your reason, then you HAVE to give me a gift! lol... Then my other one will be on the second of January at my house, which is pretty easy to get to. Email me if you want directions, ad I shall oblige. That is from seven to pretty much all night for those who want to stay all night because of travel troubles. It is non-alchoholic, but I will not turn you away if you show up inebriated. But my mom WILL yell at me, so try not to. Oh yeah, and if anybody has an air hockey table they want to bring for the night, I would very possibly be your slave for the rest of my life! Now, I don't have time to make specific invitations, so, pretty much if you were in Bye Bye Birdie, and want to come, sure, if you are in Panto, and want to come, sure, if you go to my school, and want to come, sure, if you randomly read my blog and live in Nanaimo and want to come, sure, but you may not bring your drugs, prostitutes, porn, or any other form of contraband. And you may not come if you are Emma Love. Other than that, p-tay at my house on the second! Again, gifts are optional, unless you are Sean, Laura, or Brianna! lol, jk...

k, mah boy wants to go watch jackass, so I'm gonna go do that! ttyl! Happy Birthday to me!

Monday, December 27, 2004

much to post about!!!


What a FABULOUS past few days!!!! I am entirely contented and happy. I hope you guys are settled in and ready for a marathon read, for there is much to blog about!!!

On Christmas Eve, I was supposed to be with my family all night, but things ended up being wonky with time. The past couple days before X-mas, I had been fitting amazing amounts of stuff into my days, for I had Christmas presents to wrap/make/buy, as well as spend time with Sean, as well as spend time with both of our families. Very busy time, very very busy. Also kind of satisfying, given the amount of work I got done. Christmas Eve, I spent most of the day shopping in Port Place for Sean's family and his dad and the two younger kids, and at my house w/ Sean making gifts (I made a bunch of the gifts I gave this year. I either made pillows, or painted wooden things like birdhouses, or jewelery drawers). Unfortunately, his mom was very late picking us up to go to Sean's house so I could finish sewing my pillows, and whatnot, so I ended up missing dinner at my house, which I had intended on being home for. Instead I went to Sean's and took all night sewing a pillow, which I justify because it's quilted in a crazy fashion, plus the sewing machine kept messing up. If you want to see it, go see Sean Mantta, the best guy in the whole world, because I gave it to him. mostly because the rest of my gift for him sucked so bad! lol! I gave him The pillow, and a picture frame that is made like an easel, with a picture of me during the summer holding one of the puppies in it. My mummy gave him a measurement set for his house design which he is obsessed with now, and a picture frame (whose glass she ended up stepping on and breaking by accident!), and a book about being a Leo. Also, in his stocking from our house, I gave him one of the stockings that I had made. *Man, those things gave me so much grief! I sewed the two sides together before I remembered that I hadn't sewed the top white fuzzy part onto them! URGFH! So, I had to rip the seams at the top apart about two inches, and ended up sewing them on like that. As a result, all my stockings are the gimpiest things you've ever seen! AND YOU ALL BETTER LIKE THEM, CAUSE I BROKE MY BACK OVER THEM!!!* He also got a little stuffed lion, cause he's a Leo. He named it Gunther! He also got a pink lei, a marionette poodle (oh my gifts are so stupid!), um, and other stuff that I cannot remember...wait! He got a pen, I remember that!!! lol!

Anyways...ok, I don't remember what I was saying. Something about X-mas eve, I think! Man, now you know why I blog so much! If I don't, then everything gets muddled in my brain, and I can't think!!! Christmas Eve, I spent most of it sewing Sean's pillow. I ended up staying for Sean's family's X-mas dinner, which was Mexican food. They had missionaries over for dinner, which was fun! I learned that missionaries aren't allowed to refuse food, pretty much, and they're not allowed to hug (within reason), which is crazy!!! Apparently, it's something about temptation, the hugging thing. So that they can concentrate on their mission. Anyways, that was funny, because whether or not me and Sean went caroling with them afterwards pretty much depended on me! So they went on this huge campaign trying to get me to come with them, but unfortunately, I was really behind on my pillow, because the machine kept screwing up. So I stayed home. Bonnie and Ian gave the missionaries gifts, which were scarfs that Ian sewed himself!! lol! It seems everyone is creative this X-mas season! I know Mel, and Devin both made their gifts, as did I.

So eventually, I ended up going home at about one in the morning! We watched Mean Girls, as well, because Sean insisted on watching a movie on Christmas Eve with me, which is why I was so late getting home. After that before I went home, Sean let me open one of the gifts he bought me. It was this beautiful porceline egg that opens up, and according to Gramma, you put your jewelry in it when you're doing the dishes, or showering or whatever. It was so beautiful. Then I went home; it was late. But then I was so sad, because I still wasn't finished my gifts, so I stayed up until THREE IN THE MORNING, painting, wrapping, and placing gifts under the tree. I was so exhausted. It was so funny, cause when I was gathering supplies, I couldn't find any bows, so finally was like, "You know what, fine! No one will even GET bows! URGFH" and slunk up to my room to do my wrapping. It was amusing...

So finally I went to bed in the clothes that I was wearing except for I took off my pants and put on shorts, and with paint on my bedspread. I was tired that I just didn't care. There could have been camel poop on my bed, and I just would have slept around it, cause I just wanted to sleep! The next morning, I was shocked because KEN got up before the kids!!! It was so weird! He came into my room at about eight in the morning with a cup of coffee, urging me out of my nice comfy bed. I dunnok, it was so crazy! Have YOU ever had a Christmas where you opened gifts AFTER daylight??? I know!!! Especially not with little children around! You always get up at three thirty or something ridiculous like that...but not with these kids. That's weird.

Anyways, we got up, and opened our stockings, because Gramma was not up yet, just like every year! The first thing I opened was a package nof toe rings, which is crazy cause my entire family *cough* I mean Santa knows that I don't liek toe rings, and they drive me crazy if I try to wear them. Methinks that SOMEONE didn't read the fine print, and thought they were normal rings. Which is still nice, because, likewise, Santa aka my family also know that I LOVE rings, with a passion. I also got a candle, a pen, candy, a figurine, a porceline head that is a magnet, perfume, an incense burner and incense, and these crazy weird garden things that are glass flowers. I'm not crazy into that, but when Sean saw them, he thought they were pretty, so I may yet use them in my domicile...

Soon, though, Gramma got up, and dressed. Usually she doesn't on X-mas Eve, but it's cold in our house, so it's understandable. So we started passing out gifts. All in all, I got a hair straightener, a blow dryer, a curling iron (goodness, do I seem that shallow to my family??? whatever, I suppose it's an easy gift; everybody knows I needed one), a Faye Kellerman novel that I have already read, but didn't own, crazy random PJ's from my mom (I swear, they're for children...they have BOOTIES for godsakes!!!!) makeup, a magazine that I already have, a matching scarf and gloves, a set of craft trays to paint because I absolutely love painting trays (I think my Mom is trying to foster this whole craft thing that I am getting into; how wholesome!), wonderful-smelling bath products and other stuff that I can't remember right now. I must be maturing...I opened all my gifts before the kids were even halfway through their pile, and in previous years I have been resentful of that, but this year, I was perfectly entertained sitting there playing with bubble wrap and watching the kids, and watching everybody open the gifts that I got them. Gramma and Grampa were delighted with the birdhouse I painted them. It was so expensive to buy (for a craft) but I didn't care, it was so worth it! Sherayna also loved her jewelry box. I was actually really unhappy with it, cause I'd done the detailing at eleven the night before, and it was so uncreative of me. Very disappointing! Mom really liked her planter, and dream catcher, just like I knew she would. You knwo what she bought "The Mattson Family"??? A DVD PLAYER!!!!!! Holy crap! She let me open it, and the noise that came out of my mouth when I saw what it is unparalleled by any other human voice!!! lol! I was so happy with the DVD player.

Afterwards we all ate some food, and watched the kids play with their toys. I took my pile up to my room, and! I took a really wonderful shower, and washed my hair with Fructis that Sean had bought me the day before because he's wonderful! And shaved my legs with pathetically cheap, bad quality man shaving cream, which caused my knees to smell like man-face. uck. And I used my lovely-smelling body wash, and the matching body lotion once I got out. I got all dressed up, adn did my hair with my new blow dryer, and started to straighten it, but I was running late, so I decided not to, and I used the body spray that matches my body wash, and lotion, so I smelled ecstatically wonderful, and I happy about that. I felt very pretty and Christmas-like. Then Sean arrived to pick me up for our Christmas activities, and he was wearing--track pants. and a t-shirt! lol!!! We mismatched terribly, but it's understandable. We went to his dad's house, and opened gifts. I gave his dad his gift from me which was a mug, and Turtles. He seemed to really like it, because he told me how perfect the bottom was for the cup holders on his boat. I told him about how I didn't know which one to get him, so I just got the one that I would have wanted! Sean got his Star Wars thing that he wanted, and apparently he got the ornament he wanted as well! His dad got me the alarm clock that I had whined about wanting! lol! He also got me a DVD of this movie that I hadn't seen but really wanted to because it has adorable tiger cubs in it, and this beautiful tree ornament from copper mines in Salt Lake City. It was gorgeous, and I was so thrilled! Afterwards, we sat and talked for a bit,a dn watched a special on A&E about Santa Claus. Such a geek am I, cause I was totally enraptured by it! I watch WAY too much A&E, I swear...

Sean went to go get dressed, which was amusing cause I was in the room with him, when he went to kick me out. I can't remember what he did, but he said something that I was going to tickle him for, but seeing as how he was kicking me out so he could change, and since he was wearing tear-aways, I decided to aid him in that little endeavor! Or at least, the UNdressing part of that endeavor! I totally ripped his pants off, and ran out into the hall with them, while laughing, and he comes out, all morose in his tighty-whities, and says to his dad, "look what she did to me!" I was laughing so hard by that time!

*stupid gosh-durn sunlight! I can't see my computer screen!!!*

anyways, after that, we got in the car and headed--back to my house! lol! At my house, Sean opened his gift, and seemed really happy with it! Mom was tickled with the fact that he opened up his scarf (it matches mine, except it's white, and mine is red) and put it right on! He seemed really happy with his picture frame(s), and didn't seem very surprised when he opened up the pillow! I didn't think he would be, seeing as how he was there the whole time it was being made, but he liked it, I think which I am happy about.

*HA!! I win! I pwn stupid sunlight of blinding death! I shut a t-shirt into the window, and now I can see my screen again! YAY!*

After that, we hung out in my room a bit, and he saw my ridiculous booties PJ's, and we laughed muchly! We went downstairs after, and Sean fell asleep with his eyes open! lol! it was crazy to watch; he was just not there, and by not there, I mean his mind was somewhere else entirely. It was amusing to watch. He played with the kids a bit, which was adorable, like it always is!

Eventually, we ate dinner, which was so good! I ate tons of mashed potatoes, and great quantities of ENORMOUS black olives, and gulped my wine cause I don't like it very much, and got the tiniest bit of a head from it. I know, I'm such a lightweight!!! Pathetic me! Quinn called after dinner, and I got to introduce him to Sean, which was great! Sean actually handled it really well. If you want my big brothers to respect you, you have to not be afraid of them. ALl my other boyfriends, when they met my big bros, were quiet, and "yessir"-esque, which just doesn't work when you're dealing with my family! But Sean actually responded to him like they were equals, and it comforted me. After that, we called his Mom's house for a ride, and the kids made a mess of the living room floor with paint, which made me crazy. I don't necessarily blame them; they're kids. But I swear their mother can be such an idiot sometimes. You just don't allow a five year old, and a four year old to play with acrylic paints on a hard wood floor with no supervision, and no newspaper, and then put a ten month old baby who is CRAWLING on the floor to get into it as well. That made me foam at the mouth, but w/e.

Afterwards, we headed to Sean's Mom's house where we all opened more gifts! I gave them their gift which was sad, and pathetic, especially compared with how badly they spoiled me (more details later!), but at least it was heartfelt! I got them a family of snowmen, because it's kidn of their Christmas theme! They have tons of snowmen, even though Bonnie says she doesn;t collect them! Sean and I had a gift that Ian wanted us to open at the same time! It turned out to be MATCHING PJ pants that he sewed himself, and matching SpongeBob Squarepnats watches!!! lol!!!!! One of the coolest gifts I have EVER gotten! I am wearing both of them right now! After that, I got to open my gifts from them, which was crazy, and I felt kind of guilty cause there was a ton of them, and I was the only one opening gifts...

They spoiled me so badly!!! In all, I got a fleece blanket with frogs, and pigs, and cows on it, pink slippers with Hip Hop frogs on them, which is so perfect, cause I LOVE dancing hip hop! lol! I also got a SpongeBob nightie, which is somehow crazy sexy! It's off-the-shoulder, and goes to midthigh. With no pants on underneath, it is actually very sexy!!! I adore it a lot, and am wearing it right now! I also got a scarf with froggies on it, a Franz Ferdinand CD, a frog tealight holder which is amazing because I used to have the EXACT one before the house burned down, and I love it SO MUCH!!! When I saw it, I just about had a fit with joy! I also got a three-scent candle in berry scents which is so pretty, I love it to death! His mom bought me this beautiful charm bracelet with my name on it, and a puppy cause I love dogs, and a Princess charm cause Sean calls me his Princess, and my birthstone, and a frog and the drama masks! I love it so much!!! Also, when she went to Vancouver, there's this special kiosk in Port Coquitlam Mall, where you can "Build-a-Bear" and she made a little mini-Sean for me to carry around when I can't have my boy! It's so wonderful!!! I love him so much! His name is SAM, for Sean Alexander Mantta! (literally, he has a birth certificate, and everything! it says, he was stuffed with love by Bonnie!!!) He's such a beautiful bear...Then there were the gifts from Sean! *sigh!* First of all, there was the egg, of course that I opened Christmas Eve. Then, he also bought me a discman!!!!




I don't deserve him. Not at all. I have been listening to Franz Ferdinand on it all morning! lol! But that's not all. He also bought me a diamond necklace!

......!!!!!!!! That is the hugest reason why I don't deserve that wonderful boy! He said he saw it, and it's mounted on a silver wishbone, and that's why he said it caught his eye, because I wish on EVERYTHING that is possible to wish on! It is absolutely the most wonderful thing I have ever recieved! I can't even bear to take it off for panto, that's how much of a goob I am! lol! I LOVE IT SO MUCH! (oops, didn't mean to Caps lock, but it's true, so I'll leave it! ;D )

I have been running around showing everybody who'll listen! Apparently there was this rumour going around panto that because it was a diamond that it meant I was engaged! LOL! And one of the children's chorus came up to me yesterday, and she's like, "Alleah...don't you think you're a little young to be getting married?" and I just burst out laughing, and was like, "I'm not engaged, you know!" and she was lie, "oh! ok, then!" it was so funny!

So that night, I ate a second Christmas dinner at their house, which was extremely yummy! There was a huge Christmas cracker fiasco, cause they were homemade, and no one could find the cracker part! lol! (come to think of it, there was a fiasco at my house too, because Sean cracked his before anyone else, and scared us all! I scolded him.) In my homemade cracker, made by Ian, I got Froggie soap! Oh, how themed and lovely! lol! So we ate, and I worked my way through another huge pile of mashed potatoes, which was again SO yummy!!! I DIDN'T drink wine this time, and I CERTAINLY didn't get any bit of a head from the JUICE that we did drink! lol!

Afterwards, we sat around, and watched Elf, which was funny! Apparently, I was regressing, because the burping scene reduced me to a giggling pile of Pinto on the floor! I couldn't even breathe! After that, Sean put on the third LOTR extended version, which I made it through about an hour and maybe a half of before I konked on Sean's chest! It's a four hour movie, and it was one in the morning, gimme a break! So he put me to bed lovingly, and I slept soundly until he woke me up with a kiss the next morning (oh, yeah, I forgot to tell you, Mom let me sleep over at his house!!! I was so happy!), and we cuddled until eleven when I went home to get ready for Panto.

Mom and Sherayna and I (plus Kaelyn; the rest of the kids are in Sooke with their great-grandparents for the rest of X-mas vacation!) had a nice relaxing morning until it was time to drive me to Panto, wherein it got much worse. I was late, so I was yelling for Mom to hurry up, who was lookign for soem important reciept inside the house, and she came out to the truck, and totally picked a fight with me cause she was so pissed off. I was mad. But it doesn't matter. I went to Panto, and our first show was super low energy, although we had a great audience. One of the girls in Children's Chorus apparently has the stomach flu or something, cause she threw up backstageThen Mom was supposed to pick me up, and we'd go Boxing Day shopping, but she NEVER DID! So I called Sean, and Ian came to get me! (I swear, it's super super like they are family now! I even was calling his Mom "Mom" when people asked who was coming to pick me up at the end of the night.) We spent a relaxing hour or two together, doing nothing but telling each other how much we loved each other! It was energizing, and wonderful, and I love Sean Mantta with ALL MY HEART!

After though, I had to go back, and do the evening show, which turned out FABULOUS! Great energy, GREAT audience, everything was bang on! Dean was thrilled, and was profuse with his praise during intermission. It was validating, in spite of the fact that I know darn well the praise is for Jeremy, and Jen, and Elina, and Sarah, and Devin, and everybody who IS doing amazing. Not that Children's Chorus isn't doing well. But, (in my very humble opinion, don't be mad at me Barb) we don't do enough to have earned such effusive praise. We did well, and we added to the overall quality of the show, but the real praise goes to the characters who have made this show a joy to watch. They were the ones who did fabulous last night. There are people, myself being one them, who are just along for the ride at this point.

*runs from computer to Panto, frustrated at inability to continue blogging*


*triumphant return!*

sorry, panto was calling, and when panto calls, I must answer. in other words, I just went to the Bailey and did a matinee. now I am back,a dn ready to continue the story of the wonderful X-mas! Where was I?

After the night show, they were quite late picking me up, and I felt very guilty for that. We went to their house, and Sean and I had another very mellow few hours. We just sat and cuddled and talked until one in the morning. He told me a story about a boy who met a girl on the computer of all places, and met her and fell in love with her. At the end of the story the boy asked the girl to marry him. I said yes.....

dill pickles are so yummy!

No one was coming down to take me home, so we pretty much assumed that I was to spend the night again. Sure enough, Bonnie came downstairs, and half asleep, told me I could sleep over again if I wanted to. So Sean again, tucked me in. He's so wonderful, and loving! He takes such amazing care of me; I am so lucky to have him. I really have no idea why he picked me. It makes no sense in my brain. But I am SO GLAD he did!

So I fell asleep, and had strange dreams of performingness. I don't really remember them, only that they were about performing. This morning, I came home amid a beautiful sunrise. The air was so clear, and Sean lives up by Westwood, so coming down the hill, we could see the Rocky Mountains across the Straight of Georgia, and they were breath-taking. I have never seen a lovelier day in Nanaimo. Mom and I and Sherayna drank our morning coffee together when I got home. Kaelyn is very quet without her brothers around.

I blogged until about eleven thirty, wherein I was late for Panto if I took the bus, so I started calling around for a ride. No one could give me one! *sob* But it was ok, I took the bus, and saw Sherayna's new boyfriend-ish type person, who is a bus driver, and looks very respectable, and nice. I approve of him. I found a five dollar bill on the ground at City Centre! SCORE! I got there ten minutes late in time for a very entertaining warm-up. The show was good.

I notice an alarming trend in myself lately, of self-consciousness. I never used to be this self-conscious, ESPECIALLY not around my friends. But now I always feel like soemone is judging me, or like there's someone around who doesn't want me there, or like I'm making a fool of myself with the things I'm saying, but I just can't seem to stop because I get nervous and more stupid things come flying out of my mouth. I also notice an alarming trend in myself to not enjoy theatre as much anymore. Maybe it's just that in Panto, I don't really have that much to do, and Babel Rap and Mime was just a plain old crappy show, because I had lots of fun in Bye Bye Birdie. But I find myself coming down off of shows being like, "meh. That was alright. good audience. good energy. we messed up here and here and here." It's like there's no passion there. I want that passion back. To some extent, I've been trying to regain it by being goofy, and having fun, but I'm not sure if it's working. I hope I don't start to hate theatre.

Anyways, now I'm here, and SUPER sick of typing. goodbye.

Wednesday, December 22, 2004

There is acid making itself noticeable in my stomach.

arg. I am at Sean's right now. My momma should be picking us up in about twent minutes to go shopping, and then after I am going to go to his Mum's house to make pillows, and stockings. *sigh* oh, to be a crafty Pinto.

My love was in the shower but now he has emerged. There is an elusive pile of gifts under the blankets of the bed beside me, and I have been threatened with painful retribution if I am to look under them. Not that I would. But if he had just not mentioned it, I wold never have even thought to look under the blankets. What a silly Serseph.

Wow, I haven't called him that in many months...weird. Matt is coming over from Vancouver tomorrow morning...I am going to meet his ferry at nine bearing a sgin that says something witty, and engaging. He said he'd bee taking the seven'o'clock ferry from Vancouver, and going to some unknown Dairy Queen, but seeing as how we had less than five minutes to talk last night, I'll just show up at the terminal. It's easier for me, what with buses and whatnot. If whoever he's with knows which Dairy Queen they're going to then I'll be able to meet them there. I'll get someone to come with as well. Who wants to meet Matt of Vancouver tomorrow at nine w/ me???!! Hey, Llowyn, contrive to be on the same ferry, and then I'll have Barba, and probably a ride as a matter of course! lol!

This is a very random post. I think I am going to go fawn over clean and spiffy Sean now. I love him so!

Tuesday, December 21, 2004

Funny Things Barbara Said Last Night

Ok, so this post isn't going to completely be about that stuff, but I must mention many of them repeatedly, for tonight was a very very good night!

First of all, I'll tell you the whole story. In the morning, I was working on my Christmas gifts for people when Barba came a callin' on the tele-phone and asked me if I wanted to go shopping with her. So, I said yes because I was desperate to get more things to work on for Christmas. So I went and put away my crafts, and got ready to go, and fought a little bit with my family about how retarded our Christmas tree looks. Wow, I am confrontational. bummer.

Barb got there after sadly missing the convenient bus, so she ended up taking the inconvenient bus which passes much farther from my house than the other one, and THEN taking many detours which furthur slowed her down. This was unfortunate. Then my mum gave me and her a ride down to City Centre bus stop, where we went into Port Place Mall, and got her a day pass, and looked for a certain something that a certain someone needs for his gift. It was not in evidence for a suitable price, so we moved on.

We went into Haven House, because I am super poor and need super cheap things to make my gifts out of. I ended up buying many tea light holders for no more than fifty cents. (most of them were actually twentyfive cents.) and I bought part of my mummy's gift, and I also bought a pillow that I had been jonesing over for fifty cents. I was proud of myself! However, it was heavy and awkward. I didn't enjoy carrying it all day long.

After that, we took a looooong bus to Woodgrove. We saw a cute boy. He was attached. Neither of us paid much attention to him, for we had decided to discuss scandal. Scandal is always so much fun to talk about. Then we got to the mall, and our moods pumped up much more. We walked in through the Avalon, and tried to see if the twins were working (we discussed how if she were to see them, she wouldn't say hi, for she couldn't tell which twin was which and besides which, it's not like they know her, so she'd seem all stalker-like, and be embarrassed. Even though all she does is read their blogs! They lead interesting lives, people! Come on! jeex.

Then we went to EFAD's and I looked for cheap candy canes, but couldn't find any. So I bought part of Gator's gift, and a chocolate bar to ease my pain. My candy-cane-less pain.

Then we went into Wal-Mart to again, look for certain things for certain people. But again, there was nothing. *sigh* so we left.

after that, we wandered a little bit. We went into Silk and Satin where Barbara bought reams of festive panties, and was quite excited about that. We saw Geoff, and Lisa and Erin, and it was a little awkward until I decided to tell Erin about the fact that he tried to kiss me in my dream. He laughed. I actually didn't realize until just now that that was special because he has been in Victoria for many months. But apparently Erin was in town today.

After we randomly walked by Bryan's, and you all know me, that store must have like a magnetic pull to it, or something! I showed her the amazing four hundred dollar prom dress, and tried to show her the cheaper one, but alas, it has been sold out. TRAGEDY! alas, and alck, my life is meaningless. *sigh* but that means that there is a MINUTELY greater chance of me somehow getting the astonishingly amazing beautiful expensive one. Which I covet with all my soul. Oh how sinful of me.

After that, we caught the bus to Gator's for we were going to be late for dinner, which Gator had invited us and others to at her house. We got there, and Beebur was already there. Brianna brought the news that Geoff was going to be there that night, and my heart sank a little in dread of awkwardness to come. Which thankfully was mostly avoided all night long, excpet for a couple touchy spots. The only one I take responsibility for was the last one at the end of the night. The others I will nott ake responsibility for. Geoff is still pissy and ignoring around me for no reason. and don't try to pass it off as he is uncomfortable around me with Sean, for he was more pissy and ignoring before Sean arrived than after he arrived.

ANYWAYS... we talked for a while, and then Geoff showed up. Then Sean called because I had forgotten to call him, adn I felt bad. We arranged that he woud come to dinner instead of missing it as had been previously thought. Then Mel arrived just before dinner, and that was enjoyable. Dinner was fun except for when we got on to a touchy subject of Llowyn thinking that he was a sideshow because he's from Vancouver. Which is totally NOT what we think of him, but of course Geoff just contradicted what we had to say, and then Melly, in her zeal to keep things non-confrontational (which is to be applauded, but was a tad smidgeon stifling), totally shut us down when me and Brianna and Laura were trying to defend our view point. We do not treat Llowyn like a freakshow. We crowd around him and make a fuss when he is here because most of the time he is NOT here. That is a fact. And it offended me that we were not allowed to express ourselves in defence. Because in my (OBJECTIVE) opinion, Geoff point blank accused us of treating Llowyn like that. And then I didn't get a chance to defend myself and I felt shut down, which was not pleasant. But that is my view point, others who were there may have other view points.

The dinner was good, and the night was very funny. Sean arrived just after dinner, and I offered the girls their Sean+Alleah gifts, which Brianna figured out right away! They absolutely LOVED them! Somehow, I picked exactly the right one for both of them, for they both totally loved their surprise cones! They squealed and were happy times a lot, and I felt joyful. Then Mel decided to give out her gifts to me and Beebur. Brianna loved her hat SO MUCH!!! I thought she would. It seemed like such a HER hat! And she absolutely went crazy over it, which was great. Then Melly gave me mine, which was a GORGEOUS blue topaz and I think silver ring! It is absolutely beautiful! I went nuts over it! I am so happy someone bought me a ring, because that's all I really hoped for this Christmas! I love rings so much, any kind of ring, and I was afriad that no one was going to buy me one. But then Melly did, and I was SO WONDERFULLY HAPPY! It is absolutely beautiful, I completely adore it! I went nuts with it!

After that, we played the Romance game, my favorite board game, because I HELPED INVENT IT!!! woo-hoo!!! funnest game ever! Sean got so jealous of my Robert, it was great! I felt so good; I am such an awful person, I actually enjoy it when my boyfriend gets jealous of me! It makes me feel secure and loved...oh that is so unhealthy. But I don't care!

After that, people started leaving, and eventually, it was just me and Gator and Sean. We talked a little teensy bit, and then his mom came. As she drove us home, Sean started nagging for some food on the way home, so she stopped and we got burger king which was very generous of her! We talked for such a long time there, which was enjoyable.

Now I am home and I am exhausted. So allow me to leave you with the high lights of the night, which just happened to be pretty much EVERYTHING that came out of Barbara's mouth. here 'tis!

Funny Things Barbara Said Last Night:

-"If I had a Down Syndrome baby--I'd shoot it"

-"But what if you don't like puppies? What if you're a vegetarian?"

-"Look at my panty jewel!"

-Brianna: "...and I'd steal his boat."
Barbara: "But there'd be so much kiddie porn!"

-"I used to sleep naked, but then I'd find I'd get too distracted."

Other Funny Things from Last Night

-using the word "birth" in place of the word "burn"

-"11:02" becoming the new code word for "love note"

-the word "flaccid." especially when you say it at Mel.

-Brianna saying the word, "sucks-a-daisy"

-the word geekhole. all by itself. geekhole. ...well, at least I found it funny.

Ok, bed now. g'night, all!!!!

Monday, December 20, 2004

to be or not to be

Pinto and the Idiot's Guide to Becoming a Pantomime Actor.

-comfortability with...
a) the opposite sex
b) nudity in the vicinity of the opposite sex
c) nudity in the vicinity of the same sex
d) your own sexuality
e) the possibility/probability of being asked to wear makeup, wear women's clothing, wear men's clothing, wear a thong (that applies to men AND women), wear great quantities of spandex and grease paint, show off your body regardless of how comfortable you are with it, act like a total retard and have dignity while doing it.
f) kissing the ass of your director, stage manager, assistant stage manager(s), producer, and/or costume mistress (especially if it's Liz Mowbray of the Bailey Studio! lol!)
g) eating large quantities of popcorn, and gourmet coffee. this is apparently the diet of the professional(ish) stage actor.

-You need to have...
a) a sense of humour. THIS IS IMPERATIVE.
b) the ability to become invisible and visible at times that are convenient for the director and stage manager and producer.
c) the ability to switch from good acting/dancing/singing to crappy acting/singing/dancing in the space of time it takes to change a set and/or costume.
d) the ability to roll with the punches.
e) the ability to see and interact with the audience even though in normal theatre, this is the biggest no-no ever.
f) the ability to take a plot-line that has been recycled constantly since the beginning of time, and make it fresh and funny.
g) the ability to take a JOKE that has been recycled constantly since the beginning of time, and make it fresh and funny.

You must understand that...
a) you WILL be typecast. If you are short, you will play an animal. If you are pretty and have somewhat large breasts, you will play the brainless, two dimensional lead female. If you are tall, imposing, disapproving, and a bit ridiculous, you will play the villain. If you are none of the above, you will play chorus. This is the way it works. Get used to it.
b) traditional rules of theatre DO NOT APPLY. this is a play in THEORY ONLY. you will break almost every single onstage rule of theatre at least once in a pantomime except for the very very very basics and sometimes you will even break those.
c) I had a dream about Sean last night. i dreamt Erin Windross wanted to kiss me after he directed a bunch of school children in a rendition of ome Lion King song in a school production. Then the world was flooded, and Sean saved me by keeping me in his room at his house which was actually not his house in real life, it was completely made up in my brain. btw, I know this has nothing to do with pantomimes, I just wanted to see if you were paying attention!
d) there will be no fabulous dancing. there will be no profound acting. there will be no good songs to sing. you are not there to impress. you are there to entertain in the most meaningless, funny, child-appealing way possible. pantomimes are nothing but fun peices of fluff productions. get used to that, too.
e) and finally, BECAUSE pantomimes are nothing but meaningless fun, and goofiness, you must have a fun and goofy attitude about them. if you are spending hours agonizing over your character, you are going about the pantomime experience incorrectly. if you show up with your lines memorized, and display energy and comedic ingenuity onstage, that is a successful pantomime experience.

hmmm. I think that is a good idiot's guide to panto acting. maybe now everybody who is not a super theatre person who reads my blog will understand what it's like to be a theatre person. oh and btw Barba now undertands what I mean by Dean and the fact that I think he hates me. Now, after what happened w/ her to make her agree w/ me, I am not quite positive that it's just me he hates, I think that it's that he prefers not to spend any energy on scenery. which is essentially what children's chorus is. which comes back to the reason why I pretty much want to quit panto (even though I won't). because it is not fair to be treated like a peice of set work. I still have feelings.

I think the reason why I posted this is because I really don't understand panto acting anymore. I just don't feel in on the fun anymore. I feel like it's something reserved for characters only. And that hurts.

tickle my wowzone...

such a dirty title! I feel very baaad.

so I have been discovering all new blogs all morning! don't feel creeped out, if you discover a linkie to your blog on my blog and you barely know me. I happen to be a blogging fiend! fiend, I say. fiend.

anyways, here are all the cool people I found!

Alana-she's in my math class, and we talk pretty often. she went to a couple of my shows this past season (or Bye Bye Birdie, at least) because she knows some of the same people I do.

Jenn2-she is dating Dan Murphy, and was the fifth Welly who worked on Bye Bye Birdie with the rest of us. However Jenn2 (or Jenn Brown, as known by the Welly crowd) worked behind the scene doing props, and shared Collective + Gareth's woes about wearing a Dover Bay Theatrix t-shirt to Wellington high school. Oh, what theatre nerds we are!

anyways, that's all for now, but I'll probably find more. Wow, this blogging trend has turned in a full-blown OR-gy (w/ a hard "g") in Nanaimo! It seems like everybody has one! even the people who swore they'd never get one (Gareth, Angie) have gotten one.

btw, speaking of Angie, I apologize for continueing to forget to get your blog on my linkie list of late, hun. I keep meaning to, and then I haven't talked to Kevin for a while, so I haven't done it yet. And we all know that Pinto has less than the required amount of braincells needed to do anythign w/ HTML, so clearly, I can't do it myself.

Anyways, that's my random rant for the day. Poor Sean is working. I have cramps. It's weird because I would really really rather NOT have cramps, but since they mean what they mean, I am willing to endure them. Yes Sean, that means what you think it means. Or...I could just tell you in person, and NOT try to convey it convolutedly on my blog! lol!

Sunday, December 19, 2004

apologies, blog-bobs...

my computer's internet connection was fricked up, so I couldn't blog or anything. I was going to blog at Sean's this morning (more details later) but then I got caught up in reading his religious literature. *cough cough*

LOL! oh, that sounds so unbearably dirty! But I did actually read a Mormon publication that was sitting on his coffee table, I did!

so, my past three days have been pretty frickin sweet. except for a small period of time that consisted of about three hours where I was upset with the world, on Friday.

Friday was pretty good. I woke up incredibly early, and caught the very very very first bus to school, the one I haven't caught since September. I had to be at school early, because we had a math test first thing (on the last day of school before X-mas! urgfh!) and Mr. Gordon said we could come in early if we thought we'd need a lot of time, because classes were shorter than usual that Friday. So I got there about eight, and Mr. Gordon was totally thrilled to see me! It was so funny; I guess my teachers actually DO care about whether I fail or not. What a weird notion. So I came in and started the test, and he's just like, "Well, I suppose I'll start a pot of coffee for you, cause I know that's your big thing..." and all was cheery and Christmas-like! Well, long story short, I ended up totally pwning the test! I finished at quarter to nine, and class ended at nine fifteen. So I spent the rest of the class finishing up homework that was due that day that I hadn't quite had time to finish up. So Math was totally sweet.

Socials was just a tad infuriating, but in a trivial sense. We were watching a movie that I was really into, but the bell rang just RIGHT before the end. So we'll never get to finish it, and I was sad...

Peer tutoring, I got a can of pop, and we watched the Santa Clause. Drama, I spent preparing for the afternoon X-mas assembly w/ Devin, and trying to find Brad who was suppose to accomapny us. The assembly was pretty stupid, and I would rather have not been there, but whatever. There were some pretty good parts, like Mike Bui's hip hop peice, and Mrs. Price, and Mr. Arruda dressing up like rappers! The girls and Gareth skipped out fo the assembly to go to Dover. jeex.

Then I went home and puttered around waiting for Sean to get off work. That's when life started getting pretty shitty. I found out that the internet wasn't working, and for some reason, neither was the phone line. Then I found out that the house is out of oil, AGAIN, in spite of having spent MY Christmas gift of a hundred bucks on filling the tank (which turned out to be filling it only a quarter full. Three hundred bucks, and it only filled the tank a qaurter full.) And because all the oil is used up, it means there's no hot water. So I am unable to have showers for an indefinate amount of time. This morning, I showered at Sean's, thank goodness! Now my hair is all Fructis-y and soft! yay! I also found out that the truck has no gas, we have no money to replace that gas, Georgina is leaning on me to get my membership money in for panto, which is twenty dollars, and we are literally broke, as in less than a dollar to our name until the twenty second. Our last rehearsal before showtime is on the twenty first, and if I don't get my membership dues in, I don't go on stage. So, I dunno how that's gonna pan out. And Sean had said that he prolly wasn't going to go to work, so he'd be there right after I got out of school. Well, he decided to go to work after all, so no Sean for me. Which was fine, I didn't have a problem with it. But then I had to keep calling his house to find out when he'd get home, which meant going out in the rain to find a pay phone and call his dad just to find out that he wasn't there yet. So I finally just asked his dad to tell him to head to my house after work. So finally, at seven'o'clock he shows up, and I had already been having a minor freak out because of everything else that was going wrong. So I was pretty upset when he arrived.

Things got better though. We had dinner shortly after he got there, which was chicken, corn, and mashed potatoes. Nicky, my sister's baby boy, seemed bent on giving the world his opinion that night, so as we tried to converse at the table, he bellowed, and shrieked, and opined his little heart away. He made some pretty funny faces, too! It was good entertainment, albeit a little irksome. Our house is small and echoey. It is difficult to listen to loud child for very long in it.

After that, we caught the bus to his mum's house after kissing in the rain romantically for a while! woot! At his mom's, we watched Scrooged, with Bill Murray, and for some reason, I could NOT stay awake! At all! I felt so bad, cause Sean wanted me to watch it, but I couldn't. I literally made a huge effort to just sit there with my eyes open, and watch the movie, but like eight times, I would start watching it, and then the next thing I knew Sean would be shaking me awake again. After a while, I wasn't even conscious of the line between wakefulness, and sleep. It was crazy.

So, being so tired, I ended up sleeping over at his house, which I must say was wonderful. Sean, hostily lent me his bed for the night, which I enjoyed immensely, except for the great noise of the furnace turning on and off. It kept waking me up. And I also had an ENORMOUS urge to get up and pee during the night, and I hate having to get up during the night, so that sucked. Plus bright light, and everything seeming louder than it actually was because it was nighttime, made that whole experience unsavory... anyways, Sean slept upstairs on the couch, for which I felt guilty. In the morning, he came down to wake me, and we spent some time snuggling in his warm, just slept-in bed. Which I loved! Then we went upstairs, and ate a Gator's-house-esque breakfast of McCain chocolate cake, and chocolate milk! (lol, Gator, ice cream for breakfast! good times, Collective has had...)

After that, we watched some cartoons (lol!) and then ran out to catch the bus. There was a whole bus debacle with him not having enough cash to get all the places we needed to go, and going to one bank to cash his check, and having it be closed, and him not having any more bus money, and that was frustrating, so let's not bother with it! There was one particular bus today that totally put me into the Christmas spirit! I guess it's driver had dressed it up with X-mas lights, and giant cardboard reindeer antlers, an it had a large red light in the shape of a Rudolph nose on the front, and EYES! (which were my favorite part!) And after you got on, SANTA was there, handing out candy canes! It was the coolest part of the day, and afterwards, I just couldn't help myself! I found myself humming Christmas carols under my breath, and it was simply wonderful! I love getting into the spirit!

Finally, we got his check cashed, and ate some lunch. Then we stalked his mom and at work, and finally gave up, and began walking for a bus stop. Ironically, as soon as we reached it, who went driving past, but Bonnie! She stopped, and gave us a ride to Woodgrove.

We did TONS of shopping, and it was all extremely tiring, although Sean was very happy cause he got all his Christmas shopping done, and a bunch of errands done too, like picking up his suit from Tip Top's. I, myself, felt a little queasy from the idea of all the money he spent that day. I couldn't imagine just spending it like that. But then, I'm poor, so my opinion doesn't really count on that perspective, does it? We ate dinner, and saw TONS of people we knew, including Brad, Bethany, Amay, Martha, Steph, another girl from bye bye birdie, who's name I don't remember, Jenn, Shane, Dana, and others. Amay gave me free fudge! How cool is that?! And it was so yummy, too... Oh, yeah, and don't let me forget: I TOTALLY pwned Sean at air hockey, JUST like I said I would, even though the things were weird (you know, the things you use to hit the puck with; they were weird). Anyways, that was SO MUCH FUN! I LOVE air hockey, with a passion! And I can kick anybody's ass at it, too! Even my older brother, who seems to pwn me at everything BUT artsy fartsy stuff (except for saxaphone; Quinn's very talented at saxaphone) can't beat me at air hockey very often. I LOVE that game! I think we should ALL get together sometime, and have an air hockey TOURNAMENT! I would pwn all! And that includes you, Matty Rob of Vancouver, you HOCKEY player, you! What do ya say, all? Loser buys the game?

Anyways, that was great. We also went and finally saw Santa, and got our picture taken with him! It was funny, he asked us if we were doing our last minute Christmas shopping, and he asked us if we were all done, once I told him that Sean was shopping. I of course said, "no way!" because I am not yet, at all! And he pretended to be offended which was funny, but then I told him it was because I was making all my gifts this year, and Santa got all interested. He asked me if I was all artsy and stuff, and I told him mostly performing artsy, and he got REALLY itnerested, and asked if I had an agent, and recommended Jacqui Kease of the Spotlight Academy to me (who I have met, I know she's pretty much the only agent in town, but she is pretty good. She's Cameron Bright's agent. He's the kid from Birth, with Nicole Kidman). I thought that was funny, and then we got our pictures taken. They printed them off right there (they by the way, just HAPPENED to be Martha, and Stephanie from MuTh, who were working as elves! Some black guy hit on Martha during the day! it was hilarious!), so we got to see the picture right away. We got all excited and ran off to buy frames for the pictures right away! It is sitting right beside me this very moment, being all cute, and wonderful!

So we finished up all Sean's shopping, and we even randomly found this dress that I covet with all my tiny Pinto heart. Sean wants me to get it for prom, and it's only a hundred and twenty five, which is pretty good for prom. There's actually a four hundred dollar one that I want more, and if I had it, I'd totally be willing to spend four hundred on that dress. It's gorgeous.

So we took the bus back to his dad's place, an onerous chore, made pleasureable (or at least bearable) by the presence of the one I love. We got there, and decided to wrap all the gifts Sean bought that day. That was a back-breaking effort, but somehow wonderfully satisfying. I love that about wrapping Christmas gifts.

After that, me and Sean, and his dad watched the end of one Star Trek movie, and the beginning of another before Sean's dad decided to take me home. I am SUPER tired now, plus I have church in the morning (oh how odd to say that!) so I should be getting to bed. Also, tomorrow is dress for Babes in the Wood. Funny, how, now that I am proportionately less busy, I just want to give up on Babes in the Wood. I just don't care about it any more, at all. I just want out. Of course, that is mostly the whole membership debacle speaking, and the fact that I think Dean really hates me, but still. I get no pleasure out of this play. What is the point of doing this anymore if I don't enjoy it. My life seems so directionless.

Anyways, enough of that. I must go to bed, for I am a tired Pinto. Merry Christmas to all! And to all, a good night. (or four!)

Thursday, December 16, 2004

late for school--blech!

It is late, and I feel disgusting.

Last night, me and Sean, and his dad went to go see Tuula's show, Scrooge. That was fun. There were parts of it that I really really enjoyed (the Christmas Spirit dance, w/ Scrooge and all the toys), and parts that I wasn't so hot on (some of the direction), but all in all, the play was quite enjoyable. I actually had to try really hard not to be critical of them, for you all know me. I wouldn't have directed it the same way. Maybe there were reasons for it, but to me it diminished the play just a little. However, there were lots of really great performers, and it's the Christmas Carol, which is the best Christmas tale ever! Therefore, it was good.

Sean's Uncle, and Aunt, and cousin Heather were there, as well. During intermission, me and his Aunt Penny talked about Heather's screen acting. I don't think it's ever hit me as hard just how unsuccessful I am. I mean, you all know my crazy schedule of late. Well this kid has one just as bad, and parts of it are professional screen acting. And she's like, nine! Therefore, I am pathetic, and seriously think I should just give up. I hardly even know why I do it any more. I am not succeeding in the business at all; not even in amateur theatre here in Nanaimo! Who really cares anymore. I ought to just focus on business, and management.

other than that, I am done. I want my coffee. I hate being late, after not being late. Whatever, it's only stupid drama. It's this close to being a spare block now that that crap theatre shit show is over. good bye.

Tuesday, December 14, 2004

ba dip ba dip BOM

Tonight was the Christmas choir and band concert, and by Joe, it went rather well! I skipped the choir rehearsal this afternoon to go home and wash my uniform, because was it ever rank! I am embarrassed at how disgusting it was. Since the beginning of December, I've used it for two choir concerts, and then Babel Rap, and Mime, which was about a week of rehearsals in costume, plus dress rehearsal, and the show, then two more choir concerts. And I am so revoltingly ucky, I didn't wash it once in all that time! I am the most revolting girl on the planet. But finally, I came home, and handwashed it, because I didn't have time to put it in the washer, took everything of Sherayna's out of the dryer before it was quite ready, and shoved my uniform in. And lo and behold by the time it came out it was all warm, and hand-wahsed, and lovely feeling! Oh how I enjoyed NOT smelling like a cow tonight!

Anyways, on to the concert. Mom and I were a tad bit late getting out the door, but it was all good, by the time we got to the school, the warm up hadn't started yet. We warmed up, and then jazz choir ran our peice, and then the girls and I ran our song, Carol of the Bells. It went ok, and Mrs. Sinclair made us run it through again, pacing ourselves. We rush badly with it. Afterwards, we headed down to the gym, where I discovered my wonderful boy, who had SAID that he wasn't coming, and then did, cause he's adorable and silly and fickle. He sat in the second row, and filmed the choir!

We sat through crappy band after crappy band. It sucked. The Grade Ten Jazz band was actually really good though. I was impressed with them.

The night pretty much picked up with choir. We did four sets, one of two concert choir songs, One Tin Soldier, and The Prayer, then the jazz choir song, Trickle Trickle, then the Collective set, Carol of the Bells, then another Concert Choir set with two of our Christmas peices, Cool Yule, and I'll Be Home For Christmas. The audience clapped politely for the first two concert choir songs. I was happy with them, but One Tin Soldier felt like my voice was going. But then it didn't, and I was happy. Jazz choir, was like, the HIT of the night! We sang Trickle Trickle, and I swear, almost everybody in the audience was bouncing up and down, and everybody had big smiles on their faces! When it was over, we seriously got the hugest cheer from everybody! The parents, the students, even the snooty senior band were all cheering, and it was so incredible! I keep forgetting, THAT'S why I keep performing! After that was Carol of the Bells, with me and the girls, and we sang it, and it totally changed the mood from Jazz Choir. I swear, everybody, including the rude-ass band students were silent while we were singing, and afterwards, WE got huge cheers too!!!! Little old Collective got mad catcalls! Life was good... Mom told me afterwards, that she heard a couple students being all like, "she's so little! she's like five foot nothing, how can she be THAT loud???" Now, it seems pretty likely that they were talking about me, especially since Mom said it happened right after the Collective set.

Anyways, that put the audience in a much more receptive mood for the second concert choir set, and while we didn't get as enormous a round of applause as jazz choir or Collective, the audience still really loved it. The quality of applause after I'll Be Home For Christmas, was absolutely reverant. I love that kind of applause!

After the choral set, it seemed like the night just totally picked up. We had a few really super good combos, and bands after that, and then the senior concert band which was painful as always, and then senior jazz band with Emma Love on vocals which was painful, and yet good, as always...! She's going to the Grammies this year! Can you believe it? Emma Love is going to the freaking Grammies! She's not even signed to a label yet, and yet she's going to be in some kind of special jazz choir at the Grammies. It probably (and I say that with doubt) won't be broadcast, but I may be wrong. And it's not like she's going there to sing solo. And she'll have to start learning how to sing in a choir! burn. burn, I say, for her choir-scorning ways. If she joins choir, I am going to laugh a lot. All of you know my animosity for Emma Love; I believe that she's got money and attitude and that's about it. She didn't get where she is because of her talent.

But enough of that. The rest of the evening was enjoyable, if laden with Mrs. Luvisotto's obsession with Emma Love. Afterwards, the girls, our Moms, and Sean were to go out to Dairy Queen to celebrate, but it was stupidly closed, so we went to Tim Horton's instead, plus Cindy wanted to go home because she started a new job in the morning, so her and Brianna didn't end up coming. There, we saw Foo, Lorenz, and Mrs. Luvisotto, and we drank coffee and talked and laughed, and generally had a good time. I missed Brianna though.

Anyways, I'm tired now, so I think I'll go to bed. I hope you enjoyed my night as much as I did! It was, indeed, a success! (btw, it astounds me how well Emma Love projects her boredom while playing piano; she should be in musical theatre)

(on second thought, shoot me if I ever say that again)

Monday, December 13, 2004


well, Mum is at it with the landlord again. she's writing a very pointed letter to go and post in the lodge common room, bitching about how unfair Moni is, and for those of you who have read my mum's (often presumtuous and arrogant, although fundamentally right) writing, you know how that is going to carry over.

you know? I don't feel like posting right now. I am going to do my homework. good bye.

Tika is adorable!

Saturday, December 11, 2004

apparently the day CAN get crappier

ok, so I really want feedback from you guys on this. and by "you guys" I mean Laura, Brianna, Mel, Tim, and all the people they hang out with regularly who happen to read this blog.


it didn't seem that bad for a while. I wasn't too upset about the whole Awesome Squad thing, mainly because I didn't have the energy to. I was a little irked that Collective wasn't asked to be in it, simply because (I thought) Collective was Collective, and Collective NEVER shut each other out of anything. At least, that's the theory, right? But I wasn't about to start a fight about it, right at the height of stress and busyness for me; I just didn't need that much more stress in my life.

Then it started to feel a little bit worse, what with the entire not being invited to Brianna's because "me and Sean didn't want to be there if all we did was run off together." Now I am sorry to all of you who think that Brianna is justified with that because of how small her house is, but I DON'T think it is fair, or appropriate. She never even talked to me about it before she did that! She didn't bother giving me a second chance, which again, is what I thought best friends did for each other. But yes, there is the numbers thing, and that is rational, and I understand that. So I figured, it's just another thing that I have to put up with.

Now I am reading Laura's blog, because I am CONCERNED about how she is feeling, what with the entire fight happening on her blog, and I find references to TWO DIFFERENT GET-TOGETHERS that NOBODY told me about! No one mentioned them to me at all! What, do you all think that I am so attached to Sean that I can't spare one or two nights away from him to be with the people I care about the most? Or did that big happy thing I wrote two posts down mean absolutely NOTHING to you guys? In case you hadn't noticed, I care about each and every one of you, and when no one makes any effort at ALL to tell me about things, do you know how that makes me feel? Also, I MISS you guys! a lot!

So tell me the truth RIGHT NOW. Am I still your friend at all, or should I just leave you all alone? Because I have NO idea what to think any more! And if you think I am being dramatic, well TOO FREAKING BAD! Because you haven't exactly done anything to prove me wrong lately!

and by the way, I am sick and tired of making a spectacle of myself at school by confronting people about what I feel strongly about, and clearly I don't see any of you anywhere else. So my concerns have been put out there on this blog. After that, never again. I will not mention this to any of you, unless you specifically bring it up. So either tell me here, or just don't bother, and I'll know to leave you guys alone. I won't go where I am not wanted.

mood swings

k, holy. how can a day start out so great, and end up so incredibly shitty? And it's not even over yet! I don't want to be negative at all today, because I am entirely done with that, so let's just leave it at, while driving up the mountain to take the dogs for a walk, Tika jumped out of the back, and the back, left tire ended up running over her. Now, she is peeing blood, and there isn't anything the vets can do that won't cost $150. Which we all know I am WAY TOO FREAKING POOR to afford.

My biggest hope now is that when I see Sean tonight, things'll get better. Apparently, we are supposed to go to a dinner at his church tonight. I have no idea how to dress for it, because he said that I don't have to wear a skirt or anything, but I don't want to come in jeans and a t-shirt. That seems under-dressed. I hate not knowing how to act in an event.

k, goodbye. hopefully, today is not a loss.

today is sunny and it's making me hopeful!

hmmm! *big smile!* today seems like a good day. I seem to have resolved things both with Megan, AND with Devin, and at least me and Brianna are on speaking terms again, even though I don't think this will ever stop bothering me. I understand the idea, but I still don't think it's fair. And I hate it. And that won't stop.

But anyways, the sun is shining, and the roads are drying! Mom wants to take the dogs for a big ole run up the mountain. However, it's interesting, trying to figure out how to get three adults, three large dogs, and four children up the mountain in a three-seater truck!!! Ahhh, ignoring the law. That's the way to live!!! Maybe it's good Sean is working, otherwise, we'd have FOUR adults to transport! lol! methinks a certain Pinto would be sitting on some MAN-LAP!!! (*LOL! I like that sentence!!!*)

Ahhhhh, that's NICE! You know you're kind of pathetic when your own jokes crack you up. *sigh!* anyways, Momma just got child tax in, so we can get another package of BURRITOS!!! woo-hooo!!! I heart burritos with a passion. In fact, I represent them! (don't bother trying to understand that, it was an old inside joke between me and the Co-op gas bar staff; boy do I miss them!!!)

hmmm, since I have nothing to do today, except for clean, and walk dogs, I think I am going to finally get started on making my X-mas gifts. Yes that's right. I am still not started on them. How sad. I am frantic trying to figure out how to get gifts for everybody who is getting gifts for me. I really don't know how I am going to afford it. Beware, all, your gifts from me are going to be SUPER-SAD. I am sorry!!! I am POOR! I will get you all the VERY VERY VERY BEST GIFTS IMAGINABLE when I am rich and famous, to make up for all these years of pathetic gifts. That makes me sad about Christmas. Cause my absolute favorite part of it is giving people stuff. Not even kidding. Going out, and shopping for all the people you love the best, and buying them all sorts of stuff that you know they'll absolutely LOVE!!! BEST feeling in the world! Only SLIGHTLY below sex. lol! However, I can't do that, ever, because I am so poor! If only I had just had my SIN card back in the summer! I would have gotten a job then! And I would have moola for X-mas! And I would be able to get everyone fabulous gifts!!! See, after being so poor for so long, my idea of a fabulous gift is somewhat inflated. Like, if I could get away with it, I would be buying you all the very very best! Laura!!! How I would search and search for obscure beat poetry for you! I don't know how I would find it, because I don't know what it is, but I still would! And boy would I pray that you didn't already have it! And Brianna! The art supplies (you get those in the interest of you maybe painting me something EVER), and Rufus CD's, and oldies memorabilia you would recieve! Methinks--OH!!! I know what! That toy jukebox that plays oldies that I found in a Virginia Wal-Mart when I was there! Boy would you ever ahve loved that! Sean--jeex, don't even get me started on what I would get you, my boy! I would spoil you until you couldn't even look yourself in the mirror anymore!!! Chocolate, and awesome shirts, and aviators, and sweet GOOD-QUALITY picture frames; that drafting software that you drooled over in Staples! The things I would give you if only I could. It is having people like you in my life that make me want to tear my hair at the prospect of being poor. You deserve the VERY VERY VERY best, and I weep that I cannot give it to you. So just you wait, my love; it is coming. And when it will LOVE it!

And the stockings??? Oh, the stockings! Each and everyone of you would get stockings, and they would be filled with the most wonderful things!!!! CD's, and funny things from Spencer's, and Terry's Chocolate Oranges GALORE! See, my idea of suitable stocking stuffers are merely small things! NOT necessarily CHEAP things!!!! LOL! If I had the bucks to, I would get you all rings, and necklaces and beautiful trinkets in your stockings!!! Not merely Kindersurprises, and other little things, which is about all I can afford right now. So, like I said, my idea of a fabulous gift is quite inflated. That being said, it is IN YOUR OWN BEST INTEREST to make me rich and famous!!!!! LOL!!!!!! Come on, you know you want wonderful X-mas gifts! My friends are my absolute FAVORITE people in the whole entire world. And if I were able to, boy would I EVER spoil them!

Now, after I have gotten you all bright-eyes, and anticipatory, for all these incredible gifts from me, I have to bring you back down to reality. I am poor. It sucks. You all are getting crap gifts, and I hate it. But at least, if this consoles any of you, they will be from the heart. Cause I love each and every one of you, even when we are fighting, even when you are being a jackass, even when I am being a jackass (ESPECIALLY when I am being a jackass!), even when you are completely rejecting me, and excluding me from friend-like activities such as parties. You all are still the most important people in the world to me! And I think I shall end on that positive note.

*DURN!!! I keep forgetting to analyse, and add my own two cents to the philosophy lovely Brad sent me in that email the other day! no worries, Bradley, it is coming! (*dreamy face* Nirvana memorabilia, and guitars for you, my boy; in a perfect world... *sigh*)

Friday, December 10, 2004

holy wowzers, everybody, discontent!

Apparently, it wasn't just me that was upset last night.

It seems like EVERYONE is fighting. Mel, and Tim are fighting (rather viciously I might add) over on Laura's blog, me and Brianna are speaking again but I am still unhappy, I have just read quite an enormous rant post about me and my rant post about Dover singing over on Megs' blog. Oh yeah, and--now Devin is mad at me. He won't even tell me what, and is acting entirely childish about it. ("What's up?" "Nothing." *pout.* "Are you MAD at me?" *incredulously* "Why are you MAD at me?" *long silence* "I think you know." "Um....") Honestly, I came up to talk to Brad (btw, most wonderful person on the planet, more details later), and he just turned his back on me. Apparently, he "doesn't even want to see me." He freaking LEFT peer tutoring! If this is about the paraphrasing thing, then I am going to be super pissed. basically the paraphrasing thing is, I was asked to do prompting for Babel Rap, because they weren't positive on their lines (which I actually find VERY unprofessional, but w/e). So I am sitting backstage, on book, and they start PARAPHRASING their lines! Now all you h-core squared theatre kids know that paraphrasing is a HUGE no-no, because once you change a line around, your cues get completely messed up. For example, if you have a line that is supposed to be a lighting cue, such as, oh let's use, "let's go to Gramma's house" exit stage whatever, lights down. If you say, "I am going to visit Gramma's, because she is sick in bed" and then exit a different part of the stage you are supposed to, lighting will have NO BLOODY CLUE wtf you are doing. This also works for other types of cues, for example, sound cues, entrance cues, cues for other actors to begin a line of their own. On the whole, you just don't do it, and it will save you a lot of grief. So, back to the story, April and Rich were paraphrasing, which there is absolutely nothing I can do about because they are onstage. This is the SHOW, and they are paraphrasing! I cannot believe that got past Mrs. Tinnion! Devin, maybe, because he didn't know, but Rathead should have KNOWN. So they are mixing their lines around, and jumping around on the page, sometimes skipping entire sections, and here I am on book, flipping pages frantically trying to find out where the hell they are! And of course, what happens, one of them forgets a line. And I DIDN'T KNOW WHAT THE FREAKING LINE WAS!!! I didn't even know where they were! So they stand there painfully for SUCH a long time, and eventually they just pick it up again in a different section. It ended up ok, but honestly. For a theatre kid who has been doing this for many years, and has heard the same thing over and over and over again, to have to endure something that is so simple to learn, and so horrendous if not learned, it was torture! But that is not the point. After the show, I had taken my makeup off, and was getting ready to go, and Devin mentioned something about Babel Rap being the best he'd ever seen it. That reminded me of the paraphrasing crisis, so I told him about it, and told him how stressed I was trying to find my place, when they weren't saying the lines that were there. At the time, he didn't say a single thing about it. And this morning, I come to school, and Devin is fucking shunning me! I came up to him, holding out my arms for a hug, and he just walks away. Later on in the class, he announces that he is leaving the class. He pulls Sarah out for a conference, and when they come back she's giving me funny looks. I see him later on in the hallway during that class, and I come up to him, and the afore mentioned dialogue occurs. I am assuming it is the paraphrasing thing, but of course, he won't tell me. I honestly don't know what to do. I want to talk to him, and work things out, because he is a friend that I don't want to lose. On the flip side, I feel like he is being a prima donna, and everything he does has to be showered with compliments about such a great job he did. It gets to be exhausting. And Devin, I am sorry if I just don't have the energy to stroke your ego, but you have to deal with it! How is it fair that you get mad at me, for something that doesn't even matter anymore? The show is over! The paraphrasing was awful while it lasted, but the show is done, and I am not going to keep hounding something that doesn't even matter anymore. I mentioned it, because we were talking about Babel Rap. And you know me, I am critical. That's just a part of me. It is hard to turn it off.

Anyways, I actually have much more to say with this post that isn't so negative. I just wish that all the fights going on right now would resolve themselves. Cause these are all so silly! It's Christmas! Who cares about paraphrasing, or petty hurts, or high standards? Why don't we all just relax, take a deep breath, and just be grateful that we have each other? (kind of ironic-sounding, coming from me, hey?)

In other news, Brad Nielson is just about the best friend anybody could ever hope to have! He sent me a very long email in response to my angry hurt post of last night. It made me feel a lot better, and made me think about the things I have been feeling in a larger light than just my small little heart.

I think I have more to say on that subject, but Sean has had a bad day at work, and it's our three month today, so i am going to go pay a lot of attention to him, ok? tty all later! Devin, please don't be mad at me!

Thursday, December 09, 2004

so life kinda blows right now

we have mice. (excuse me mother, who is readin over my shoulder) mother-fuckers. And this is my blog and I'll swear if I want to.

I am in an awful mood right now. I don't want to go to Theatre, I don't want to talk to anybody (LEAST of all my sister), I don't even really want to see Sean, because I know I'll just end up making things stupid.

Somehow, the entirety of Nanaimo is angry at me right now, for one reason or another. For one thing, all the Dover people are angry about my rant post about the quality of their singing (which I do not apologize for, btw; I wouldn't have posted it if I didn't stand by it). Mrs. Tinnion believes that I am unrelieable because I forgot to prompt for Babel Rap, because I only learnt the afternoon of the dress rehearsal that I was supposed to, (she had a huge upsetting conference with me today, and apparently she has more to say to me after the show is over) , and is pissed at me because Sean showed up to see me after the dress rehearsal yesterday and crashed our pizza party, even though he didn't know it was happening, and I didn't know he was coming. Brianna, and apparently everybody think I am too clingy and have un-invited me and Sean to the Christmas party because at Brianna's birthday party we were feeling less than social, and hung out by ourselves, and with Gareth (and btw, Brianna, we were NOT making out). Somebody in the theatre class decided that me dancing (SILENTLY) in the wings, and acting Music Man-esque was "unprofessional" and decided to complain to Mrs. Tinnion, who proceeded to tell me that this show was the worst that I had ever done. My FUCKING bus driver yelled at me, for NOT running for his bus, even though he was at the Country Club Exchange, and is OBLIGATED to wait for me for as long as it takes me to get to the bus, and then proceeded to nearly go off the road like three times going down the highway. Yesterday, Ashley Bitch-hole Siniarsky decided to give me the bitchiest look I've ever seen walking by in the hallway, for NO reason whatsoever, and holy crow, I seriously had to restrain myself from chucking my pudding right at her face. That whore talks to me ever from now until the end of the year I swear to God I am going to pop her one in the face. I greeted Jordan and Jade in the hallway, and as soon as I walked by, Jordan whispers, for the express purpose of me hearing, stage-whispers, "God I hate her." And of course, there is Geoff, who never fails to express just how much he hates me on his blog, with comments about how pathetic my songwriting is (which btw actually made me want to kill myself; I don't think I have ever cried so hard in my life. and I don't know why I still read his blog...maybe because once upon a time, he told me that he would always miss me, and I like to think that he isn't that much of a liar). And not really last, and not really least, my family, is, as always, right at the front of making me miserable. This morning, a fight broke out for absolutely NO discernable reason, in which, once again I was called irresponsible, lazy, neglectful, and a bitch. A typical morning.

Honestly, what have I done to make everybody hate me so much? What can I do to just relieve everybody of my presence? I think I am going to go lock myself in my bedroom. And I am not being dramatic, this is how I feel right now. I am sorry if that makes you roll your eyes.

Tuesday, December 07, 2004

cold are the people

winter of life
we tremble in shadows
this cold endless night
frozen in the snow
lie roses, sleeping
flowers that will echo
the sunrise
fire of hope is our only warmth
weary it's flame will be dying soon

(silent night
holy night
all is calm
all is bright
round yon virgin
mother and child
holy infant
so tender and mild
sleep in heavenly peace
sleep in heavenly peace)

Pinto finally succumbed to the lyricizing trend. I'm so unoriginal.

Monday, December 06, 2004

wheee, what a fun-gi!!

this is the infamous Blog Ho who posted a DIRTY COMMENT on Barba's bloggeroo...I bet he thinks she's hot! Anyways, I liked this, so I have decided to showcase it.

"Pass the Pork Chops

I can picture a world where Atkins rules the table, where egg yolk is scooped up with bits of fatty steak and gravy is sopped up with pieces of ham (not honey baked).

In this world, all men remember longingly the erotic suck of a lollipop and all women remember the subtle taste of chocolate.

In this land all are skinny, but the Metameusel Man is king."

-written by Blog Ho, at

Ah, how refreshingly blunt, with a dash of wit! I do so believe I shall get kevin to add him to my linkies! I am assuming he is a he. Will you verify that, Blog Ho, should you stumble across this blog?

In other news, I have had quite the interesting weekend! In all, over the past five days, I have had maybe twenty hours sleep. (not counting last night.) Thursday, I got to bed super super late, and had to wake up super early. Friday, the same thing. Saturday, I actually did get in a couple hours sleep during the day, but that was only because I was all relaxed, and warm from taking an almost-all-day bath. Then Saturday night, I had the closing show, which I was on call for from five. The show started at seven, and ended at nine thirty. After, me and Sean got a ride to Stage-Manager Jen's place for the official cast party, which was really great in a laid-back kind of way. I mostly sat on Sean, and just observed.

I was extremely tired, and not really in a party-hard kind of mood, so I was totally happy when all the loud ones went to the kitchen, and The Orange Edition came into the living room to play a small impromptu acoustic concert. Well, it was more like a set, but with no other bands to make other sets. Anyways, they played their cover of Eleanor Rigby, which I had nt heard, but had heard OF from other people, some who love it, some who hate it. I actually quite liked it, but mostly because it fit my mood beautifully at the moment. I'm sure, had I been in a party mood, I would have found it a little stagnant. But as it was, I was very tired, and quiet (not in a bad mood), just very content to sit and listen to music. So I was happy with that. Then they played something of their own.

Then Shane and Brady left to go do other things, so everybody started trying to get James... (the really super sexy Goth bass player who is INSANELY amazing at bass. I remember the first time I saw him, I totally fell in love with him. mostly because he had looong blond hair then, but also because he was the BEST DAMN BASS PLAYER I HAVE EVER SEEN) (anyways, don't worry about him, Sean, because I wouldn't be able to date a hardcore Goth. and why would I want to when I have the studliest, sweetest, coolest FUN-GI on the planet??? lol, *kiss*)...trying to get James to play "The Campfire Song." I had absolutely no idea what that was, but James seemed really reluctant to do it, and kind of embarrassed about it, so I wanted to see what it was. His very reluctance to do it totally intrigued me. So finally after much heckling, and Nolan making a super fool out of himself (more later), James finally gave in, and played it. And it was SUPER SUPER FUNNY! I don't know why. It was mostly him playing a couple chords, then "singing" a lyric like, "I love--to make love--by the campFIIIIIIIIRRRREEEE" in this hysterical voice that wobbled, and trembled! It was seriously one of the funniest things all night long!

The other absolutely awesome thing at Stage Manager Jen's place was Nolan singing the "Fuck Song." I guess it was a song from somebody's metal band, which was the story of a guy kill8ing a girl, while being very mad at her. So pretty much, Nolan volunteered to make a fool out of himself, so that James would play the Campfire Song. Now, you must remember that this was an acoustic song, so here Nolan (the drummer of TOE) was playing a metal song on bongo drums! And James was on acoustic guitar! You also have to remember that Nolan is insanely small, and skinny and has the funniest blond curly hair, that he recently shaved into a mohawk for cancer. Now he is so small, that ***I*** can pick him up, and toss him around. So Nolan starts this crazy fast beat and starts SCREAMING "fuck" at the top of his lungs, as per the metal genre. And he starts screaming these lyrics, assumably about how he'd like to kill this girl, but you can't understand anything but the word "fuck!" Now, everybody is absolutely in STITCHES by this time, and then, Nolan made it EVEN FUNNIER by doing the female line as well! Which was pretty much a high-pitched girly scream!!! And when he did that, absolutely everybody almost shit their pants laughing SO HARD!!! It was seriously the funniest thing I've ever seen! Sean said he had never seen me laugh so hard.

After that, a whole bunch of us headed over to Tidey's place for the unofficial after-party! The one where all the little kids had to go home and go to bed before. The one where...WE ALL GOT RAGING DRUNK!!!! ok, so I am lying just a little bit. I didn't get particularly drunk. I kept getting this absolutely nauseous feeling everytime I took a very large gulp of my Smirnoff, so I decided to only drink a little. So pretty much, we sat for a while, me taking slow sips of my drink watching a certain someone get totally smashed on her Sour Puss. That was the funniest thing ever! Everybody said it was like watching TV, cause you could just sit, and watch her, and she'd do something funny, and everybody would just start laughing at her! However, I was a little worried about her because she was drinking on an empty stomach, which usually equals painful-death hangovers, so Spencer made a food run for everybody, and went and got Pita Pit. However, this certain girl doesn't like pitas, and she was very drunk by the time Spencer got back, so she was flailing her arms complaining about how she hates pitas, and I swear she hit me in the face like three times. And totally just flopped upon my person many many times. I am covered in bruises from that girl. She's DANGEROUS while drunk, I swear! Unfortunately, I cannot reveal her identity. Just be content with the fact that she is CARAZY!!! Especially when drunk.

Anyways, I hung out with her, tried to get Martha to stop being slutty with Gareth, as she had asked me to do earlier in the night, but that was to no avail. I hung out with Will, Stage Manager Jen (who was insisting she wasn't drunk, even though she was drinking gin, which packs a HARD wallop if you're not used to it; however, she was singing MuTh songs at the top of her lungs in a very drunk voice, and was sporting quite the flushed cheeks, so she was in fact quite inebriated.), Tasha, and Brad Mackey, who was relatively sober, somewhat like myself, and Shane. According to Brad, if I were a character from That Seventies Show, I'd be girl Fez. Now that CANNOT be true!!! It IS NOT true!!! Is that true? I demand feedback.

So being as exhausted as we were, Sean and I crashed at about three, or so. Then we got woken up at about four by Martha, Gareth, and Will's antics, antics which were added to by Tidey, and Spencer* these antics are best described by the msn convo I had w/ Gator last night, which I shall show to you now, because I don't feel like typing it all out again...

Gator: only the good die young says:

Gator: only the good die young says:
how's it going?

Pinto: Will--"Hey guys, I'm FUCKING straight edge!!!" says:

Pinto: Will--"Hey guys, I'm FUCKING straight edge!!!" says:

Gator: only the good die young says:
how was last night?

Pinto: Will--"Hey guys, I'm FUCKING straight edge!!!" says:
it was fun! I didn't get very inebriated, and so I remember pretty much everything.

Pinto: Will--"Hey guys, I'm FUCKING straight edge!!!" says:
It was very very funny, especially (*insert name here*)!!!

Gator: only the good die young says:
that's cool, tell me about it

Gator: only the good die young says:
oh, she ended up going?

Pinto: Will--"Hey guys, I'm FUCKING straight edge!!!" says:
yep, she did. And got very VERY inebriated off of a thing of Sour Puss.

Pinto: Will--"Hey guys, I'm FUCKING straight edge!!!" says:
She beat me severely for telling her to eat her pita.

Pinto: Will--"Hey guys, I'm FUCKING straight edge!!!" says:
I have the bruises to prove it.

Gator: only the good die young says:

Gator: only the good die young says:
tell me funny stories

Pinto: Will--"Hey guys, I'm FUCKING straight edge!!!" says:
I'll tell you more tomorrow though, for my mom is insisting I go to bed. (ok, I'll tell you a couple funny stories)

Gator: only the good die young says:
good, tell me

Gator: only the good die young says:
tell me tell me

Pinto: Will--"Hey guys, I'm FUCKING straight edge!!!" says:
I was exhausted so I pretty much passed out upon Sean at about three in the morning. But I woke up again at about four, and Martha was trying to keep Gareth out of her pants, vainly, I might add. I woke up to Martha screaming, "GARETH! get OUT of my pants!!!"

Gator: only the good die young says:

Gator: only the good die young says:
that's awesome

Gator: only the good die young says:
I'm going to say that to him ALL the time

Pinto: Will--"Hey guys, I'm FUCKING straight edge!!!" says:
and then everybody was setting up beds, and Tidey tried to get Will to move out of the big double bed in one of the side rooms out to the couch so that Gareth and Martha could sleep (as in actually sleeping) together, but he refused until Martha took off her top, and danced around the room, while Will stuffed her bra down his pants.

Gator: only the good die young says:

Pinto: Will--"Hey guys, I'm FUCKING straight edge!!!" says:
and they were bartering over how long she'd do it for, like she said five seconds, and then Will was like, "NO way, ten seconds" (both very quite drunk btw)

Gator: only the good die young says:
poor martha

Gator: only the good die young says:
so, did she do it for ten seconds?

Pinto: Will--"Hey guys, I'm FUCKING straight edge!!!" says:
Then Martha got mad at Will, and went to go sleep on the couch by herself, or perhaps with Gareth, I was half asleep at the time so I don't quite remember. Anyways, she was explaining to Boy Spencer what happened with Will refusing to give up the double bed, and she said his name, and like, EXACTLY two and a half seconds later, Will pokes his head out of the darkened bedroom, and says "I'm cool."

Gator: only the good die young says:

Gator: only the good die young says:
i think i actually need to go to bed, so tell me many more stories tomorrow

Pinto: Will--"Hey guys, I'm FUCKING straight edge!!!" says:
Then everybody started making fun of him, cause he wasn't wearing any pants, and Will defended himself, and tried to start a no-pants club, and he was urging everybody to join it. There was a breif part where he though Sean was part of his no-pants club, because it looked like he wasn't wearing pants because he wasn't wearing a shirt, but indeed Sean was wearing pants.

Gator: only the good die young says:
what? what?

Gator: only the good die young says:
remember EVERYTHING, tell me tomorrow

Pinto: Will--"Hey guys, I'm FUCKING straight edge!!!" says:
Then Will tried to get everybody to take off their pants, and Gareth started to, but because he was with Martha, Boy Spencer threatened him with death

Pinto: Will--"Hey guys, I'm FUCKING straight edge!!!" says:
if he took off his pants.

Gator: only the good die young says:
why did boy spencer care? huh?

Pinto: Will--"Hey guys, I'm FUCKING straight edge!!!" says:
cause he didn't want Martha being slutty and he didn't want to see Gareth/Martha sex.

Pinto: Will--"Hey guys, I'm FUCKING straight edge!!!" says:
they'd been making out all night.

Gator: only the good die young says:
oh, i see

Pinto: Will--"Hey guys, I'm FUCKING straight edge!!!" says:
it was gross

Gator: only the good die young says:

Gator: only the good die young says:
anyway, i'm going to bed now

Gator: only the good die young says:

Pinto: Will--"Hey guys, I'm FUCKING straight edge!!!" says:

So that was the hijinks that went on around from four to five in the morning. After that, someone turned out the lights, and most of us went to bed, except for apparently Gareth and Martha who probably stayed up making out, as indicated by the fact that Martha asked me if I "heard anything" around five to six in the morning. I also assume that because the next morning Martha was saying that she'd only had two hours sleep, and we woke up at about nine. So clearly she stayed up doing something, and what else do you do in a darkened room when you are sleeping next to a boy you are half-attracted to? I mean really...

Sean and I were pretty much the last ones to leave Tidey's cause my mum was late picking us up. I insisted that we go to Tim Horton's on the way home, so we ended up getting coffee, thank goodness! When we got to my place, however, Ken was there *irk irk irk irk irk irk irk* and that spelled disaster. Just before me and Sean had to leave for Pantomime (I had a rehearsal, urgfh!) we were on the computer reading blogs. Ken came in and started freaking out about me being on the computer all the time, and having no sense of responsibility (wtf is it w/ everybody, and me not seeming responsible lately??? I haven't been amazingly good about stuff, but I am not THAT irresponsible!). Now you all know me and Ken, I refuse to take that kind of crap from him because as much as he thinks that he is a father figure to me, I do not, will not, and would never lower my standards to the point that I take on a poverty-ridden, unwashed, retarded alchoholic as a role model. So when he started yelling at me, I screamed right back at him, and the argument escalated to the point that he was screaming things right in my face, and Sean who was right there, though that Ken was going to hit me. Sean said later that if Ken had touched me in any way, he was going to punch him. So basically, my mood was ruined right then and there, and I got my stuff and stalked out to the car, where I sat, absolutely enraged, and unable to speak civilly to anyone. I felt horrible that Sean had to see that, and he looked kind of shocked at it. That is NOT the sort of stuff that a normal family goes through. Anyways, my mum came out, and we drove to Panto while half talking, half fighting about Ken and his role in our lives. She seems to think that because he is a friend, and older than me I should treat him however anybody else thinks I should treat him. I think that he DOES NOT, and has never deserved my respect, age and *wisdom* not withstanding, and as long as he tries to insinuate himself into a position that I do NOT want him to be in, I will react however the hell I want to him. He is NOT my friend. I do NOT like him. And I will NOT disguise that fact.

So anyways, Sean and I got to Panto during the vocal warm up (Ken had made me late with his idiocy). My lymph nodes are absolutely shot, so my throat is all swollen, and it hurts to breathe, let alone sing. So my energy was super super low the entire practice. Whenever I was not onstage which was most of the time, I kept falling asleep upon Sean. It was kind of ridiculous.

After Panto was over, it turned out that we had just missed a bus, and since Sunday buses suck anus, we had to wait an hour for the next one. So we decided to walk up to the Co-op to get munchies. We did, and then walked to Country Club to catch the next bus. Which we missed.


Needless to say I was super pissed. So then we went to the Food Court, and saw that the next bus was an hour away. Then the fucking mall had to close. I called Mom, but no response. Sean called Ian for a ride, but we had to walk up to Beban, and then Ian would only we able to drive us one at a time, because he had the YD car, which is only allowed two people at a time, because of insurance purposes. So was really really irked at how crappy the day had turned out.

But it got a little better as we walked up to Beban because began singing Christmas songs, and it was so much fun! We found out that we have the same favorite Christmas carol!!! "The Christmas Song (Chestnuts Roasting on an Open Fire)" is both our favorite carol!!! I love my boy SO VERY MUCH!!! Then, my mood was improved just that much more because Ian decided to break the rules and drive both of us, saving quite a bit of mileage. Two trips from Westwood to Beban and back is very expensive, gas-wise...

We got to Sean's and he set up one of their Christmas trees, while we watched the beginning of Cheaper By the Dozen, a surprisingly satisfying movie, despite the craptaculosity of Hilary Stupid Duff. Then we had dinner, which I couldn't finish cause I am small and pathetic. After dinner, Sean's Mom asked me into her room where we discussed a couple of very interesting things...!

We, obviously, discussed what we were both getting Sean for Christmas. I knew that that was going to be a topic of conversation in our little hidden-away, girly chat. But then she started talking about how she didn't want to be a meddling Mom, but that she had noticed how serious Sean was getting about our whole relationship, and how she was noticing that every time, they were talking about soemthing, and she said something jokingly about how, "I dunno, I don't see a ring on her finger yet, so I don't think so..." and he would reply, "oh, there will be," just matter of factly, as if there was absolutely no doubt about it. And she said that she wanted to make sure that I knew how serious he was about me, and that I wasn't going to go in a month or a year from now, "oh, yeah, it's been fun, but I think I'm gonna go now" because at this point, if I did that, Sean wouldn't know what had hit him. She said that if that were to happen she thought that he'd be absolutely destroyed. And she said that, even though Sean's dad, Kevin, had had some concerns about how I wasn't a member of the church when I first started dating him, she had backed me up. She said that she had told Kevin that she thought that Sean couldn't have made a better choice when he picked me. She thought that we were a perfect match for each other, and aside from all the coupley handholding and kissing and hugging, that we were really good friends, and she didn't think that that was going to change. She also said that she said that to Kevin because ever since Sean has been dating me, he has changed, for the better. That he's much more independent now, taking the bus instead of asking for a ride, and going to parties, even though he doesn't know very many people there, and making a bunch of new different friends. She said a lot about how, she thought he was making the right choices, and that he was just acting smarter about things, what with his job, and how he was treating his money and stuff. She basically said that, if we were to get married, whenever we planned to, that she would totally welcome me into the family, adn that they would all be thrilled to have me, and how all of her family who had met me thought that I was just a great person, and how I was really good for Sean. And she also said that, if were to decide in a year from now or a couple months from now that we weren't right for each other, she hoped that it would be a mutual decision and we would both agree on it, instead of one of us being like, "oh I think I'm jsut going to go date someone else now," because at this point if I did that to Sean, he would be completely torn up. Because he is so obviously serious about me. I basically told her, that I was just as much in love with Sean as he was with me, and I was hoping that it would get to the point of marriage, because we had talked about it early in our relationship. And I had told him about how if I were to commit to him, I would be ABSOLUTELY COMPLETELY COMMITTED for the rest of my life. I cannot commit any other way. And although when I told him that I could start feeling like that, at the time I wasn't feeling like that, after a month or so, I did start feeling that commitment. And that Sean knew I was entirely committed to him, and marrying him if he asked me would be something that I would gladly do. I basically tried to tell her that she had nothing to worry about, because I have committed to Sean, and if/WHEN we get married, the idea of me saying, "well it's been fun, but no thanks" would absolutely never happen. And she got emotional, and we hugged, and bonded. I felt touched that she welcomed me into this family, even though it has not even been three months that i have been dating Sean. Apparently, I am doing something right with this family, because they all condone me and Sean spending the rest of our lives together. And I am terrifically happy about that! So Sean, I know you are reading this, so know that I LOVE you with all my heart, and that will never change. We will get married, adn I will be a part o your family, and we will spend the rest of our lives together, if you want it. I love you, sweetie!

ok, I am VERY VERY VERY LATE for school. I have to go right now, or Mom is going to rip out my liver, and place it upon her head. Then declare herself monarch of a foreign country and dance until her arms grow to extraordinary lengths.

...ahhh, Rejected, how I do so love you!

so good bye! I am late!

PS: *each and every mention of a "Spencer" refers to BOY Spencer, ok? Girl Spencer was not in attendance at Tidey's