Saturday, December 11, 2004

today is sunny and it's making me hopeful!

hmmm! *big smile!* today seems like a good day. I seem to have resolved things both with Megan, AND with Devin, and at least me and Brianna are on speaking terms again, even though I don't think this will ever stop bothering me. I understand the idea, but I still don't think it's fair. And I hate it. And that won't stop.

But anyways, the sun is shining, and the roads are drying! Mom wants to take the dogs for a big ole run up the mountain. However, it's interesting, trying to figure out how to get three adults, three large dogs, and four children up the mountain in a three-seater truck!!! Ahhh, ignoring the law. That's the way to live!!! Maybe it's good Sean is working, otherwise, we'd have FOUR adults to transport! lol! methinks a certain Pinto would be sitting on some MAN-LAP!!! (*LOL! I like that sentence!!!*)

Ahhhhh, that's NICE! You know you're kind of pathetic when your own jokes crack you up. *sigh!* anyways, Momma just got child tax in, so we can get another package of BURRITOS!!! woo-hooo!!! I heart burritos with a passion. In fact, I represent them! (don't bother trying to understand that, it was an old inside joke between me and the Co-op gas bar staff; boy do I miss them!!!)

hmmm, since I have nothing to do today, except for clean, and walk dogs, I think I am going to finally get started on making my X-mas gifts. Yes that's right. I am still not started on them. How sad. I am frantic trying to figure out how to get gifts for everybody who is getting gifts for me. I really don't know how I am going to afford it. Beware, all, your gifts from me are going to be SUPER-SAD. I am sorry!!! I am POOR! I will get you all the VERY VERY VERY BEST GIFTS IMAGINABLE when I am rich and famous, to make up for all these years of pathetic gifts. That makes me sad about Christmas. Cause my absolute favorite part of it is giving people stuff. Not even kidding. Going out, and shopping for all the people you love the best, and buying them all sorts of stuff that you know they'll absolutely LOVE!!! BEST feeling in the world! Only SLIGHTLY below sex. lol! However, I can't do that, ever, because I am so poor! If only I had just had my SIN card back in the summer! I would have gotten a job then! And I would have moola for X-mas! And I would be able to get everyone fabulous gifts!!! See, after being so poor for so long, my idea of a fabulous gift is somewhat inflated. Like, if I could get away with it, I would be buying you all the very very best! Laura!!! How I would search and search for obscure beat poetry for you! I don't know how I would find it, because I don't know what it is, but I still would! And boy would I pray that you didn't already have it! And Brianna! The art supplies (you get those in the interest of you maybe painting me something EVER), and Rufus CD's, and oldies memorabilia you would recieve! Methinks--OH!!! I know what! That toy jukebox that plays oldies that I found in a Virginia Wal-Mart when I was there! Boy would you ever ahve loved that! Sean--jeex, don't even get me started on what I would get you, my boy! I would spoil you until you couldn't even look yourself in the mirror anymore!!! Chocolate, and awesome shirts, and aviators, and sweet GOOD-QUALITY picture frames; that drafting software that you drooled over in Staples! The things I would give you if only I could. It is having people like you in my life that make me want to tear my hair at the prospect of being poor. You deserve the VERY VERY VERY best, and I weep that I cannot give it to you. So just you wait, my love; it is coming. And when it will LOVE it!

And the stockings??? Oh, the stockings! Each and everyone of you would get stockings, and they would be filled with the most wonderful things!!!! CD's, and funny things from Spencer's, and Terry's Chocolate Oranges GALORE! See, my idea of suitable stocking stuffers are merely small things! NOT necessarily CHEAP things!!!! LOL! If I had the bucks to, I would get you all rings, and necklaces and beautiful trinkets in your stockings!!! Not merely Kindersurprises, and other little things, which is about all I can afford right now. So, like I said, my idea of a fabulous gift is quite inflated. That being said, it is IN YOUR OWN BEST INTEREST to make me rich and famous!!!!! LOL!!!!!! Come on, you know you want wonderful X-mas gifts! My friends are my absolute FAVORITE people in the whole entire world. And if I were able to, boy would I EVER spoil them!

Now, after I have gotten you all bright-eyes, and anticipatory, for all these incredible gifts from me, I have to bring you back down to reality. I am poor. It sucks. You all are getting crap gifts, and I hate it. But at least, if this consoles any of you, they will be from the heart. Cause I love each and every one of you, even when we are fighting, even when you are being a jackass, even when I am being a jackass (ESPECIALLY when I am being a jackass!), even when you are completely rejecting me, and excluding me from friend-like activities such as parties. You all are still the most important people in the world to me! And I think I shall end on that positive note.

*DURN!!! I keep forgetting to analyse, and add my own two cents to the philosophy lovely Brad sent me in that email the other day! no worries, Bradley, it is coming! (*dreamy face* Nirvana memorabilia, and guitars for you, my boy; in a perfect world... *sigh*)

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