Friday, December 10, 2004

holy wowzers, everybody, discontent!

Apparently, it wasn't just me that was upset last night.

It seems like EVERYONE is fighting. Mel, and Tim are fighting (rather viciously I might add) over on Laura's blog, me and Brianna are speaking again but I am still unhappy, I have just read quite an enormous rant post about me and my rant post about Dover singing over on Megs' blog. Oh yeah, and--now Devin is mad at me. He won't even tell me what, and is acting entirely childish about it. ("What's up?" "Nothing." *pout.* "Are you MAD at me?" *incredulously* "Why are you MAD at me?" *long silence* "I think you know." "Um....") Honestly, I came up to talk to Brad (btw, most wonderful person on the planet, more details later), and he just turned his back on me. Apparently, he "doesn't even want to see me." He freaking LEFT peer tutoring! If this is about the paraphrasing thing, then I am going to be super pissed. basically the paraphrasing thing is, I was asked to do prompting for Babel Rap, because they weren't positive on their lines (which I actually find VERY unprofessional, but w/e). So I am sitting backstage, on book, and they start PARAPHRASING their lines! Now all you h-core squared theatre kids know that paraphrasing is a HUGE no-no, because once you change a line around, your cues get completely messed up. For example, if you have a line that is supposed to be a lighting cue, such as, oh let's use, "let's go to Gramma's house" exit stage whatever, lights down. If you say, "I am going to visit Gramma's, because she is sick in bed" and then exit a different part of the stage you are supposed to, lighting will have NO BLOODY CLUE wtf you are doing. This also works for other types of cues, for example, sound cues, entrance cues, cues for other actors to begin a line of their own. On the whole, you just don't do it, and it will save you a lot of grief. So, back to the story, April and Rich were paraphrasing, which there is absolutely nothing I can do about because they are onstage. This is the SHOW, and they are paraphrasing! I cannot believe that got past Mrs. Tinnion! Devin, maybe, because he didn't know, but Rathead should have KNOWN. So they are mixing their lines around, and jumping around on the page, sometimes skipping entire sections, and here I am on book, flipping pages frantically trying to find out where the hell they are! And of course, what happens, one of them forgets a line. And I DIDN'T KNOW WHAT THE FREAKING LINE WAS!!! I didn't even know where they were! So they stand there painfully for SUCH a long time, and eventually they just pick it up again in a different section. It ended up ok, but honestly. For a theatre kid who has been doing this for many years, and has heard the same thing over and over and over again, to have to endure something that is so simple to learn, and so horrendous if not learned, it was torture! But that is not the point. After the show, I had taken my makeup off, and was getting ready to go, and Devin mentioned something about Babel Rap being the best he'd ever seen it. That reminded me of the paraphrasing crisis, so I told him about it, and told him how stressed I was trying to find my place, when they weren't saying the lines that were there. At the time, he didn't say a single thing about it. And this morning, I come to school, and Devin is fucking shunning me! I came up to him, holding out my arms for a hug, and he just walks away. Later on in the class, he announces that he is leaving the class. He pulls Sarah out for a conference, and when they come back she's giving me funny looks. I see him later on in the hallway during that class, and I come up to him, and the afore mentioned dialogue occurs. I am assuming it is the paraphrasing thing, but of course, he won't tell me. I honestly don't know what to do. I want to talk to him, and work things out, because he is a friend that I don't want to lose. On the flip side, I feel like he is being a prima donna, and everything he does has to be showered with compliments about such a great job he did. It gets to be exhausting. And Devin, I am sorry if I just don't have the energy to stroke your ego, but you have to deal with it! How is it fair that you get mad at me, for something that doesn't even matter anymore? The show is over! The paraphrasing was awful while it lasted, but the show is done, and I am not going to keep hounding something that doesn't even matter anymore. I mentioned it, because we were talking about Babel Rap. And you know me, I am critical. That's just a part of me. It is hard to turn it off.

Anyways, I actually have much more to say with this post that isn't so negative. I just wish that all the fights going on right now would resolve themselves. Cause these are all so silly! It's Christmas! Who cares about paraphrasing, or petty hurts, or high standards? Why don't we all just relax, take a deep breath, and just be grateful that we have each other? (kind of ironic-sounding, coming from me, hey?)

In other news, Brad Nielson is just about the best friend anybody could ever hope to have! He sent me a very long email in response to my angry hurt post of last night. It made me feel a lot better, and made me think about the things I have been feeling in a larger light than just my small little heart.

I think I have more to say on that subject, but Sean has had a bad day at work, and it's our three month today, so i am going to go pay a lot of attention to him, ok? tty all later! Devin, please don't be mad at me!


Pineapple Princess! said...

Yeah, I'm pretty pissed. I can't believe he.... guh, sorry, it should stay between us, its not your responsability. Tell sean that I hope all the rest of his days are better, and Megs and you need to apologize to each other, because its over, and all you're doing is making deeper wounds without any benifit to anyone.... Although I see both of your points, being both a perfectionist and a realist! I don't understand the Devin thing really, becaue I'm not involved, but it doesnt seeeeem reasonable that he would be mad at you for that.... maybe its the way you said it?

ANyways I'm about ready to cancel Christmas this year with all the crappy things that have been happeneing, and thats really sad, because I love christmas so. *sigh* oh well, thats the way the cookie crumbles!

Megan said...

Yea...the play is over...
I don't know I've been odd of sorts lately, and my temper hasn't been as well controlled as usual.
I think perhaps we should just let it go and such...or perhaps I should just let it go...what is said is said.
I do agree with most of your opinions on the effort part, I guess I just was peeved at how they came across or something...
*hands Alleah a peace-offering flower*

VivaLaPinto said...

I graciously accept this peace-offering, Megan, and I make one of my own. I really don't want us to be mad at each other. As zealous as I am believing that we can change things during the run,even I am not perfectionist enough to keep bugging at something that is over and done with. let's all be friends. and that includes Mel, and Timothy, btw! I'll show you a cookie crumbling, Mel!!! A CHRISTMAS cookie crumbling!!! We cannot cancel Christmas. It is too fabulous, and it will most likely help you and Tim-Tim get out of your spat as well.

and Devin, will you please stop being mad at me? This is so silly!

Brianna said...

Alleah, I really didnt want this to be a fight thing between us, seriously. And i meant nothing personal about it, its just, I said I wouldnt invite you to my next party, and i like to stand by what I say.

SO yeah... Im sorry..

VivaLaPinto said...

Brianna, intellectually, I know what you are about. but it hurts. a lot.