Saturday, December 04, 2004

oh I am slick--slickety cricket!!!

wow, am I ever am awful person...I was supposed to be at Sean's house last night by eleven, or just a bit after. as the way the buses worked out, I didn't get there until ten to twelve. :S *blush*

What happened, was, I had JUST missed the nine thirty bus coming out of the show, so I had to get a ride downtown w/ Niki, cause she was going to work. Niki took until ten forty to get downtown, and by that time, there was only one bus left, and that was the eleven thirty five bus. So I went home, and packed some stuff that I would need. I had planned to phone Sean, but between taking my makeup off, informing Sherayna of my plans for the night, eating some dinner, changing clothes and packing stuff, I forgot to. After that, I walked down to the co-op amid many a leering stare, and/or cat call, and tried to buy a coffee, but the wonderful wonderful man there, told me to just go right in, and make one up, and it was on the house (the doors were locked, and I suppose I must have looked unbearably sad). So I was happy about that. Then my bus didn't come until eleven thirty, of course, and of course it took forever to get to Sean's. When I rang the doorbell (the front door was locked) Sean came around the edge of the inside door, looked out the window, and saw me--and I swear he looked like he just about fainted with relief. He let me in, and just grabbed me up in his arms, and wouldn't let me go for many a minute. I felt so guilty for not having called, because he seemed very upset about it. We went into the house, and sat down at his computer, where I discovered that he was having an msn conversation w/ Brad about how I wasn't there, and he was so worried. Then I felt even GUILTIER. Oh I am an awful awful person. shame. shame on me.

on the bright side, the night was very very fun, except for, again, getting up super early this morning. hmm...I wonder if I stay in this habit, do you think I'll start getting to school on time? I dunno--I think it might require enormous quantities of caffeine as well...

well, now I am tired, so I am going to go snooze a little, then eat my advent chocolate, then...I dunno, maybe take a bath, or something. I feel like a large amount of hot water this morning. A nice long bath will really suit my mood, I think.

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