Thursday, December 02, 2004

what a slug-a-bed am I

it's ten after nine right now, and it's taken me this long just to get out of bed, even with Mom and Sherayna, AND the kids all yelling at me to get up. I literally couldn't get out of bed, it was impossible. Everytime I tried to get up, I would just sit there all disoriented-like for a couple seconds, and then fall over again in a different position. I fell asleep twice leaning against the wall, and at least thrice with my face squashed up against the wall. And of course now, they're all yelling at me for being on the computer, and not--quite--dressed yet.

I don't wanna go to school...and I don't wanna go to choir...and I DON'T want to be up until ever tonight, again. I just wanna sleep. And sleep and sleep. Then maybe eat a little. Perhaps pee. Then sleep some more. *sigh*

Anyways, Kevin, as per your request to hear about the choir concert, apparently it went pretty well. Sean was there, and Amanda (Devin's girlfriend), and all the Collective Mommies. We sang Cool Yule, which went MUCH better than Malaspina. Everybody was concentrating super hard on tempo which was really great, and I have a feeling that a lot of the stupid retard grade eights took my emphatic advice to WATCH MRS. SINCLAIR, OR YOU'LL LOOK LIKE AN IDIOT. I was mostly concentrating on tuning, because I have been lazy with that lately. I stand beside Mel in the soprano section, and it's so easy to just let her lead. Which is a very strange thing for me, but I have just stopped trying to get a better blend in the soprano section, because it will never be as perfect as my standards demand. All you Choir peeps who read my blog, though, don't think that you are completely off the hook. There is still easy easy, un-demanding second semester for me to become blend-nazi Extraordinaire. But ANYWAYS... yes, Mel wasn't there, for Mr. A INSISTED that she be at Bye Bye Birdie's opening night, for just like we get marked on choir, she gets marked on that. So I was concentrating a lot more on my tuning, and tone quality than I normally would have. I think in second semester, I may do what I did last year, and stand between two sections that aren't actually my own. Because last year, it helped me so much. I know you all think that I stood there just because Geoff was there, but after a while, it got so that I actually COULD NOT STAND to be with my own section. It drove me absolutely insane, because as soon as I stood with them, I could hear all the individual voices all that much better, and I couldn't hear the blend anymore, and I hate that. And last year, Mrs. Sinclair said that my voice didn't stand out too much over to the side like that, so it wasn't a problem for me to stand there. In fact, this year, the only thing that I would be worried about is idiot little grade eights that I'd be standing with moving to my part, just because they'd be taking my lead like the stupid little grade eights that they are. I miss last year's choir!!!! We should have an alumni choir. Mrs. Sinclair actually suggested that, a few weeks ago, in jazz choir! I think she hates bringing her standards back down to accomadate new people right after a fabulous year just as much as I do. And you know, Mrs. Sinclair teaches solely so that she can teach choir. According to other people I know in her other classes, she's a totally different person when she's not teaching choir. I can understand that. If I were to teach, it would be choir, drama, and NOTHING else. Maybe dance, but not likely. You know what? I forgot that I am supposed to be telling you about the performance. k, our second song, I'll Be Home For Christmas, didn't go as well as I'd hoped, although Mom, and Sean refute my opinion. Because I am sick, and long phrases tend to make me hyperventilate and make me dizzy, I couldn't make it to the end of all the looooooong phrases in that song like I normally do. (ok, Sherayna just told me I have no sense of responsibility, and I actually had to restrain myself from chucking my coffee at her face. Someone please help me, or I am going to end up killing her, or me). Not only that, but because Melly was not there, all my breath marks were a lot more noticeable, because you could hear me better. That just plain pissed me off. I didn't do my best even though I was trying my hardest, and that just makes me angry.

Ok, I'm done. A little ranty in that last paragraph, but Kevin, you asked for some stuff about choir. So now, I am going to go get dressed, and wear my FABULOUS BYE BYE BIRDIE tee to school! YAY! I hope the other Wellies are wearing it today. (and by Wellies, you all ought to know that I mean the Wellington theatre kids who are in Bye Bye Birdie). k, bye. PS, someone shoot my sister in the head.

1 comment:

Pineapple Princess! said...

yahyah yah! lok who didn't criticize me in that last post! its alleah!!!!! huzzah!