Tuesday, June 07, 2005

I hate the word 'scald'

it sounds like a mixture of bald which is icky, and scalp which is icky. what an evil word.

just a thought.

anyways, work is super montabulo-wonderful. I don't know where that word came from, but I enjoy it. certainly more than the word, 'scald.' According to one of the oldest girls there, I learn super quickly, and because of that, she trained me on till, three shifts earlier than you're supposed to! I was so excited! She also taught me how to make wrapzels, and I got to make one for Jon, one of the guys I work with. He didn't die, so I assume I'm not too bad at it!

So, now I know how to make popcorn, serve popcorn, clean the popper, serve drinks, clean the drink machines, serve nachos, make Wrapzels, use the cash register, ring up people's orders, and fill up the ice buckets! Aren't I a good little worker?!

The other day, this other guy I work with, Garrett, who talks about doing drugs all the time found a corn plant growing underneath one of the tills!!!! It was hysterical! I wanted to put it in a little pot, and keep it as our mascot, but I think he threw it away, instead. bummer.

I don't have to work until tomorrow night, so yesterday, I spent the afternoon with the girls plus Mel learning more on Mr. Sandman, which is turning into a debacle. Brianna doesn't want to learn the other parts for the other verses, and just change the words, and sing the lines we already know, but it requires changing keys oddly, plus it feels slacker to me. Then we tried actually learning the lines, and they are super hard. So I dunno what we're going to do about that. But at least what we know sounds super good! We're learning it for testing in choir, next week. If it works out, it'll be really really awesome! We tried to sing the bum-bums (you heard me) for Jen Porteous (sp?) yesterday, and she said, and I quote, "that's the most fucking awesome thing Ive ever heard!" or something along those lines! I thought that was cool.

Afterwards, I went to Zellers to look for a purse, didn't find anything, and then deliberated over spending my grad money from my grandparents on makeup or not for a half an hour. I was planning on taking the bus up to WalMart to examine further, but I missed it, and just went home. There, I watched Pocahontas 2 (joy upon joys) while Sean worked night shift (eleven AM to ten PM; it sucks bean poles!), and then read a book for a long time. It was a very relaxing day.

Today, I neglected school, and bought some Asiatic hybrid lilies at Buckerfields, whilst missing bus upon bus upon bus. Mom's truck broke down in the very CENTRE of an intersection (it flooded) and wouldn't start again until she'd made a fool of herself to no less than two different Good Samaritans, and pissed off no more than three bus drivers. It really sucked, so once it started again, we went and got coffee.

The Career Centre is quite loud, currently.

I won an award of excellence for Career Prep! How cool is that? I get to get out of English this Thursday for the celebration! That's pretty cool; I'm assuming Mr. A nominated me, cause he's who I used for Work Experience hours.

Today, I feel ambivalent. About everything. Ambivalent is a word that describes Mr. Poppy's attitude towards ghosts in the Bastion. Equivocal is, also. I read an article about haunted Nanaimo buildings around Hallowe'en. It talked about the Occidental Pub, the Bastion (where Mr. Poppy was quoted; he's the bagpiper there every summer), and Beban House. The Oxy is the coolest pub ever, because it has a frog painted on the wall.

I am le random. Anyways, I'm off, so Brad can visit my newly updated blog. goodbye!


K said...

haha, you should check out Blind Guardian's cover of 'Mr. Sandman.' It's pretty sweet & they have a hilarious music video. ah, the 80s & early 90s
what would we do without them? Be a lot younger, that's what.

rock on :p

VivaLaPinto said...

that is tres amusing. and brad, WHY HAVEN'T YOU COMMENTED YET? oh yeah, too busy recieving ridiculous amounts of money at the school awards night. how many awards did you recieve, Brad? like, 80?