Thursday, June 02, 2005

ok, this is really super bothersome

as you all probably know, my profile pic has not been working for some time now. I just changed it, and it's still not working! How irksome! If anyone can help with this dilemma, please?!

anyways, last night was our Spring Choir Concert. I cannot believe it was my last. At the end, we gave Mrs. Sinclair roses, and I forgot about this tradition, but then she turned around and offered all the grads roses. I was so happy! I love long-stemmmed roses, and it just about made me die. Laura was coming unglued at the beginning of We Rise Again, our last song, as was Mrs. Sinclair. For some reason, even though I'd never really thought much about the song, while singing it that last time, all of a sudden it just made so much sense, and suddenly, my throat closed up, and I had a hard time singing. We got a standing O, that was completely unhesitant. Everybody just stood right up. So, we did Hold Me, Rock Me as an encore, but from around the audience, instead of onstage. Laura sang only like half the song, cause she was crying the rest of the time, lol!

And of course, Sean brought the puppy! He caused such a stir at intermission, and after. Everybody was coming up, and gooing over him. His name is Kirby, and he is just the most adorable thing! You set him down on the grass, and walk away from him, and he just waddles right after you, wagging his tiny little tail! He is the most adorable thing on the planet!!! I love him so! rs. Sinclair nearly had a hernia over him, and came as close as she ever will to resembling me. And Kirby was a little scared by all the attention, terrified of the applause, but took to people petting him really well. When you set him down, he just ran right up to everybody for pets! He's so friendly!

Anyways, tonight is the District Awards Night, which I am so excited about! You wouldn't think I'd be looking forward to sitting on the stage of the Port Theatre for five hours, listening to other people's name get called, but I am! I get to get dressed up (albeit, in an old dress, NOT a new one; *sigh*) and I recieve $500 minimum in educational cash! How cool is that?! After that of course, I start working in earnest. Friday night, I work evening, and matinees on the weekend. I am working concession at the Avalon, as you know, so I expect you all to come to a movie this weekend, and buy popcorn from me, ok?

btw, my first training session went really well. He was fine with me missng Wednesday, and Thursday, and in fact, almost all the girls had to miss a couple days, which made me feel better. There's three other girls who are new, one of whom may or may not have been in Bye Bye Birdie, but I can't remember her...strange. We watched this movie with Rodger Lodge from Blind Date in it, that lasted for a million years! It had all this random stuff in it, like it told us not to arge with a customer, and for an example, it had this guy, after he got his Pepsi, wanting to change it to a root beer. The girl was like, "Are you sure? Pepsi's better," or something like that. And the guy was like, "Yeah, but I'm George and I want root beer," and it made me laugh so hard! There was this other guy who was acting the part of a kid, and he was basically wearing a beanie, leaning against the counter, and fingering a pile of change, while asking the price of EVERYTHING ON THE MENU! It was amusing in its absurdity. The same guy played someone else who spoke a different language, but all he said was, "Queak?" Suffice to say, it was rather amusing.

So I have no other news, other than that I am incredibly behind in English, and haven't been there for almost two weeks. According to Brianna, I'm getting away with it too, cause he thinks it's because of the accident! Also, I finally called MalU, and I AM in the theatre program! With Barbara, Jordan, Geoff, and others. I am excited! And finally, I am going for my L test, hopefully in the next two weeks. Wish me luck!

ok, I'm done. buh bye!


VivaLaPinto said...

oh, it's working now! look at that!

barbara_mary said...

Congrats on winning that money tonight!

Unknown said...

Im sorry i missed the concert, i heard so much about it, makes me want to cry just thinking about it!

Kirby.. like my dear friend Brett Kirby? lol

Awards night = awesome. i cheered for you even tho the person pronounced your name " ally-ah" .. dont worry, i was ' elene gren' i almost didnt even go up because i wasnt sure it was me at first.


K said...

Your profile pic works fine for me!

My last choir concert is on Sunday, or at least I think it's the last. I don't know if flowers have been arranged yet, but when I went to professional concerts they give the director like, 4 or 5 bouqets of flowers so we should at least do one. Our teacher got really pissed off at us today & ended practise early (we'd only been going 4.5 hours so she must have been angry).

Hooray for puppies. Apparently there are cats living in my house right now.

Can't wait to see your new house, or go harass you while you're at work... I mean... visit :p

rock on

PS for fun check out Road Sign Math.

VivaLaPinto said...

Kevin, you're random, and awesome! Barbara, ditto! And Alana, half the people who announced the awards had no basic speech ability, let alone powers of pronunciation!