Thursday, June 16, 2005

wow am I ever bored

and now I will post everybody I know with more than one blog. oh man...

  1. me
  2. Brianna
  3. Laura (if she EVER accepts my Collective invite, which she will cause she has to!)
  4. Barbara
  5. Mel
  6. Megan
  7. Martha
  8. Kevin Taylor
  9. Stephanie
  10. Glenn
  11. Cora
  12. Nicole
  13. Llowyn

I think that's it...please someone, entertain me?!


Laura said...

mel has two blogs?
whats teh sites?

nicole has two too? let me knowwwwwwwwwww

Pineapple Princess! said...

actually, I have three!

I hope you aren't dead. I would be very very sad

K said...

hey alleah I do have your template... so I will mail it to you

rock on

K said...

also it's been 5 days since your last posssssst .... gar... did you die?

Unknown said...

i wish i had more than one

amyleigh said...

I have two! you need to update!

Pineapple Princess! said...

Oh dear. life is slightly less interesting this morning without alleah's exploits to read of

Pineapple Princess! said...

Oh dear. life is slightly less interesting this morning without alleah's exploits to read of