Thursday, May 18, 2006

can of geeks

I am a geek. I shall be canned in a cannery, and sold as a non-perishable fun item on a grocery store shelf.

I had my first shift at A&W, and my inner retard became apparent. The first half was mostly bookwork. bah. boring. Then I got to go in the back, and help everyone else. Basically, I looked at a til, tried to figure out what the CRAZY abbreviations meant, and put the shiz into the bag, or onto the tray. I put stuff into a bag, when it was for there, twice, and put stuff on a tray when it was to go once. I forgot to put napkins, and straws in the bags like five times, and got in everybody's way the whole shift. I cleaned the DIRTIEST boys bathroom I've ever seen in my life, while this girl told me and the other new girl stories about finding a crackhead in there bleeding all over once. All I could think for the rest of the day was CRACK HEAD. it was disturbing.

Fun people, one cute boy, who seemed kind of awkward and tongue-tied, however, he was amusing. The fellow new girl is pretty awesome. She gave me hope, because today was her second shift, and she wasn't nearly as reatrded as I was, so there's hope for me for Monday.

Totally awkward, they didn't have a uniform for me, so I had to work the whole shift in my street clothes: jeans, sandals, and a black button up over a tube top! The customers were looking at me like I was an alien! omg

The apex of my stupid however came when I twirled a bag of straws after filling the dispenser, and discovered there was a hole in the bag--when STRAWS FLEW EVERYWHERE!!!!! The girl who was training me, just said nothing. It was worse than anything she could have possibly said at that point. wow. I am a spaz.

I ask you all, just how undeveloped must a person's brain be to fuck up their first shift at A&FUCKINGW??? However, the manager seemed to like me. He was nice to me all day. Must have been the tube top. ;D I'm a loser.

So I've got shifts all next week, and I managed to get Greg (the manager) to let me have tomorrow night off, so I will be PARTYING DOWN, w00t! Party on, Garth. (party on Wayne!) I get trained on til next week starting Monday, and then by the end of the week I get to be on til by myself! woo-hoo! I'm ridiculously excited about the drive thru. It's the funner of the three tils, I think.

Everybody has to come visit me. I demand it. Fuck what the stupid training book said. Oh and Ace, tell Michelle that apparently Amanda used to work there. i saw her during my shift today, and she was happy to see I was working at that A&W.

Anyways, enough boring Alleah's-excited-about-her-new-dumbass-job post. I'm going on nex. To prove my loser-dom. woo-freakin-hoo, baby!


Anonymous said...

sounds like an eventful day at work

VivaLaPinto said...

it was even more eventful after I went on nex!!!! tell ya about it laterz

Anonymous said...

I will, and what is nex?

VivaLaPinto said... like a profile site...i use it for pics.

Akiyhrah said...

Woohoo for crack heads... lol I hope you don't run into anything like that O_O Which A&?W are you working at?

Anonymous said...

dont worry..i had the exact same job...its so goddamn easy once you leanr how to work til and easy....thats why they have huge tunrover rates and only losers work there for like 6 years! and you will hate ft people by the end...way to picky about there food! its fast food!

VivaLaPinto said...

online dating site, I use it for pics. you should go there and search VivaLaPinto...cause I'm awesome.

Unknown said...

wutevs, you're new.. u can get away with murder your first couple of shifts.. and you're hot so..
work it.

VivaLaPinto said...

oh Alana! I love you s lot!!! lol!

Anonymous said...

its not a dating site...its a site with forums... it supposed to be used for forums... but others dont use it for that

by the way... this is amber... i just cant remember my password at the moment... stupid drunkeness

Anonymous said...

now that i figured out...

i a little disappointed in you alleah darling...