Monday, May 29, 2006

feeling so much better yesterday and today

I do believe the "boil has been lanced" as mum would have said. Ever since that vent, I've felt so much better. Even work hasn't been nearly as bad (despite Greg the Ass Bastard making me scrub the concrete outside with bleach two days in a row).

Yesterday was actually a lot of fun. I spent like an hour slicing onions in the kitchen, with the cooks, Jack and Jake. It was so funny; a couple of days ago, they asked how told I was, and I told them that I was an offia-midget, adnt ehy've been obsessed over that ever since, lol. Yesterday, they were asking me all sorts of retarded things like, "can you climb walls?" "can you fly?" It was so funny, Jack was like, "can you read minds?" and I was like, "*sigh* ...yes." and he looked at Jake and was like, "we need to start wearing lead helmets." I laughed so hard for like five minutes, it was great! I told them I'd pay them to wear them to work.

Another time, Jack was like, "I'm a little disappointed in you Alleah. Every midget I've ever seen walked like this:" and he waddled over to the back sink. The he was like, "I wanted to bring my parents in to see you waddle" and I was like, "oh, I'll waddle for your parents...five bucks per parental visit" and he was like, "ok" it was so funny. I love my kitchen boys! :)

Greg's still a jerk face, though. I hate how instead of asking me to do something straight out, he'll take me to whatever it is, and waste so much time by going over how dirty he thinks it is, or exactly why we put napkins in the bag before ketchup, or whatever else he feels like saying, before he actually tells me to do anything. He phrases any request in a "look how *random adjective basically referring to undesireable* this is," and expects me to just assume he wants me to do it. He'll actually take me away from other jobs that are more important to have me do these. Yesterday he tried to tell me that scrubbing the concrete was more important than slicing the onions until Jack was finally like, "Greg, there's four orders on the screen. I'm going to need you to do something, or get out of my kitchen." I was like, go Jack! That's the thing about Greg, he's such a dogfucker. (construction term for those who sit around and do nothing while others work; Quinn used to call me a dogfucker all the time) His service times suck; seriously, I've been there a week, and my service times pwn his, and I don't know what the fuck I'm even doing! He'd rather sit around and complain about something that isn't JUST exactly how he wants it, then help when there's orders to be filled. He'll actually complain to me about the way I do something AS I'm doing it, and make me stop and watch exactly how he thinks I'm supposed to do it, when there's customers waiting for their fucking food. He's such a retard, it's unbelievable. Yesterday he started to train me on drive thru, and he was like, "come here." I came there. He's like, "no come here" and points to an exact spot on the counter beside him. I seriously have never wanted to punch someone so hard in my life. I'm working with a giganticly tall, even stupider version of Tinnion again! RAWR. I think what I hate the most is that he's so patronizing, but when it comes right down to it, a girl who's been there a week is a better worker than him.

What. A. Tool.

other than that, though, I'm doing much better. I had coffee with Courtney this morning and we just talked and talked and talked. About Quinn, about the wedding and her moving in, about April and Lily, and her nephew Jace, about Mom. She read me a poem she wrote for Mom and I read her my huge vent. We both had a good cry. It was really nice.

Even Dream a Little Dream of Me is coming along. We've learnt the whole thing, it just needs refining and dynamics. I have to say, I'm frustrated with the pacing, though. We change time on our own like three times throughout, and I actually like it, except for our hesitant pauses just before we change time. I tried fixing it yesterday during rehearsal, but I still didnt like it. That's probably the thing that I'm going to hate about this song, because I doubt we'll ever get it the way I'll feel good about it. And if we do, it'll be with a lot more practice than what we have available before the show next week. Oh well...the song on the whole is sounding great. I'm missing singing the way we used to. The Collective hasn't done anything for so long, I miss it a lot. But this August, Sharon's new choir will start and I'll have my fix of harmonic goodness, woo! Y'all better come to our shows, and see how awesome we are! That's one great thing about starting a new choir. Collective will get a ton of chances for individual sets, because Sharon loves us and will want us to sing our own stuff at every opportunity, lol! And knowing Sharon, we'll have the opportunity for accompaniment a LOT more, which will make my year! A couple of weeks ago, I had a minor tussle with Collective because Geoff and I wanted to start doing more things with accompaniment (cause it would feel more professional) and Laura and Brianna wanted to stay a cappella. There's room for compromise there, I think. I adore a cappella stuff, and there will always be purely a cappella arrangements to do, but I do feel as often as possible we should sing with accompaniment. I mean, you guys know me...if it isn't good enough to get paid for, I don't wanna do it at all, lol!

I'm hoping with more shows, and more opportunity for PAYING shows under my belt, I'll have enough extra dollars to get myself some singing lessons. If I start studying under Sharon, then she'll want me to sing at the choir shows, and that's just more opportunity to get my own name well known in Nanaimo, right?

Life is going pretty darn good right now, I think. Singing onstage, despite my not being as good at it as acting, has always made me happier than anything, so I think I should make that a necessary thing. I love performance!

Wednesday, June 7th, Wellington Choir Year End Performance, feat. The Collective! Be there,
or be square! By donation.


Unknown said...

wow Greg sounds like a big douche. Sometimes our bosses are like that, well be so so sooo busy and instead of helping they go and do all this random unimportant stuff. oh well.

Anonymous said...

i agree

i think we should tp his house

oh... im a square.

VivaLaPinto said...

:D we should and you're only square if you don't turn up Wed June 7th. Then you'll be a square. ;D

Anonymous said...

well me saying im square... is my way of telling you i wont be making it.

VivaLaPinto said...
