Saturday, May 20, 2006

good bye

our friendship is over. you betrayed my trust and friendship beyond anything I've ever experienced before.

don't ever talk to me again.


Pineapple Princess! said...

awhattt??? WHen I left you you were fine, now we're ending friendships?!? with who? what happened? is there anything I can do?

Anonymous said...

... this isnt to me right alleah??

Because I don't think I could handle it if we weren't friends :(

Anonymous said...

*hugs you tightly* Come on MSN as soon as you see this.

Anonymous said...

oh... i see...

i checked my email... sorry for my above comment...

since you dont want to hear from me ...

Anonymous said...


Well, it's not the same anonymous as me. Dragons and all that.

Joe Guitar said...


Anonymous said...

uh no.. it was from me... but my comp wouldnt let me log in so i just posted it anonymously and forgot to type my name....