Friday, May 05, 2006


so, I've chilled with some friends, talked with a bud and sorted some shiz out which makes some things a lot easier, and had a super-great wrestling type time today with ppl I don't ordinarily see very often! That beign said, I'm still bored as hell,a nd don't have all that much to say, so I'm going to continue the guesssing game, and do a few more people who I felt bad about leaving out on the first one. it'll entertain me, and give you something new to read! everyone's happy!

1) I hope you turn out to be all that you seem. I hope you're not getting in too far over your head, considering that it's pretty unorthodox situation you're in. All I have to say is: you're welcome to stay, and if you hurt her, I'll kill you. :) *loves*!

2) I don't seem to have all that much to say to you anymore. Which is a shame, considering I value your friendship very much. You have some serious growing to do as a person, and I want you to know I'm here for you whenever you need me--that is, IF you need me.

3) I think you're great, and I wanna become better friends with you. That being said, you need to mature your actions and behavior a little more to get what you want out of life,a dn to get a little more respect from your peers. Don't worry, I believe in you. I think you'll blow us all away, when you succeed.

4) I have such a great time with you! We have great talks, have stuff in common, and I think you're a wonderful person. I hope next year, we can grow on that. :)

5)'re certainly something else. I don't think I've ever encountered an ego quite so encompassing, or as oblivious as yours. Open your eyes, and you'll do fine. Until that happens, you may be doomed.

6) I don't know if what you feel is genuine, or is coming from some kind of insecurity issue, but you need to stop thinking that way about me. You're great, but you're not the one for me. I'm really sorry, but you're not any one for me.

7) You are fake. You are unoriginal, untalented, and gross to boot. I hate that you were involved with someone so close to me, and I hope to never have to deal with you again. You better watch out, because one of these days you're going to push me past what I'm willing to put up with.

8) I wish I knew how you felt about me. I have no complaints about the way you treat me, I just wish we had a more genuine friendship. I'd love to be close to you.

9) What a great dude! You'll go so far in life, just because of your amazing attitude! Your coolness and positiveness is something I aspire to.

10) No one can say enough great things about you! I think you're excellent! I do kind of wonder what's going on underneath all that wonderful, though. You're an enigma, wrapped in a gorgeous human being.

11) Wow, you're complicated. For you it's not, 'what to say?', but 'how to say it?' I think you are talented, driven, and bound for success. I also think you're anal, self-destructive, and more than a little bit scary. I doubt this will help you in your career, and it's sure not going to win very much love from those around you. Calm down a little. That being said, I really dislike why you hate me. I feel like you've judged me unfairly, and I don't know why. Try not to forget that I didn't make this mess by myself. Or are you just content to place all the blame on me? If that's so, why? Are you scared of losing someone who you KNOW genuinely likes you for who you are? Or are you just that cruel, and tunnelvisioned, and dislike me just that much? If it's the second, and you really have always hated me, why did you pretend to be my friend? You confuse me a lot, and I hate it, because underneath all that scary, I think you're probably a really wonderful person.

12) Sometimes you confuse me, and then you make things all clear again. Then you confuse me all over again. It's infuriating, and yet endearing. You are so cool and nice and talented, I wish you all that life has to offer. And be mean to me all you want. Just don't forget that while I may not need it...everyone likes a little babying once in a while! ;)

13) I just can't pin you. Maybe it's because of who you are, and how great you seem, but I just can't decide what you really think about me. Rumours that have been passed my way don't help matters any, and I'd like to think that you're above the kind of nonesense I've heard you being accused of. But--what do I know? We've never been close. And somehow, I doubt we ever will be. *shrug* And that's ok, with me.

14) You're super-cool! And classy, in a dignified, respectful way. I like that about you. I don't like that I can't pin you either. Maybe that's just my own insecurity talking. whatev.

15) You are crazy. Plain and simple. Missing a few screws. One egg shy of an omelette. Not the most stable top in the toy box. You need to get over your insecurity. Why should I have to deal with it? It's your bag, sweetie. And you've gotta deal with it.


VivaLaPinto said...

wtf, a couple more:

16) You are one admirable woman. You have the strength, talent, willpower, and opportunity to succeed past most of our wildest dreams. I wish the very best for you, and I would be honored to be a closer friend to you. I respect you a lot.

VivaLaPinto said...

17) we got real complicated, real fast. I enjoy your company so much! I think you're kind, refreshing, talented, and fun. I just wish everything wasn't so goddamn weird between us. I miss feeling secure about our friendship, and after all that's come between us, I don't think I'll ever be able to again. One half of me wishes the best for you, the other half shall be smothered until it is dead. Good luck. You truly truly deserve it.

VivaLaPinto said...

18) You're a pitbull that has had it's face smashed in with a baseball bat, then pissed on, and left to marinate for a month. You dress yourself up in fancy clothes and makeup to hide the shriveled, ugly, pathetic little girl you've become. If the term twinkie is used for girls like you because of the similarities between sheer lack of nutritional value in the food, and sheer lack of human worth in the girl, you would fit the bill perfectly.

Rot in hell. Just because.

Ky said...

haha..that last one was crazy bad...geeze why dont you just do one about all the people you know...there i go being mean know which one is me!

VivaLaPinto said...

*lurves* for Kylan! :D

Pineapple Princess! said...

PLease tell me which if any is about me!!! its killing me that I dont know!!!

Anonymous said...

hmm im assuming im not on this one either.. because none of them grab me as being me. So yes.


Geoff kept trying to call your cell so you could hang out with us and everytime it was off :(

Akiyhrah said...

oh wow, there are a few in there I really hope aren't about me.... especally 7 and 18... O_o

Anonymous said...

I choose d) all of the above. My dragon told me I could.

VivaLaPinto said...

hahaha, Kailtyn! 18 is about no one any one klnows, I promise! lol! I was feeling frustrated after seventeen, so I decided to take it out on someone from my old high school. And I woud never ever think those terrible things about anyone in the program! seven, on the other hand is another's not you, but you do know them. And I'm not dishing anything until Girl's night.

And btw, my cell is off, because I have no money to pay my bill...I should have money within the next couple of days, though, so hopefully it will be turned on then. If any of you need to get ahold of me, my home phone is 741 0167, and I have no life, so I will be there forever. :)

(watch me get stalkers from putting my # on the internet!)

Richard said...

I am so 7,18 and 23 what's 23 you ask?
not only one of my favourite numbers

23: A dashing young fellow who is hiding the fact that he is indeed from another planet, and furthermore who's mission is to right all the wrongs with the human race in hopes of one day turning them into a super race which He will be able to control...Mwahaha.

<>< Ricky.

VivaLaPinto said...

goddamn it, Ricky, I sent my statement of you to your email so that I could get in your pants, NOT so the rest of my readership would know!!! Did you somehow misunderstand, "I want to f*** your brains out", for "tell everybody???"


Richard said...

*pumps fist wildly*
*rips off pants and runs towards your house buck naked*

<>< Ricky.

VivaLaPinto said...

PS: Mel, you are on there. Ang, sorry but you aren't, and I don't think I can drum up enough people to do another one! I'd have to start dishing on the Libratorbs and I barely know them! I hardly think my passing judgement ont hem this early si fair! And Amber, you are most definitely on there. :)

Laura said...

hmm. wondering if i'm on here. doubt it, but let me know if i am!

VivaLaPinto said...

yes, Laura, yes you are. :)