Thursday, May 18, 2006

ice cream, and beach sunsets

my shirt is on backwards, and I just don't care. take that.

So yesterday, I was on msn, with Chris, and he somehow interpreted directions to my house (for the party) as "come over now" and showed up at my house around three thirty. He had just bought a new bong, and was obsessed with breaking it in, so we left my place, and headed up to Lantzville to find people to hang out with, so Chris could smoke his bong.

We got to his place, (which is GORGEOUS, btw! pool, deck, hot tub, nice yard; I say next party is at his place!) and called Olives, who decided to meet us at a school in Lantzville. We were on msn with a bunch of peeps, like Glenn, and Brianna, and Chris' ex, Leah. We tried getting them to come with us, but only Leah decided to come. It was funny, when she got there, and we hung out, I kept making jokes that Chris was building an army of ex-girlfriends. We walked by Mel's house, and I wanted to invite her to be part of the army. It would have been funny!

Later, after a Brown Cow shared between the three of us, and some me putting a mousie down my shirt, and then letting it poop on Chris, we headed off to the park, and met Olives. We made our way to the log pit, and smoked some pot. It took me no time at all to get stoned. I had two hits, and was giggly all ready! tsk. lol! (btw, I have a mosquito bite, and I have a feeling it was from the foresty log pit; unimpressed!)

We walked to the Lantzville Store, where Chris bought us candies, and ice cream. Then we walked to a beach and ate the ice cream. That was very yummy ice cream. It was so pretty there, but there were these kayakers...annoying kayakers. ick. and annoying old people talking to the annoying kayakers. ick. The sun started setting and it was so pretty. Like totally gorgeous. I had wanted to go skinny-dipping, but by that time, I probably would drowned, stoned and filled with ice cream as I was.

Instead, we walked back to the log pit, where we smoked more weed. After that, Olives took Leah home, and then we returned to Chris' to play some Super Smash Bros! Awesome!! I guess I was zoning out in the car, cause Chris and Olives kept making fun of me. *shrug* We played Super Smash Bros until about tenthirty. Chris and Olives kept beating me soooo bad except for ONE time, when I prevailed. W00T!!!! However, it was only once. Shiz. Nitch.

After that, Olives drove me the whole way home, which was sooooo nice of him! I put a movie on, and ended up falling asleep REALLY uncomfortably on the couch. I woke up at some point in the night, and drank like a quarter of a two litre of ice tea. I was SO THIRSTY. Quinn woke me up to bitch at me for drinking his ice tea. (big surprise)

Lately it seems like all Quinn ever does is bitch at me. Twenty-four seven. It is getting EXEPTIONALLY irritating. He thinks that because he payed rent last month, it makes the house ALL HIS. Completely forgetting the fact that for the previous three months he's lived here, I payed all the rent every single month, AND gave him a two thousand dollar loan. Mother fucker. Yes, he's REALLY getting on my nerves.

Last night I had a dream that my sister Sherayna got married--to another woman. that is all.


Queen of Hearts said...

sounds like an almost perfect summer day... just doing whatever whenever.. i need one of those.. one day when i don't work and you don;t work we should hang out or soemting... you can come over and we can walk around and find people... and play on the swings... i dunno .. ttyl

Anonymous said...

indeed it does sound like a blast... i dont know how fun smoking pot is... i dont really want to know... so i will take your word for it that its fun.

As for lisa's idea to play on swings... i so want to do that!!!
I wanted to play in the playground once when i was with geoff... and he was all too mature for that... it made me sad... so I didnt get to play.

Joe Guitar said...

Yah that's what brothers are for though. Sound like a kick ass day.

VivaLaPinto said...

geoff's a tard, if he thinks he's too mature for that! He played on the swings a couple weeks ago at Collective Martini night. nerdface.

and Lisa, there's a school close to my house, so we should totally wander around, and play on the swings one day! :) we'll have a sweet summery type day!

Anonymous said...

well then... my only explanation is that geoff simply hates me... and doesnt want to have fun with me


barbara_mary said...

I think the explanation is that my dear hubby is crazy, not that he hates you. Hate is such a messed up word.

Anonymous said...

fine... he doesnt hate me...

he dislikes me immensely

-Charlie- said...

swings are different. She wanted me to climb on the jungle gym or something. That takes way too much effort.

VivaLaPinto said...

no, he doesn't hate you he's just Satan. that's the only explanation. he wants your soul.

I guess that would make Satan my homeboy.

Geoff, are you Satan? and my homeboy?