Friday, May 26, 2006

no longer broke!

or the owner of Tika the Dog. yes, I finally did it. We finally gave her to the SPCA. I cried. A lot. I don't know why, she wasn't mine, I didn;t raise her, although somehow I managed ending up with the care of her. So not cool, it's just not cool.

Then we went to Timmies, and Quinn bought me a coffee. Without even complaining that it was a cappacino! :) That made me feel better. Hung out with Court's sister and a ridiculously cute child. (no young small human being has the right to look that cute, when they're all devil spawn)

Then we went to Crazy Eights, while I checked my account, and lo and behold for the first time since late March, TWENTY FUCKING DOLLARS CAME OUT! fuck yeah! I am no longer broke. I bought blank cd's, a cd wallet and a couple of wooden light switch framer thingies which me and Brianna are going to paint. Because I say so. w00t w00t!

Ace called me this morning, and told me I was Kenny from South Park. His reason for this being, he's been watching an unhealthy amount of that show lately, and he watched the commentary on the seasons he just bought, and someone asked the creators why they always killed Kenny, and the answer was: "because he's poor" So, according to Ace, God is the creators of South Park, and I am Kenny. *sigh* that boy needs less caffeine.

He also told me he missed feeling good about himself because compared to how shitty my life is, his is excellent. Does anybody else want to kick him a little?

jk, jk! I *heart* you and your evil evil ways, Ace. *punch*


Unknown said...

once u start south parking u just cant stop.. gad dammit!

Anonymous said...

hahah i thought about you being kenny last night while i watched south park

VivaLaPinto said...

haha, you guys!