Friday, May 12, 2006

OMG, who hasn't posted in a long time, yeah that would be ME!

so, my laptop is so super excellent! I've been downloading a ton of music on it. Well, maybe not a ton. BVut lots of stuff that I haven't heard in a while cause I didn't have it on a CD. And now I can make my OWN cd's!!!

The last few days have been filled with me forgetting that people were coming over, and then being a preoccupied hostess, lol! Amanda, my BF from elementary school came over yesterday, and I had no idea, until the dog started going ape shit upstairs, while I was messing around on my computer! We hung out--on the computers! Then after she left, Sean came over, expecting to chill and watch movies, cause he always comes over on the weekends to waqtch movies. I ended up torturing him with my freezing hands (from being on the computer all day!) He left when Geoff, and Amber and Brianna came over, and sat in my den--while I downloaded musack on my computer. Geoff and Brianna insulted my taste in my music for a while, while Amber tried to figure out how to get back to Quali. lol! I'm such an unbelievable loser!

I'm going to have to try to stay off of it long enough to clean my room for the girls night this weekend. I'm sooooo excited.

In other updates, I'm going absolutely NUTZ about my lack of a credit card! All I wanna do is buy shiz off the internet, and I can't!!!! RAWR! Oh well. Hopefully Laura McNaught will bring her recipe for that drink thing, and I can lose weight by eating nothign but that (and coffee--cause I wanna) for a long time. It will be cheaper, too! Which is good, because I am so broke.

I don't think I'm going to get any money this summer from Student Loans. So that means I have to get a job. NOW. If any of you have an actual surefire job to offer me, I'll take it! I don't care where it is, or what it is! I will scrub toilets for twelve hours a day, every day for the rest of the summer if it means I'll be able to pay my bills! :( I'm actually really scared about funds in a way I haven't been for quite a while... All this financial insecurity is making my Alberta trip not look so good. Not happy. not happy not happy not happy. I don't even have bus money.

Anyways. That is my life right now. Exciting, hey?

current music --> Bowl of Oranges- Bright Eyes


Kahloke said...

There are tons of other ice-cream joints in Vancouver, apart from the one whose owner you freaked out.


VivaLaPinto said...
