Wednesday, May 03, 2006

putting words in our mouths

Add your own speech bubbles below!


VivaLaPinto said...

ok, the image sucks a little, but Steven's bubble says, "I winder if I can fit Alleah's entire head in my mouth" and Eric's says, "Something sounds like an evil midget--do you guys hear that too?"

Brianna said...

OKay, I totally get credit for making up the first two!

Anonymous said...


Alleah: OH NOES! I must put a stop to Eric's evil ways using the ancient Pointer Finger And Thumb Flying Tiger-Dragon-Lion-Koala Attack that my master taught me before he died! What diabolical schemes he could be thinking of while we pause here in suspended animation!

Eric: *humming the circus melody*

VivaLaPinto said...

:D Even the French judge, would go, "I like it!"