Tuesday, May 02, 2006


All these nameless opinion posts that keep popping up make me nervous. I love that we can get those unmentioned feelings and opinions out, but on a personal level, it scares the pee out of me! I love pretty much everyone I hang out with and see everyday, and most of the people who I don't see every day. That being said, of course there's things that bug me about people, and that little game was nice to get it out and off my chest. I think that's true for everyone who did it. But it still scares me a lot. What if all those angry egotistical loud crude comments were about me? I could see it. All I can ask is if those of you who read this blog posted an "unimpressed" comment about me, please email me privately, and tell me what you dislike about me. Cause that's the only way I'll be able to change those unsavory qualities, really.

When it comes right down to it, I *heart* all of you a whole lot, even when you piss me off sometimes. There are very few people I truly truly hate. And I would hate to think that anyone I respect, admire, like, whatever, thinks I'm a tool. Never forget that the bad about everybody is like garbage. It's meant to be gotten rid of.

Anyways. Sunshine, and rainbows for all. blech. :)


Ky said...

i have one of you...but i aint gonna tell you cause i think its fairly obvious which one you are...:P....i *heart* you too

VivaLaPinto said...

:D yes, yours makes me happy and reassures me. *hugs*

Anonymous said...

i dont think any of the egotistical ones were about you huns so dont worry

i read through yours and commented as well ^_^

and i agree about being a little worried... but I doubt many of them are and its vain for me to think so.

Kaitlyn and I (over msn) went through them all and made our guesses for who each one is about hee hee

Anonymous said...

And now a message from the President of the United states of America Mr George W Bush.

Hello Alleah George w here. Sadly this has to be the last post I will make on your Blog. I can see how getting messages from the President would be creepy - he's a kind of a guy. Besides I was starting to ramble about pintowowzone in my sleep and that would wake up the other patients on my ward and then the doctors would come and electrocute me and lock me in the dark place and tell me that I'm not really George Bush, I've never attended a naked barbeque and I've never met a single Thai ladyboy in my life.
Anyway, it's been a pleasure, keep up the good work and all the best in love and life.


George BZZZZZZ ouch! Geoerge W BZZZZ Ouch ! George W Bush BZZZZZZZZZZZZ Urgh

Anonymous said...

awww no more messages from him!!!

and no clue who he truly is either... how sad :(

VivaLaPinto said...

dismay, and unhappy! I shall shed one single tear for you, and I will make it a good tear, my good friend, George W.


VivaLaPinto said...


Corita said...

actually, most of mine are not about specific people, just stuff I feel like yelling. *I am pmsing* Your specific comment, if I had to pick one, would be the one about being a lovable dawk :P

VivaLaPinto said...

aahahahahahaha! I am a "dawk", aren't I? lol!