Wednesday, May 17, 2006

sometimes I feel like a walking vagina

yeah, that's right. I am merely a sexual organ. Sometimes it bugs me, sometimes it doesn't, but it feels like all guys fall in love with me because of sex. I sometimes feel as if, the only reason guys I date miss me is because of the sex, and the only reason they occasionally return is for the sex. I wish I knew what kind of girl a guy would stay with because of the person. I wish I'd spent more time developing my person skills, instead of my sex skills.

ick. me = gross


Anonymous said...

first off you are not gross!!

and secondly, i understand completely how you feel... thats why i made my new years resolution to stay away from anything sexual... and im much happier about it. It's hard to tell if a guy likes you for you or because you put out, especially when you give in to the temptation quickly. But alleah, you are an amazing person with a great personality and tons of humor... so I'm sure they arent always after sex... but that is one of the reasons why you being a single pinto will help you learn all this. Though I think to help with the single pinto-ness you should lay off sexual activities for awhile. I think that should be your goal for this friday. Okay I typed a lot already... so I should stop... Oh and im still trying to figure out a way to come to the party this friday. I won't rest till I figure it out!!! RAR!!

VivaLaPinto said...

no, I agree Amber. And I think you should make sure I don't. I shall have good clean single fun, whilst my bedroom is dirtied by others. Juts remind me to soak my bedding in bleach the next morning, k?

(one good thing about disappearing into my room halfway thru a party; made certain no one else used it, lol!)

Anonymous said...

thats right huns! look on the bright side of things. and I promise... i will be your mother hen (like on the tag body spray commercials) if I make it to your party ^_^ I don't plan on drinking much if I do get to come.

Olives said...

I agree with Amber on this. I think if you feel like that you should lay off the sexual activities for a little bit. If you want to know why guys stay with girls, you should just talk to the guy. Seems kinda lame but conversations during relationship (Or wouldbe relationships) help wonderfully.
And Hey, your on your way to developing a better you, so why not use that opportunity to make better 'person' skills. And think, sex skills are going to be useful forever, person skills will be changing all the time. Anyways, I'll hopefully see you on friday. I really want to go, but my friend, Halley, is coming over from vancouver for the weekend, so it's up to her if we go.

Anonymous said...

If you're being treated like a walking vagina, then maybe you're being with walking penises?

Akiyhrah said...

That's why I don't have sex. I want to make sure that there is more than just lust in my relationships. You should try it. Next time you hook up with a guy, make sure it doesn't lead to sex. If he really wants you cuz he likes you, then he'll come back, despite not getting laid.

jordanibanez said...

In my defense, I never treated you merely as a vagina, and you know this.

Anonymous said...

Although the sex was good, really good, I'd say your defining attribute that really did it for me was your sence of humour and your passion for life. I dont fall in love from sex, I fell in love with an amazing person who made me laugh and smile and thats why I had so much trouble getting over you. Im so grateful for (and I think I would be lost without) the friendship we still share and it's for you being an amazing person. No sex involved. Honest comment #12.

VivaLaPinto said...

heh heh! Thank you Ace, and no Jordan you didn't. I didn't want to put specifics into that post, because it wasn't 100% true. My boyfriends didn't always TREAT me like a walking vagina. It's just how it feels sometimes.

Good times last night Olives, with Chris and Leah! I want more of that ice cream...mmmm that was extremely yummy! I hope Leah comes to Friday night, cause she's awesome. I totally wanna hang out with her more.