Tuesday, May 16, 2006

sunbathing half naked/ Ace's 10 Honest Statements

so the girls night was super awesome! Meghan, Lisa, Laura McNaught, Mel, Barbara, Amber and Michelle all came, and we had a sweet night. Laura made martinis, and we played I Never, and then we gave ourselves MAC makeovers. (sorry, Mel!) Mel and I slept i9n my bed and talked about aliens until five in the morning! lol

--but if there WERE a race of sentient rogue dinosaur aliens, how would we make contact???

--what was I saying about brontasauri?

The next morning, Amber woke me up at seven AM (urg) to help her catch her bus. Everyone laughed when I walked into the living room, because apparently, I looked tousled, and grumpy. Michelle gave Amber a ride to the bus, and I came with, earning a breakfast sandwich from Brianna's favorite workplace. :) Then everybody left, except for Michelle, who chilled at my place until she had to leave at eleven for work. Courtney discovered her sketchbook, and found a drawing she loved which Michelle gave to her. w00t.

Later, after all had gone home, Courtney and I went to SouthGate Plaza, so she could buy some shiz, and I could look for work. Got an interview today at four, woo-hoo! go me. dropped off resumes at a bunch of places.

At one, I walked home, and gave Ace a call, and we decided to hang out. I made my way to his place, and we walked to Timmies, where he bought me an Ice Cap! awesome! I'd been craving one, h-core. While at Timmies, he bugged me to know who he was on my honest statements, so instead of telling him, I made him write one of his own. He of course had neither the attention span, nor room on the bus schedule to write fifteen, so he only wrote ten.

Here are Ace's Honest Statements:

1) I've never enjoyed being someone's bitch so much. I hope you're right about me.

2) I'll never ever ever stop loving you with all my being.

3) I feel sorry for you, but only because I've been there. You're still pathetic.

4) You are the epitome of striking. It hurts everytime I see you, but I know I'll never be with you. I'm always smiling. (non sequitor much, Ace? jeex)

5)I don't hate you, it's just awkward.

6) You are so awesome, and I know you'll go far. You will forever be a huge part of me and I'll be there for you whenever you need it.

7)Damn you are funny. I've never been more sorry.

8) You truly are amazing. I think you saved me from myself. Thank you, I am forever indebted to you. Why are you so good to me?

9) I wish you didn't drink.

10) You are the biggest influence on me ever. I will be you friend and always comb my hair like yours forever. Thank you.

So, most of the people who wrote honest statements won't get at least half of those. I know them all of course, because I am magnificent. hahahar. The one he wrote for me has a lot of scribble-outs on it, and that bugs me. He said the only honest thing he could say about me was that I'd go far. That bugged me too.

Anyways, we walked around downtown a bit, went to see Michelle at the Sake House. That was super. She offered me lunch, but for some reason I was feeling anorexic, and liked it. Odd. Today I am hella hungry, though, so I guess I'm making up for it. I just gorged myself on Jello, and now feel happy.

So Ace and I went to A&B Sound so he could buy a CD (or two :P) and waited for Michelle to finish her shift. Finally when she was done, we started heading to her van, and along the way we bumped into Alex! w00t and a half! After that, Michelle gave me a ride home, and I forced Ace to see my new rearranged living room.

Last night I fell asleep around seven PM, or some shiz like that. It was stupid. But I slept excellently, and awoke this morning around seven fifteen feeling chipper, and joyous, so I guess it did it's job.

I've been sunbathing naked on my porch all morning, and let me tell you, it is so fucking hot out today. It's May, and I am perfectly happy in my freezing ass den wearing naught but panties and a shirt done up with one button. :P put that in your pipe and smoke it!

So, in other news, party here this Friday night! Bring booze, and good times shall ensue!


-Charlie- said...

While I don't really care what Ace thinks, curiosity demands that I wonder who they are.

tashalaughs said...

dear sexy. i like that 'sex' is in your interests. like you make a science out of it or something. ah, i've said too much.

looooooooooove me

Anonymous said...

im not sure i can come to the party.,.. which sucks because i have been waiting for one since the last exam we took,...


VivaLaPinto said...

lol, Tasha! I have gotten sex down to a science, haven't you heard? I am a bonafide sex-pert. (shoot me in the face now for having said that)
