Friday, June 02, 2006

Amber had a dream!!!

and it shall be analysed, post-haste. This is her dream and once you read it, I shall analyse it as best I can! :) (erm, and I posted below, so don't forget to check that one out too...HOT DONNA!)

My book says that being an audience member in a creative display (in a dream) can represent the need to draw inspiration from others. In that case, it doesn't surprise me that me Geoff and Kaitlyn were in your dream. We're all in the theatre program, we're probably the closest Mals to you, and it makes sense that we're the ones you draw insiration from. My book also said that the artistic nature of performance dreams can sometimes yeild good ideas; exactly why we should TOTALLY make a short of your dream!!!! With a dummy dressed as me that morphs into Kaitlyn! lol!

Nothing really jumped out at me when I read Successes and Failures, but it strikes me that when I forgot my line in your dream, I was failing and when no one else could help me, you came through and SUCCEEDED at helping me succeed with my line. It didn't say what that represented though.

:O OMG! My book says that dancing in a dream can represent sexual courtship or intercourse....!!!! ACK! Amber, take a look at how you were feeling when you saw me and Geoff dancing...if you were unhappy, maybe in real life you're jealous of a percieved relationship or bond between me and him. Me and Geoff are really good friends...btu we are CERTAINLY not doing it! lol!!!
Also in successes and failures, it said that hurdles may stand in your way, which represent a particular challenge facing the dreamer in real life. In your dream, you were pushing through the audience to make your way to the stage, ostensibly to congratulate us, but I have a feeling there was a deeper meanign there as well. I suppose, in your case, it would represent your fighting the desire to be pushed along with the "audience" and forget about being onstage and just ahve yourself a normal life, but you push your way against them--I would say because you want to be onstage so much. Eventually you get to the stage in you dream, but you come up from underground, and nobody's there...that's a pretty specific sequence, and I'll research that further before I publish this post. What it says to me (and this is purely my opinion, mind you) is that, you WANT to be an actress, and you're fighting your way there, but...well I don't know what the underground part is...maybe it's a warning against choosing unconventional "*underground*" routes to make it in acting. It's a warning ebcause when you get there, you're alone. I suppose going underground represents ways of getting there in your profession that are less than honest...or something. I would categorize (and I'm not saying you would or WILL do this, it's just what is suggested to me) sleeping your way to the top, backstabbing, lying, basically getting what you want decietfully under "sinking underground." And then eventually, you GET to the stage, so your dream is saying, even if you do make it with this underground method, you'll still be alone. Which would obviously represent, having no friends to enjoy it with. Someone who makes their way in life by lying and cheating, probably has lost their true friends long before they actually got where they wanted to be. So maybe this part of the dream is a warning against that. Maybe instead of sinking underground, you should keep fighting your way through the audience, or even JUMP way over their heads (cause in a dream everything is possible) to make it to the stage. :) You can do it Amber. I believe in your audience-fighting capabilities!!! lol

OH DUDE! Tripping and falling (like how you did when you tried to save me/Donna, "emerges as a reminder of failure to take care of the most basic aspects of life." The book also says that dreamers rarely find hitting the ground distressing; they either don't hit it, or it doesn't bother them. I'm assuming it didn't hurt you in your dream when you fell, so that would be a reminder that disasters don't always lead to long-term harm. Now the fact, that someone else was falling in your dream probably represents the failure or fall of a friendship...and you ran to save it, and tripped and fell. It's a reminder that friendships take work I guess, and that you have to remember the basic aspects of friendships, so that you can make it there in time to save me or Donna the next time. That's just MY interpretation, I dunno if anyone agrees with me. The whole of this part of the dream suggests to me, the whole nexopia situation we had on our hands a little while ago. My and your friendship was failing becausde of somethign that I thought, and you tried to save it. Now you tripping and falling I would say represents either your failure to do so (but I don't think so, cause we're still friends) or the reminder that unless you take care of more basic details (making sure you have rides home after parties; not getting so upset :P) you COULD fail to do so. But it's ok, your dreams says, because even if you do fail, it may seem like your life is ending now, but in the long-term, you'll be ok. And look what happened! You're ok, now.

Ok, so...this is again, my interpretation of what the book said. I'm reading about relationships in dreams, and a friend that morphs into a stranger subbests ambivilance on the dreamer's part towards the retlationship. In your case, I ( a pretty good friend) turned into Donna (your best friend) after I fell from the catwalk. I think this is a representation of real life, of what has already happened. You adn I were good friends at the start of the year, and then halfway through, we kind of grew apart--our friendship "fell" a little. But out of that, you got to be better friends with Donna and Geoff. So me turning into Donna is that although I fell, our friendship petering off, cleared the way for a better one with Donna! That is totally my interpretation and has only the SLIGHTEST relationship to what I was reading. just a little disclaimer there! lol!

The book also say that dreams about friends and people you know in real life are just representations and not portrayals of the actual friends, although there are exceptions. In my opinion, I think this is one of the exceptions, where we as characters in your dreams are playing ourselves, but representing situations and ideas that involve us in your waking life. However, I may find more in the second book abotu that, so there may be more about that before I publish this post.

Teeny tiny little note, something I found that may apply: when you wanted to (but couldn't) call 911, that's a hospital reference, therefore probably a representation of a desire to relinquish control when things get too hairy for you to handle. Now, if I'm right about this, then this has a great deal of significance in relationship to the rest of the dream. 1st things 1st: I had fallen from the catwalk (and then morphed into Donna, but I don't think that part has much relevance) and you'd tried to save me, but tripped. Ok, so obviously your dream has told you that our relationship could (has/will) fall, and unless you work at the little things that make all the difference, you won't be able to save it. Then you try to call 911, no one's around. Your dream is telling you that even though you WANT to relinquish control, and feel overwhelmed by the situation and want someone to take care of it for you, YOU CAN'T. you can't you can't you can't. I think that this is your subconscious' way of giving you a strong kick in the ass. Which is good! You know what you have to do, then. So now, all that's left is to do it! :) And it won't be so hard. You have me and Geoff and Donna and others to help you!

Ok, the leash thing intrigued me and amde me want to analyse this right from the start so I'm going to give it my all right now. First thing I read was the Captivity section in my dream book. It had nothing that jumped out at me, so I'm just going to make some connections on my own. So--Freud says that dreams of being tied up represent repressed sexual fantasies dating back to childhood, and while I think dreams have many themes in them, I also think Freud's a douche. So we won't listen to him. One thing that I noticed about your being on the leash was that you made no mention of wanting to break free...this says to me that whatever your subconscious is associating in real life to being captive, it's not something that you're particularly scared of, or bothered by. The fact that me and Geoff were leading you, is one of those examples I think where the character represents aspects of life, NOT the actual person. Let's think about this for a sec: At first you're being lead by Geoff. Now I know you two are pretty good friends, and you also have this weird thing where you insult each other all the time. I'm sure this is all fun and games, but I'm also sure that on some level, (just like my mom always used to tell me, lol!) both of you are hurt by it. I think that in this section of the dream, the figure of Geoff represents something about your own personality, or psyche (as does the figure of me) and you feel bound by it...but strangely this is ok, to you. I dunno about Geoff, but the representation of me leading you could represent your own ambition, and your feeling tied to it. It makes sense to me, because I'm such an overtly ambitious person, that your subconscious ties me to the idea. Geoff...well I just don't know. Maybe creativity...maybe social graces...actually I'm full of shit when it comes to you on Geoff's leash. I have no idea. lol. yeah, neither book had anything particularly great on leashes, or captivity or imprisoned...I'll search it on the internet and see what I find...I'll edit this post when I do.

So hopefully that helped! I found a lot of conflicting stuff, in relation to your dream. For instance theatre was dealt with as a total symbol in one book, and I just didn't see it applying to you. The stage is our life, so there's no symbolism there other than in the smaller details. The fact that a stage was the stage of your dream just says that the stage is the common backdrop of your waking life. For this dream, the goodies were all in the details. :) Give me feedback, everybody, wether you think I'm pretty much right, or full of shit! woo!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

awww i didnt think you read my dream since you didnt comment... you did far more than i thought you would!!

thank you for analyzing it... i like knowing what dreams mean...

and I do feel that some of your conclusions are right... the friendship stuff... though I wouldn't say kaitlyn is my best friend... just a little closer to me than you.

I dont remember what I was feeling when you and Geoff were dancing... but the sets were breaking... does that have any significance?

the stage thing... about sleeping my way up, or betraying or backstabbing or anything negative like that... i dont think would happen.

hee hee screw freud.
I love that you did this though alleah... its so helpful and must have ate up some of your free time. I wish one of us knew what geoff leading me by the leash was supposed to mean... but i think your analyzation of you leading me by the leash is acurate.

thank you so much alleah.. and if you have anything more to add to it... or if you do edit this... let me know!!!