Thursday, June 08, 2006


well, my internet's been being a skanky ho bag for the past couple of days, but it has been restored, so my posting can conitinue. :)

wow, there are a LOT of skeezes out there. CREEEPY. Guys, take note: if you want a girl to take off her clothes....DON'T do a Tom Green impression. *shrug* it's just common sense.

Tonight, was the year end choir concert, which went beautifully. I was still fucking up this ONE interval between the bridge, and the third verse right up until yesterday when I finally I was singing, and I just went "FUCK you! Whatever I start singing, it's probably gonna be sing something else! ANYthing else!" And it worked! I now can sing the interval between that skanky ass whore of a bridge (but a beuatiful BEAUTIFUL bridge) and the rest of the song! Go me!

Ace and Michelle came. Ace was drunk. I don't care what HE says, he was drunk. I could smell it on his breath. :P but he told me we should start singing more jazz, which was really surprising, cause I thought he'd like Somebody to Love a LOT more. *shrug* whatev, I don't have any problems, as long as we don't ever do ANYTHIGN Brianna suggests ever again! :P jk, but seriously! She wanted us to do My Guy, too...and me and Laura were reminiscing today about My Guy, I don't think we've ever sunk lower. lol! I'm just kididng, it was a fun day. BGut I still hate that song. :P

In other news, Sharon got me to fill in everywhere during the concert. So I was turning pages for the Teds, and I played them their note at the beginning of the concert. And of course The Collective (formerly known as Chordgasm) sang their set and ROCKED the house! lol. I think the audience was getting a little sick of hearing Sasja and The Choir. :P God, I hate her lack of blending. In fact, pretty much everything about her annoys the hell out of me. *shrug* what can you do.

OMG, one of the Teds, was so cute in an I-want-to-take-you-home-on-a-leash kind of way. The other one I've known since he was in elementary so that was just weird. It was like...what are you DOING accompanying MY choir! Where's Brad??? But the other was so cute. I felt bad, yesterday during dress, I fucked up and turned the page too far ahead during Remember Me and he slowed tempo cause he didn;t know where he was, and Sharon kinda gave him the what-for about it. And I'm sitting there going *cringe* that was so my fault. :( oh, well, I think he forgave me. must have been the satsuma body butter I wore yesterday! :P

And then tonight got hit on by a nex boy because my tube dress made it look like I was naked. oh god. seriously will someone shoot me? RIGHT in the face? (I'm gonna punch you in the ovaries. Right in the baby maker. How do ya like that?)

I dyed my hair. It looks pretty great. A LOT redder than I wanted, but that's ok.


amyleigh said...

alleah, just so you know--you are really frustratingly yet irresistably likeable...SIGH. HOW DO YOU DO IT!

VivaLaPinto said...

aww, Amay! I dunno how I do it...overbearing, occasionally brutal honesty, maybe? :P jk. I'm glad you're not mad at me, even though I'm a terrible person.

We need to hang out more. I'm taking a roadtrip to Tofino this summer, so I'll definitely try to see you while I'm there. But we definitely have to have a chill sesh really soon, cause I miss you and your Twinly Mormon ways! lol. I read your blog today and got so nostalgic about the Avalon, I almost cried.

And you're way more likeable than I am, so don't forget that. I'm a tad awful, but you're great. :)

Anonymous said...

dude.. you died your hair too??

i did mine... last week before going to Aldergrove... man ... it doesnt seem like that was a week ago.