Saturday, June 10, 2006

geoff let me drive and i crashed his car


JUST KIDDING!!!!! lol! Actually he met me drive and I totally rocked his world!!! k, that sounded sexual. it wasn't that at all. I just kicked some serious ass! Although I did run his car a little teeny bit off the road! :P A couple of bunnies were scared! :)

We went and saw Arrivals and Departures at the Bailey tonight. Everyone did so great! Especially Jen Schaper. My respect for her went up as ton tonight. I really thought she was the best actor onstage. Oh and she did the funniest thing ever! She had this stewardess monologue (which I SO wanna steal) and she was totally psycho, and she looked right at me ( I was in te front row) and was like "Can the lady with the nice designer boots PLEASE take them off? Everybody lean to left!" Shane took off his sandals and started leaning like crazy, it was so funny!

Later tonight me and him are gonna drop in on the cast party. I wanna talk to the guy who did the cell phone skit. Boy was he ever amazing. I just wanted to jump up onstage and give him a hug! :D

Anyways, that's all I wanted to say. ;)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hahahah wow

i also drove yesterday, but I didn't crash anyones car.