Sunday, June 04, 2006

PintoDate: I murdered a fork because I hate myself.

snicker! Remember that birthday surney? I ran over a permanent marker because I'm sexy and do what I want? well ^^^ is today's date.

Anyways, had my first shift at Food Country! I am now a meat-slicing, wage-haggling so-cool-you-wanna-hire-her-on-the spot Pinto! yes, I work in the deli. LOTS of meat-slicing, and some salad-serving, and a bunch of cleaning. Highlight of the night? Shoving skewers up raw chicken bums.

No. Seriously.

Lol! It was the grossest/funnest/funniest thing I've ever done at a job, lol! And the weirdest thing is, raw chiken bum looks like a real bum. Like a person bum. So you look at the chicken bum, imagine it with the head of the person you hate the most (at that point, it was Steve, cause he was being a bastard about my shifts), and then you SHOVE the skewer up the bum, and then it doesn't always go on all the way the first time, so you put your hand at the top of the skewer, and the you BANG the skewer down on the counter, and the chicken goes SQUIRT and slides down the skewer.

mwa-ha-ha-ha...this Pinto is now officially licensed to torture by skewer. :)

The girl who trained me is AWESOME! So much fun! She showed me everything and explained really well, and helped me when I didn't know something, and I was serving customers like an old pro by the end of a half an hour! :) It was awesome! And I saw the CUTEST boy there! He looked at me much longer than necessary, which gave me a thrill, but it was probably either curiosity at a random new face, or gas. That's what I've decided. And others there are cool, too. Most of them are quiet and don;t talk to you, but on my smoke break, I talked with a cashier who seemed a little scary, but mostly nice, and a guy named Joe from the meat department. woo-hoo! I also met a guy who has been banned from the store for sexual harrassment. He leered at me. Like ten minutes later, I saw him being escorted from the store. lol!

It just makes me happy, cause I ENJOY working there! I work with nice girls, and Laura, who trained me, says that she loves working there, cause all the people are so great, and the job is pretty easy and relaxing.

She kept being like, practically astonished at everything I did, lol. Like, I cleaned something, and I held it up for her, and asked it it could get any cleaner, and she was like, "No! That's perfect!" And then just burst out laughing, which made me feel GREAT, lol! And she was telling me I was doing really really well with learning everything. The whole thing seems really easy, though. Figure out which chunk of meat the customer is talking about, slice that fucker up, and weigh it until it's around what the customer asked for, enter the code, print the reciept, bag the meaty goodness, and give it to them. SO easy.

I need to stop typing lol after everything I say, lol. NBVJKLCXZBVZ.KSDJBV;> fuck. I'm NOT erasing it.

In other news, my uniform is too big. Like always.


Laura said...

oh i'm so happy you found another job, alleah!!!!!!!!!

Joe Guitar said...

I used to work in that Deli!! Is mama Sue still working there? Cuz if so say hi for me.

Richard said...

Your uniforms too big, because when they look at you they think about how they are gonna fit all that awesome into one uniform so they grab something too big!
It has nothing to do with stature I assure you.

<>< mantrain

VivaLaPinto said...

:D hahaha! oh, how I love you, my salmon-y friend! lol!

And Jordan, Sue IS working there! I haven't worked with her yet, but I will say hi as soon as I can! lol!

oh yeah, PS: my life just got a whole lot happier!the 'Dub canned me! :) Fuckers.

Anonymous said...

whoa dude... i swear i was just reading a new blog you posted... and then when i went to comment it disappeared....

i think i might be tired... or insane....

Anonymous said...

oh and i commented on your interpertation of my dream, just so you know :D

VivaLaPinto said...

:D hahahaha! I did post, lol! but then I erased it edit it. I shall post again. :)

Anonymous said...

hahahha ok, so I wasn't imagining things

Unknown said...

my little sis got a job in a deli too and loves it.. seems like the place to be......
and isnt everyone's uniform too big? lol

ShellRae said...

That's great that you got another job! So important to have a job that you enjoy and that pays well I'm glad you're happy. Over the hedge was great, I also recommend RV, I know it looked cheesy but oh so funny....Big Rolling Turd....hahaha. Have a good one

-Charlie- said...

OMIGOD! I'm on at Geoff's and his frickin mouse is LEFTHANDED!!! I keep rigbht clicking everything...except it's left clicking...but it's a rightclick!!!!! BAHAHAHDHVZJKVHLUFBH;A!

plus it feels really weird to be on an actual keyboard instead of a laptop, and there IS a mouse instead of my normal touchpad! WEIRD!

(oh, btw, it's Alleah, but I'm way too lazy to sign out and in again)